Vocabulary English-English With T Part 3


Vocabulary English-English With T Part 3

Trance (noun)

a state in which somebody is dazed or stunned or in some other way unaware of the environment and unable to respond to stimuli

  • Specialists generally believe that people with Multiple Personality Disorder may experience any of the following: depression, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, sleep disorders, headaches, amnesia, time loss, trances, and 'out of body experiences.

Transform (verb)

to change people or things completely, especially improving their appearance or usefulness 

  • The pupae will require another 1.5 to 2 months before it transforms into an adult and becomes a threat to the palms.

Transplantation (noun)

the act of moving something from one place into another

  • The transplantation of a pig heart into a human body revolutionized modern surgical medicine.

Trap (verb)

to prevent air, gas, heat, or a fluid from escaping

  • Gases trapped in ice cores show the dramatic impact that human activities have had on the planet since the Industrial Revolution.

Trauma (noun)

an extremely distressing experience that causes severe emotional shock and may have long lasting psychological effects

  • Since the 1970s, therapists who believe in the reality of Multiple Personality Disorder generally believe it to be caused by very severe abuse during childhood violence so extreme that the child cannot absorb the trauma in its entirety.

Tread (verb)

to step or walk on or over

  •  West Africa promised a peace force of at least 5,000 troops for Liberia if warring sides halt fighting, and France suggested Saturday it was open to contributing troops _ stepping in where the United States, has so far declined to tread.

Treadmill (noun)

an automatic machine allowing runners to run in place

  • Because of  the  intense  cold  and  snow,  Minnesota  long  distance  runners  often  use treadmills during the winter.

Treaty (noun)

a formal contract or agreement negotiated between countries or other political entities 

  • They have also identified spike representing fallout from stepped up atmospheric testing that took place just prior to the 1963 Test Ban Treaty, which allowed for underground tests only.

Trek (verb)

to make one's way arduously

  • The students had been missing since Saturday, when they trekked into the woods after visiting the telescope.

Tremendous  (adjective) 

extremely large, powerful, or great

  • The fusion process released tremendous amounts of heat and light which could then combat the compressing force of gravity; eventually, the two forces reached equilibrium.

Trend (noun)

a general tendency, movement, or direction

  • A growing trend toward emphasis on neural aspects of various cognitive processes has spawned what is referred to as the Cognitive Neuropsychology track, with students studying jointly in cognitive and in clinical neuropsychology.

Tribe (noun)

a group of people sharing a common ancestry

  • Sitting Bull and the Sioux realized they could not defeat the army alone, and they must stand with other tribes.

 Tributary (noun)

channeling material, supplies, into something more inclusive

  • Many tributaries flow into the Mississippi River, making it one of the longest rivers in the world.

Trigger (verb)

to set something off, bring something about, or make something happen

  • Slab and other  avalanches  can  be  hard  or  soft,  wet or  dry  and  can  be  triggered naturally or artificially.

Triumph (verb)

to conquer or win a victory over, as in battle or a competition

  • During the Civil War, the Union Army triumphed over the Confederate Army in the bloodiest battle ever fought in American History.

Trough (noun)

a long shallow often v-shaped receptacle for the drinking water or feed of domestic animals 

  • In the 17th century, the Conestoga wagon had a trough attached to its rear end, so the horses could feed.

Trounce (verb)

to render totally ineffective by decisive defeat

  • The San Antonio Spurs trounced the Los Angeles Lakers in the playoffs.

Tsunami (noun)

a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor

  • Tsunamis are unlike wind generated waves, which many of us may have observed on a local lake or at a coastal beach, in that they are characterized as shallow water waves, with long periods and wave lengths.

Turmoil (noun)

a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion

  • To escape the escalating turmoil, Church headquarters moved from New York to Ohio, then to Missouri, and later to Illinois.

 Twilight (noun)

the period between afternoon and nighttime

  • It recommended that drivers turn on their headlights at the first sign of twilight.

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