Vocabulary From many recourses

  1. According to ...
  2. Accused
  3. Achieve
  4. Add a ...
  5. Allow
  6. Announce
  7. Apart from
  8. Appeared
  9. Attempt
  10. Is awarded
  11. Are expected to ....
  12. Around the world
  13. Ask, asked
  14. Attempted to
  15. Avoid
  16. Back up = This is backed up by the budget for infrastructure in 2023 state budget
  17. Begin
  18. Beat = Barcelona beats Sevilla to extend La Liga lead
  19. Believe
  20. Believed
  21. Blame
  22. Blast
  23. Blatan
  24. Boost
  25. Call for = Australia call for respect of international law in south China Sea
  26. Care of 
  27. Called on
  28. Cite = Many young gamers cite music as integral to the experience
  29. Come, Coming
  30. Concern about
  31. Congratulate
  32. Conduct
  33. Convey = Erdogan conveyed his symphaties and urged national unity
  34. Is conducting ......(eg. test)
  35. Consciousness
  36. Could cause
  37. Decided
  38. Despite this, ....
  39. Determine
  40. Does not necessarily mean
  41. Discover
  42. To discuss
  43. Displayed
  44. Driven by
  45. Due diligence
  46. Are / is enjoying
  47. To emphasize
  48. Encourage
  49. Enlist
  50. Entered
  51. Establish
  52. Are / is estimated
  53. Exchange
  54. Expect
  55. Expanding
  56. Explain
  57. Face
  58. Find, found
  59. Flip the script = The government has flipped the script on its recent poor showing on tghe corruption perception index.
  60. Gain
  61. Are / is Gazing toward ...
  62. Get in
  63. Give, gave
  64. Goal = Elon Musk's goal is to sell 20 million electric vehicles in 2030
  65. Grow up
  66. Growth
  67. Had some success
  68. Had successfully brought a ...
  69. Hampered = The resque was being hampered by a winter blizzard
  70. Has accused
  71. Has agreed 
  72. Has announced
  73. Has asserted
  74. Has become
  75. Have/has been used
  76. Has debunked
  77. Has existed
  78. Has finally
  79. Has inked a deal
  80. Has / have not been able to
  81. Has sign agreement
  82. Has the ability to offer ...
  83. Has warned
  84. Has used ...
  85. Have been recorded
  86. Have competing
  87. Have you ever wondered why .....
  88. Help
  89. Include
  90. Increase
  91. Insist
  92. Invite
  93. It is weird to think about ....
  94. It is not possible to .....
  95. Know
  96. Lash out
  97. Looking for
  98. Made by
  99. Make
  100. May vary on ...
  101. Meet
  102. Most of ....
  103. Means
  104. Observe
  105. Outcome
  106. Places, placed
  107. Plan, plans, planning to ...
  108. Pointed out
  109. Prepare
  110. Previous
  111. Previously used in
  112. Promote
  113. Provide
  114. Purchase
  115. Pursue
  116. Quake = Quake kill over 1,900 in Turkey
  117. Reach
  118. Reach deal on 
  119. Ready to compete
  120. Receive
  121. Recommend
  122. Reiterated
  123. Reject
  124. Release = Rusdhie release new novel
  125. Relinquish
  126. Remain
  127. Remain unchanged
  128. Request for
  129. Require
  130. Return home
  131. Reunite for
  132. Roll out
  133. Scheduled
  134. Seek
  135. Seek out
  136. Set for
  137. Sets sights on
  138. Set to move
  139. Should be enough
  140. Show
  141. Shunning
  142. signal = Japan signals interest in AUKUS defence partnership
  143. Struggle
  144. Suffer from
  145. Surprise .... with ....
  146. The government has urged people to continue
  147. To take over
  148. To defend ....
  149. To overcome
  150. To provide
  151. Took interest in
  152. Treat
  153. Try to tackle
  154. Turn up
  155. Unnecessarily worried about ....
  156. Urged
  157. Visit
  158. Vowed
  159. Want to
  160. Warn
  161. Was evicted
  162. Worry over
  163. Would be ...