Kosa Kata Untuk Persiapan TOEFL


Kosa Kata Untuk Persiapan TOEFL

Kosa kata yang muncul dalam Test TOEFL biasanya merupakan kosa kata sulit yang jarang dipergunakan, hal ini mengingat tes ini dipergunakan sebagai alat ukur kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris secara internasional.

Berikut beberapa kosa kata yang dapat membantu dalam persiapan Tes

1. envisage (Verb) = membayangkan; contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event.


membayangkan = imagine, think, visualize, envisage, conceive, figure

memandang = look, view, regard, consider, stare, envisage

melihat masa depan = envisage

menghadapi = face, deal with, encounter, confront, take on, envisage

menggambarkan dlm pikiran = envisage

2. versatile (adj) = serba guna; able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.; changeable; inconstant.


serba guna = versatile, multipurpose, all-purpose, many-sided

aneka guna = versatile

3. inasmuch as (conj) = karena


karena = because, as, for, since, in that, inasmuch as

sebab = because, since, in that, inasmuch as, seeing that, by reason of

lantaran = because, inasmuch as

4. trailblazer (n) = pelopor


perintis = pioneer, pilot, trailblazer, pacer, vanguard, pacemaker

pelopor = pioneer, forerunner, vanguard, precursor, outpost, trailblazer

pembuka jalan = pacesetter, pacer, trailblazer, pacemaker

5. wary (adj) = waspada


waspada = alert, wary, vigilant, watchful, cautious, wide-awake

jera = wary, chary

awas = careful, wary

hati-hati = careful, cagey, cagy, cannie, canny, wary

6. a plethora of (phr) = banyak sekali

7. allude (v) = menyinggung


menyinggung = offend, mention, allude, touch, pertain, pique

menunjukkan = show, indicate, point, exhibit, denote, allude

mengias = allude, criticize

menyindir secara tak langsung = insinuate, allude, drop a hint, hint

8. connote (v) = berarti; (of a word) imply or suggest (an idea or feeling) in addition to the literal or primary meaning.


berarti = mean, imply, matter, signify, count, connote

mengandung arti tambahan = connote, connotate

9. eschew (v) = menjauhkan diri; deliberately avoid using; abstain from.

10. harbinger (n) = pertanda; a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.


pelopor = pioneer, forerunner, vanguard, precursor, outpost, harbinger

perintis = pioneer, pilot, trailblazer, pacer, vanguard, harbinger

alamat = address, mailing address, sign, omen, blazon, harbinger

pertanda kedatangan = harbinger


mempelopori = spearhead, pioneer, harbinger, break fresh ground, head, precede

mengabarkan kedatangan sesuatu = harbinger

11. profuse (adj) = boros


boros = extravagant, profligate, lavish, spendthrift, prodigal, profuse

yg berlebihan = superfluous, supererogatory, hyperbolical, copious, pleonastic, profuse

sebesar-besarnya = as big as possible, profuse

sedalam-dalamnya = profuse

12. perch (v) = hinggap


hinggap = perch, alight, descend, attack

bertengger = perch, roost, sit

meletakkan agak tinggi = perch


tenggeran = perch, henroost

ketinggian = height, elevation, rise, prominence, highness, perch

13. infer (v) = menyimpulkan


mengambil kesimpulan = infer, decide, size up

menduga = guess, expect, think, suppose, surmise, infer

berpendapat = contend, hold, opine, conclude, reckon, infer

mengambil keputusan = decide, infer, size up, make up one's mind

14. thaw (v) = mencair


mencair = melt, thaw, fuse, fuze

mencairkan = melt, dilute, liquefy, thaw, melt down, flux

melelehkan = thaw

menjadi lebih lincah = thaw

menjadi cair = liquefy, thaw

menjadi lebih luwes = thaw

menjadi lebih ramah = thaw, expand

melunakkan yg beku = thaw


perbaikan = repair, improvement, refinement, corrective, restoration, thaw

pencairan salju = snowbreak, thaw

15. precarious (adj) = genting


genting = precarious, critical, crucial, acute, grave, strained

berbahaya = dangerous, harmful, hazardous, treacherous, perilous, precarious

sulit = difficult, hard, tough, arduous, complicated, precarious

tdk pasti = indefinite, indecisive, indeterminate, unsettled, unstable, precarious

16. keen (adj) = suka


tajam = sharp, keen, snappy, pungent, strong, incisive

bersemangat = vibrant, enthusiastic, spirited, keen, viable, keyed

giat = enterprising, active, viable, keen, aggressive, energetic

tekun = diligent, persevering, determined, keen, assiduous, zealous 

17. brood (n) = merenung


merenung = think, brood, brood over, muse, daydream

mengeram = incubate, brood, hatch, imprison

memikirkan = think, consider, reflect, dwell, contemplate, brood

mengerami = sit, brood

memeram = brood

memikir = think, consider, speculate, ponder, devise, brood


seperindukan = litter, brood, hatch

perindukan = brood, family

18. impecunious (adj) = miskin


miskin = poor, impoverished, needy, destitute, impecunious, indigent

melarat = destitute, impoverished, needy, impecunious, necessitous, protracted

19. benevolent (adj) = penuh kebajikan


penuh kebajikan = benevolent

penuh kebaikan = benevolent

yg suka menolong = helpful, accommodating, benevolent, officious

20. inveterate (adj) = lazim


begar = inveterate, confirmed

tetap = fixed, permanent, regular, constant, steady, inveterate

yg berurat berakar = entrenched, ingrained, deeply rooted, inveterate, deep-rooted

tertanam = planted, inveterate

21. insinuate (v) = menyusup; suggest or hint (something bad or reprehensible) in an indirect and unpleasant way. ; slide (oneself or a thing) slowly and smoothly into a position.


menyusup = infiltrate, penetrate, insinuate, thread, pass in a low posture

menyindir secara tak langsung = insinuate, allude, drop a hint, hint

menyelundup = smuggle, duck, interlope, infiltrate, insinuate

22. reimburse (v) = ganti rugi, membayar kembali; 


membayar kembali = repay, kick back, reimburse, refund, requite

mengganti rugi = indemnify, compensate, reimburse, offset, redress, recoup

23. subsist on (v) = bertahan hidup

24. posthumously (adv) = secara anumerta, setelah meninggal; after the death of the originator.

25. snub (v) = penghinaan; (n) an act of showing disdain or a lack of cordiality by rebuffing or ignoring someone or something.; (adj) (of a person's or animal's nose) short and turned up at the end.


penghinaan = insult, humiliation, contempt, disdain, affront, snub

perlakuan menghina = snub

umpat = curse, detraction, vituperation, slander, telling, snub

umpatan = swear, curse, slander, aspersion, telling, snub

hidung pendek lagi mancung = snub, snub nose


menghina = insult, humiliate, offend, disdain, affront, snub

mencerca = revile, insult, rail, reprimand, snub, offend

mencercai = snub, insult, offend, revile, rail, lambaste

menolak = refuse, reject, resist, deny, decline, snub

tdk peduli = snub

mematikan = turn off, shut down, shut off, kill, switch off, snub


pendek lagi mancung = snub

26. unerring (adj) = tepat; always right or accurate.


tepat = right, appropriate, proper, exact, precise, unerring

tak pernah salah = unerring

yg tak pernah menyimpang = unerring

27. discombobulated (adj) = (humorous) bingung; confused and disconcerted.


bingung = confused, puzzled, perplexed, upset, disoriented, disconcerted

malu = ashamed, embarrassed, shy, timid, sheepish, disconcerted

gelisah = restless, nervous, uneasy, agitated, anxious, disconcerted

yg kuatir = worried, worrying, concerned, disconcerted, uneasy, solicitous

malu-malu = shy, bashful, embarrassed, chary, humble, disconcerted

28. dwelling (n) = tempat tinggal; a house, apartment, or other place of residence.


tempat tinggal = residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, dwelling place

kediaman = residence, dwelling, house, habitation, residency, rooms

rumah = home, house, door, building, dwelling

tempat kediaman = residence, house, habitation, residency, dwelling, houseroom

29. opulent (adj) = mewah; ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish.


mewah = luxurious, plush, posh, sumptuous, lavish, opulent

kaya = rich, wealthy, affluent, well, prosperous, opulent

makmur = prosperous, affluent, opulent, palmy, luxurious, well-heeled

berlimpah-limpah = abundant, plenteous, plentiful, lavish, affluent, opulent

30. contrivances (n) = penemuan-penemuan; the use of skill to bring something about or create something.; a device, especially in literary or artistic composition, which gives a sense of artificiality.


penemuan = invention, discovery, finding, detection, find, contrivance

rancangan = plan, layout, project, program, contrivance, programme

rencana = plan, purpose, scheme, program, project, contrivance

alat = tool, equipment, device, means, instrument, contrivance

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