Things don't happen overnight. You have to make the emotion and the personal investments to make your dreams come true. 

  • What would amazing look like for you? 
  • What would amazing look like if you were amazing? 
  • If you know what amazing looks like, then why haven't you gotten there yet? 

I want you to say the reason I'm not an amazing yet because I hit the snooze button, that's why I'm not amazing right now. The reason why I'm not amazing right now is because I couldn't get up early enough because I told myself I'm not an early person

The people in the world become weaker people. It's by capping your brain. It's by putting this kind of garbage in it. About not attacking what you're not good at. 

There is no shortcuts, there is no hack. There is no sweat-less solution. You're gonna have to work. 

There is always weakness to work on, always. A lot of them. 

  • Why would we allow ourselves to make easy, easy excuses? 
  • Why would you allow that? 

It's not what happens that determines the major part of your future. It's not what happens, what happens, happens to us all. Said the key is what you do about it. It's not what happens, it's what you do about it. 

Stop being a lazy bum ass person that's full of excuses, sitting around on the pity potty, coming up with every excuse in the world as to why you ain't winning. You are the reason, you are not winning. 

Unaware and understanding that this thing that we are dealing with right now in our lives, it's only temporary. It's temporary and it will not last forever. You must realize that you must grow enough tenacity within yourself to press on. 

  • Are you going to put in the work or not? 
  • Are you going to find a way to reach your goals or not? 

The minute you start thinking, I don't want to do this, the minute that feeling creeps in. That's the time you're having a test. The minute you feel the ache of, I'd rather do something else, I'd rather do anything else than this. That's the test. The minute you train yourself to say, this is my opportunity, is the minute you go from loser to winner. And this is a skill. This is something you practice. 

You are amazing and you have limitless potential. So start tapping into it by not sitting on the fence. Get up, get out and get it done, baby. 

  • Let your work get your opportunity. 
  • Let your work get your praise. 
  • Let your work open up doors. 
  • Let your work get people paying attention. 
  • Let your work get the whole world to notice. Stop thinking. 
  • Stop procrastinating, and you gotta work. 

So you gotta make sure that you constantly are rewriting your book. You have to constantly rewrite your book every day of your life. You know? And that these aren't just words. I say, this is how I have to live. Like these are conversations I have with myself and I say it everywhere I go. The most important conversation when you have with yourself.

Take full responsibility for your life except where you are and the responsibility that you're going to take yourself, where you want to go. Someone said, we have two primary choices in life. We can either accept conditions as they exist, or we can take the responsibility to change them. See, a lot of people want to exempt themselves from taking responsibility. All they wanna do is talk about the problem. 

Every time you see them, they'll tell you their story over and over and over and over again. No, no. You wanna take responsibility for your life. I got me here. I can get me out of this. And I'm getting out. I'm not going to be a volunteer victim

George Barnshaw said there are two kinds of people in life. You know, he said those that make things happen, those that watch things happen and those that don't know what happened. And he said, the people that get along in this life look around for the circumstances that they want. And if they can't find 'em, they make 'em, they create 'em. 

Your self-confidence is closely connected to your self-esteem, and to “how much you like yourself.” Dr. Nathaniel Brandon calls self-esteem “your reputation with yourself.” It is how you feel about yourself and your abilities, in relation to any situation, that determines how much you like yourself and consider yourself to be a valuable and worthwhile person. The more you like yourself, the better you do. The flip side of self-esteem is what psychologists call “self-efficacy.” 

Self-efficacy is a measure of how effective and competent you feel you are to perform a particular task or to achieve your goals. This is called “performance based self-esteem.

Studies conducted on thousands of men and women who have moved from ordinary to extraordinary performance, and who have moved from feelings of inadequacy to feeling great about themselves, show that there is a direct cause effect relationship between competence and mastery on the one hand, and self-confidence on the other.

When you have created a situation in which you experience all of these, you sense that you are working at the outer edge of your own personal envelope. You feel that you are getting progressively better and better at something you are ideally suited to do, and that while you are still working within the range of your capabilities, you are stretching yourself at every moment. 

When you are caught up in this kind of experience, you often lose track of time. You become unaware of hunger, thirst, or fatigue. You feel calm and clear-headed and euphoric. Tests show when you are in this state of flow, your brain releases endorphins. Nature's happy drug, which causes you to feel happy and energized. Often while you are in this state, the rest of the world seems to slow down.

Source: Youtube link:
