Belajar Bahasa Inggris dari Surat Kabar: "Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil"


Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil to design mosque in Palestine

Palestinian-based humanitarian organization Aman Palestina has invited Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil to design a mosque in the war-torn country, following a meeting in the West Java provincial capital on Monday. 

"I was asked to design one of the small mosques there because they know I like to design mosques," Ridwan said, as quoted by

Ridwan, who had established a career as an architect prior to becoming mayor in 2013, said a meeting would be held next month to further discuss the details of the plan.

Ridwan met with a representative from the Palestinian organization on Monday, imam Al Mukarrom Syeikh Mustofa, to offer a donation of Rp 100 million (US$7,527) from the people of Bandung.

Thank you to Bandung residents who have followed the call to contribute to the construction of As Shafie Mosque and other public facilities in Gaza, Palestine, where much has been destroyed," Ridwan said via an image posted on his Twitter account.

Ridwan also revealed further information about discussions related to the organization, including their intention to open a branch office in Bandung. 



1. mendirikan = set up, establish, build, found, erect, put up

Ridwan, who had established a career as an architect prior to becoming mayor in 2013, said a meeting would be held next month to further discuss the details of the plan.

2. menetapkan = set, establish, assign, stipulate, specify, define

3. membentuk = form, establish, shape, mold, fashion, institute

4. membuat = make, create, build, establish, produce, cause

5. menentukan = determine, specify, decide, set, establish, assign

6. menegakkan = uphold, establish, maintain, erect, hold up, right

7. menyusun = arrange, compile, set, draw up, compose, establish

8. membuktikan = prove, attest, demonstrate, verify, establish, testify

9. mengadakan = hold, conduct, make, organize, establish, arrange

10. menempatkan = put, place, locate, position, situate, establish

11. memperlihatkan = show, exhibit, reveal, display, disclose, establish

12. memperdirikan = build, construct, set up, establish, place upright, found

13. mempertetap = strengthen, stabilize, determine, define, establish, introduce

14. mempertetapkan = strengthen, stabilize, determine, define, establish, introduce

15. memegang kedudukan = establish

16. memperjanjikan = foretell, betoken, portend, pledge, herald, establish



1. mapan = established

2. terpancang = rooted, established

3. yg tdk bisa dimungkiri = established

Reveal =


Ridwan also revealed further information about discussions related to the organization, including their intention to open a branch office in Bandung. 

1. Mengungkapkan = reveal, give expression, utter, clothe

2. Mengungkap = reveal, express

3. Menyatakan = declare, state, express, claim, assert, reveal

4. Memperlihatkan = show, exhibit, reveal, display, disclose, produce

5. Menyingkapkan = reveal, disclose, betray, pull back

6. Menampakkan = reveal, expose

7. Membeberkan = reveal, unfold, unroll, explain, open, explicate

8. Menyingkap = reveal, disclose, unveil, outcrop

9. memberitahukan = tell, notify, inform, give, announce, reveal

10. Membukakan = open, reveal, open for, divulge, betray, get


1. Pembukaan = opening, unveiling, establishment, preamble, opener, reveal

Demikian, Semoga bermanfaat..

Source: The Jakarta Post

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