Vocabulary From many recourses
- According to ...
- Accused
- Achieve
- Add a ...
- Allow
- Announce
- Apart from
- Appeared
- Attempt
- Is awarded
- Are expected to ....
- Around the world
- Ask, asked
- Attempted to
- Avoid
- Back up = This is backed up by the budget for infrastructure in 2023 state budget
- Begin
- Beat = Barcelona beats Sevilla to extend La Liga lead
- Believe
- Believed
- Blame
- Blast
- Blatan
- Boost
- Call for = Australia call for respect of international law in south China Sea
- Care of
- Called on
- Cite = Many young gamers cite music as integral to the experience
- Come, Coming
- Concern about
- Congratulate
- Conduct
- Convey = Erdogan conveyed his symphaties and urged national unity
- Is conducting ......(eg. test)
- Consciousness
- Could cause
- Decided
- Despite this, ....
- Determine
- Does not necessarily mean
- Discover
- To discuss
- Displayed
- Driven by
- Due diligence
- Are / is enjoying
- To emphasize
- Encourage
- Enlist
- Entered
- Establish
- Are / is estimated
- Exchange
- Expect
- Expanding
- Explain
- Face
- Find, found
- Flip the script = The government has flipped the script on its recent poor showing on tghe corruption perception index.
- Gain
- Are / is Gazing toward ...
- Get in
- Give, gave
- Goal = Elon Musk's goal is to sell 20 million electric vehicles in 2030
- Grow up
- Growth
- Had some success
- Had successfully brought a ...
- Hampered = The resque was being hampered by a winter blizzard
- Has accused
- Has agreed
- Has announced
- Has asserted
- Has become
- Have/has been used
- Has debunked
- Has existed
- Has finally
- Has inked a deal
- Has / have not been able to
- Has sign agreement
- Has the ability to offer ...
- Has warned
- Has used ...
- Have been recorded
- Have competing
- Have you ever wondered why .....
- Help
- Include
- Increase
- Insist
- Invite
- It is weird to think about ....
- It is not possible to .....
- Know
- Lash out
- Looking for
- Made by
- Make
- May vary on ...
- Meet
- Most of ....
- Means
- Observe
- Outcome
- Places, placed
- Plan, plans, planning to ...
- Pointed out
- Prepare
- Previous
- Previously used in
- Promote
- Provide
- Purchase
- Pursue
- Quake = Quake kill over 1,900 in Turkey
- Reach
- Reach deal on
- Ready to compete
- Receive
- Recommend
- Reiterated
- Reject
- Release = Rusdhie release new novel
- Relinquish
- Remain
- Remain unchanged
- Request for
- Require
- Return home
- Reunite for
- Roll out
- Scheduled
- Seek
- Seek out
- Set for
- Sets sights on
- Set to move
- Should be enough
- Show
- Shunning
- signal = Japan signals interest in AUKUS defence partnership
- Struggle
- Suffer from
- Surprise .... with ....
- The government has urged people to continue
- To take over
- To defend ....
- To overcome
- To provide
- Took interest in
- Treat
- Try to tackle
- Turn up
- Unnecessarily worried about ....
- Urged
- Visit
- Vowed
- Want to
- Warn
- Was evicted
- Worry over
- Would be ...