Vocabulary English-English With C Part 1


Vocabulary English-English With C Part 1

Callisthenic (adjective) fitness exercises

  • After doing some boxing style punch drills and after flicking your wrists, you can also do some callisthenic exercises such as sit ups, crunches, and push ups.

Camouflage (noun)

to change or modify so as to prevent recognition of the true identity or character of

  • The color pattern of the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake is due to its environment, as it helps to camouflage the snake in the sand or rocks.

Campaign (noun)

an organized effort to accomplish a purpose

  • Miguel Cervantes worked to get Barrack Obama elected in the political campaign.

Canal (noun)

man-made waterway for inland navigation or irrigation

  • Many slow moving rivers feed many canals that irrigate farmlands.

Candor (noun)

unreserved, honest, or sincere expression

  • Her look of candor depicts a sense or realness to her characters, which is why she is a talented actress.

Canister (noun)

an often cylindrical container for holding a usually specified object or substance

  •  Mayor Mehmet Ozhaseki said a gas canister had likely exploded in the kitchen, causing the building's collapse.

Canvas (noun)

a firm closely woven cloth usually of linen, hemp, or cotton used for clothing, sails, etc.

  • Before the invention of nylon and other synthetic fabrics, tents were made of canvas.

Capability (noun)

physical, mental, financial, or legal power to perform

  • The evidence seems to overwhelmingly state that there is indeed a critical period by which learning must commence in order to afford the learner the chance to achieve native-like capabilities.

Capacity (noun)

maximum amount of work that can be produced or contained

  • There is a natural decline of physical working capacity with age, but regular exercise can reduce this rate of decline.

Catastrophic (adjective)

a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth

  • Deforestation may have catastrophic global effects as well. Trees are natural consumers of carbon dioxide——one of the greenhouse gases whose buildup in the atmosphere contributes to global warming.

Clutch (noun)

a nest of eggs or a brood of chicks

  • The mother, who has been housed in a tank with a female brown banded bamboo shark for the last six years, laid a clutch of eggs in April.

Comparatively (adverb)

characterized by the systematic comparison of phenomenon and especially of likenesses and dissimilarities

  • The number of words in the English language that have been directly borrowed from German is comparatively small, most of them having been borrowed in recent years.

 Cap (noun)

an upper limit as on expenditures

  • The allowances will have a monetary value because companies that reduce their emissions will be able to sell excess credits to other firms that can not reach their CO2 caps.

Caption (noun)

title or brief explanation appended or joined to an illustration

  • Before you read, survey the chapter, the title, headings, and subheadings, captions under pictures, charts, graphs or maps.

Captive (adjective)

person or animal that has been taken prisoner or confined

  • On his way back to Spain in 1575, the galley El Sol was attacked by Turkish ships, and Cervantes was taken captive to Algeria.

Carat (noun)

unit of weight for precious stones

  • The weight of a diamond is expressed in carats.

Caravan (noun)

a group of vehicles traveling in a single file

  • Larger, slower camels are employed in caravans, whereas the faster, lighter camels serve as mounts for couriers and soldiers.

Cabaret (adjective)

describing a restaurant serving liquor and providing entertainment as by singers or dancers

  • Gregg Marx, a direct descendant of the Marx Brothers, performs his cabaret act, “Wet Night...Dry Martini,” 8:30 p.m. at Feinstein’s at the Cine Grill.

Calamity (noun)

a state of deep distress or misery caused by major misfortune or loss; an extraordinarily grave event marked by great loss and lasting distress and affliction

  • British economist Thomas Malthus in 1798 proposed the unsettling theory that population growth would outrun the ability to produce food. This, he said, would lead to war, famine, disease, and other calamities.

 Canine (noun) 


  • From dawn until dusk, there are dozens of things for humans and canines to do together: sports, games, lectures, contests, and crafts.

Carbohydrate (noun)

energy producing organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

  • There are three main food categories: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Cardiac (adjective)

of, near, or affecting the heart

  • Cardiac rehabilitation professionals find themselves increasingly drawn into discussions about healthcare reform, particularly when it relates to cost containment.

Cardiovascular (adjective)

of the heart and the blood vessels as a unified body system

  • About one of every two Americans dies of cardiovascular disease.

Cargo (noun)

something carried physically

  • Cargo-carrying ships docking at the Port of Los Angeles are unloaded each day, and the goods from those ships contain merchandise which is shipped to businesses all over the United States.

Carnivore (noun)

any of an order of typically flesh-eating mammals that includes dogs, foxes, bears, raccoons

  • All spiders are carnivores, so they eat a variety of insects and will inject enzymes into their food either before or while they are breaking it up.

Cascade (noun)

small waterfall, especially one in a series

  • The cascades and rapids on the Kern River are some of the most difficult in California for kayakers.

 Cataclysmic (adjective)

broadly : an event that brings great changes; a momentous and violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition

  • But as such cataclysmic collisions occur on average only once in a million years or so, are they really worth worrying about?

Causative (adjective) 

producing an effect

  • Possible causative agents for brain cancer in firefighters include vinyl chloride, acrylonitrile and formaldehyde.

Cavalry (noun)

combat troops mounted originally on horses but most often in motorized armored vehicles 

  • If a member of your party is buried by an avalanche, his only real chance of survival is if you rescue them; don't go for help unless you're sure they're dead, because they will be by the time you get back with the cavalry.

Cavern (noun)

a hallow in the side of a cliff, a hill, or beneath the earth’s surface

  • Sabah, Malaysia is home to the largest cavern in the world.

Cavity (noun)

a space in an otherwise solid mass

  • Our larynxes are low in our throats, and our vocal tracts have a sharp right angle bend that creates two independently modifiable resonant cavities (the mouth and the pharynx or throat) that defines a large two dimensional range of vowel sounds.

Cease (verb)

to bring or come to a natural or proper conclusion, to come to a termination

  • The lake disappears soon after the rains cease in the spring.

Cease-fire (noun)

a military order to cease firing; a suspension of active hostilities

  • If those assurances are given, Palestinian officials said, the Palestinian Authority will accept the cease-fire proposal from the three radical groups and an announcement will be made in Cairo where the Egyptian government has been instrumental in getting the radical groups to consider halting their attacks.

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