Phrasal Verbs Dari H sampai P


Phrasal Verbs Dari H sampai P

Beberapa jenis Phrasal verbs terpisah dan yang tidak terpisah atau separable dan inseparable. Maksudnya adalah bahwa phrasal verbs tersebut terdapat somebody atau something yang merupakan orang atau benda yang berada diantara phrasal verbs tersebut. Contohnya adalah back somebody up, yang artinya mensuport atau mendukung, dimana disebutkan orang yang didukunya ada di antara phrasal verbs tersebut. 

Berikut beberapa phrasal verbs dari huruf H sampai P.

PHRASAL VERBSMeaning in IndonesiaExamples
hand sthg downMemberi sesuatu ke orang lainI handed my old comic books down to my little cousin.
hand sthg inmengirimkanI have to hand in my essay by Friday.
hand sthg outMendistribusikan ke grupWe will hand out the invitations at the door.
hand sthg overMemberiThe police asked the man to hand over his wallet and his weapons.
hang inTetapHang in there. I'm sure you'll find a job very soon.
hang onMenunggu sesaatHang on while I grab my coat and shoes!
hang outMenghabiskan waktu untuk relaksInstead of going to the party we are just going to hang out at my place.
hang upMengakhiri teleponHe didn't say goodbye before he hung up.
hold sby/ sthg backMencegah dar melakukanI had to hold my dog back because there was a cat in the park.
hold sthg backMenyembunyikan emosiJamie held back his tears at his grandfather's funeral.
hold onTunggu sebentarPlease hold on while I transfer you to the Sales Department.
hold onto sby/ sthgMemegang eratHold onto your hat because it's very windy outside.
hold sby/ sthg upmerampokA man in a black mask held the bank up this morning.
keep on doingsthgBerlanjut melakukanKeep on stirring until the liquid comes to a boil.
keep sthg from sbyTidak memberitahukanWe kept our relationship from our parents for two years.
keep sby/ sthg outMengeluarkanTry to keep the wet dog out of the living room.
keep sthg upBerlanjut ke tingkat yang samaIf you keep those results up you will get into a great college.
let sby downMengecewakanI need you to be on time. Don't let me downthis time.
let sby inMenijinkan masukCan you let the cat in before you go to school?
log in (or on)Masuk ke websiteI can't log in to Facebook because I've forgotten my password.
log out (or off)Keluar dari websiteIf you don't log off somebody could get into your account.
look after sby/ sthgMenjagaI have to look after my sick grandmother.
look down onsbyKurang pertimbanganEver since we stole that chocolate bar your dad has looked down on me.
look for sby/ sthgmencariI'm looking for a red dress for the wedding.
look forward to sthgMenungguI'm looking forward to the Christmas break.
look into sthgInvestigasiWe are going to look into the price of snowboards today.
look outHati hati, waspadaLook out! That car's going to hit you!
look out for sby/ sthgWaspada, hati2Don't forget to look out for snakes on the hiking trail.
look sthg overMengecekCan you look over my essay for spelling mistakes?
look sthg upMencari informasiWe can look her phone number up on the Internet.
look up to sbymenghargaiMy little sister has always looked up to me.
make sthg upBerbohong tentang sesuatuJosie made up a story about why we were late.
make upSaling memaafkanWe were angry last night, but we made up at breakfast.
make sby upDandanMy sisters made me up for my graduation party.
mix sthg upBingungI mixed up the twins' names again!
pass awaymeninggalHis uncle passed away last night after a long illness.
pass outLemahIt was so hot in the church that an elderly lady passed out.
pass sthg outMemberiThe professor passed the textbooks outbefore class.
pass sthg upmenurunI passed up the job because I am afraid of change.
pay sby backMengembalikan hutangThanks for buying my ticket. I'll pay you back on Friday.
pay for sthgDi hukumThat bully will pay for being mean to my little brother.
pick sthg outMemilihI picked out three sweaters for you to try on.
point sby/ sthg outMenunjukI'll point my boyfriend out when he runs by.
put sthg downMeletakanYou can put the groceries down on the kitchen counter.
put sby downmenghinaThe students put the substitute teacher down because his pants were too short.
put sthg offmenundaWe are putting off our trip until January because of the hurricane.
put sthg outMelenyapkanThe neighbours put the fire out before the firemen arrived.
put sthgtogetherBerkumpulI have to put the crib together before the baby arrives.
put up with sby/ sthgToleransiI don't think I can put up with three small children in the car.
put sthg onMemakai bajuDon't forget to put on your new earrings for the party.

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