Learn English Through Pride And Prejudice


Learn English From Pride And Prejudice

1. A vast mansion is coming to life. Maids pull dustsheets off furniture; servants open shutters. Sunshine spills into the great rooms of Netherfield. outside, a glimpse of rolling parkland.

  • shutters = daun jendela
  • spills = tumpahan
  • glimpse = melihat sekilas

2. Its a whirlwind of activity. Servants bustle around, sweeping and polishing, readying the house for its new occupants. The shutters of a room are opened onto the imposing gardens. A coach pulls up and, through the window, we see a young man get out.

  • whirlwind = angin puyuh
  • bustle = menyibukan diri, tergesa-gesa
  • imposing = mengesankan

3. My dear Mr Bennet, how can you be so tiresome! You know that he must marry one of them.

  • tiresome = melelahkan, membosankan

4. I will give my hearty consent to his marrying whichever of the girls he chooses.

  • consent = izin, persetujuan

5. Mr Bennet winks at Elizabeth and turns to Mary, a serious, somewhat pedantic young woman.

  • pedantic = orang yang suka menonjolkan keilmuannya

6. He does indeed look superior to the assembled company. On the dance floor a young couple, staring at the newcomers, trip over each other, stumble and burst out laughing.

  • indeed = memang, sesungguhnya
  • assembled = berkumpul
  • trip over = tersandung
  • stumble = tersandung, terantuk
  •  burst = meletus, meledak, 

7. Sir William Lucas, 53 a hale but unsophisticated member of the self-made gentry, takes it upon himself to introduce Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy to his daughter Charlotte and the Bennet family.

  • hale = sehat, kuat
  • unsophisticated = sederhana, wajar, bersahaja
  •  gentry = bangsawan

8. Delighted to make your acquaintance.

  • Delighted = senang sekali
  • acquaintance = kenalan, pengetahuan

9. Moments later. Elizabeth is standing in a small group with Jane, Bingley, Miss Bingley and Darcy. Bingley can't keep his eyes off Jane, but is frightfully at a loss in disguising his instant ardour.

  • frightfully = sangat
  • disguising = menyamar
  •  ardour = semangat, hasrat

10. His sister steps in. as the blush threatens to engulf his ears.

  • blush = tersipu, muka merah
  • engulf = menelan, melanda, meliputi 

11. Elizabeth smirks as she overhears their conversation.

  • smirks = nyengir
  • overhears = sengaja mendengar, menguping, kebetulan mendengar 

12. Perfectly tolerable, I dare say, but not handsome enough to tempt me. Elizabeth's smile drops.

  • tempt = menggoda

13. Lizzie too is dancing and clocks this. Lydia and Kitty are exuberantly dancing too, laughing and chatting. Darcy stands watching, a look of infinitely superior boredom on his fine features.

  • exuberantly = dengan riang
  • infinitely = tanpa batas 
  • boredom  = kebosanan

14. Oh dancing, of course. Even if ones partner is barely tolerable. She gives him a dazzling smile. Darcy looks startled. He has no idea she heard him. He blushes.

  • dazzling = mempesona
  • startled = terkejut

15. I agree entirely, only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony, which is why I will end up an old maid.

  • matrimony = ikatan perkawinan

16. I was flattered, I must admit. I did not expect such a compliment.

  • flattered = tersanjung, memuji, merayu, menyanjung

17.  A footman opens the great doors to find Jane standing there soaked. she sneezes.

  • soaked = basah kuyup, terendam
  • sneezes = bersin

18. Elizabeth strides across vast muddy fields, slipping as she goes. Netherfield is in view on the horizon. She stops to take it in, then carries on down an even more muddy track.

  • strides = melangkaj

19. Lizzie comes in, her face flushed, her skirt covered in mud. She looks ravishing. Darcy stares at her, then quickly rises to his feet. Caroline Bingley, astonished, looks her up and down.

  • flushed = memerah
  • ravishing = sangat menarik, menggairahkan
  • astonished = takjub

20. Darcy is quietly reading as Bingley paces about anxiously. Caroline berates him from the sofa.

  • berates = berat, mencaci-maki

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