Title : When Breath Becomes Air
Author : Paul Kalanithi
Publisher : Random House
Published : 2016
Pages : 208
Rayi Noormega is a writer for Thought Catalog and Unwritten.
Below are sentences and vocabularies from the Book Review:
1. Even if I’m dying, until I actually die, I’m still living.”
Even = Bahkan
- bahkan = even, in fact, indeed, moreover, nay, on the contrary
- pun = also, even, too, yet, then, as well
- malah = even, instead, on the contrary, nay
- juga = also, too, as well, even, likewise, so
- malahan = even, instead, on the contrary, nay
- pula = also, too, as well, again, even, else
- jua = nevertheless, also, likewise, even, eke, too
- meratakan = flatten, smooth, level, even, pave, even out
- menyeimbangkan = equalize, even, poise, countervail, even out, counterpoise
- menyamakan = equate, equalize, liken, synchronize, level, even
- memperata = even, level
- menarah = trim, plane, even
- genap = even, complete, whole, exactly enough
- sama = similar, equal, alike, common, identical, even
- datar = flat, even, level, tabular, toneless, superficial
- tetap = fixed, permanent, regular, constant, steady, even
- seragam = uniform, even
- sejajar = parallel, equal, even, collateral, flush, square
- tenang = quiet, calm, tranquil, serene, restful, even
- teratur = regular, in order, tidy, measured, neat, even
- tepat = right, appropriate, proper, exact, precise, even
- mantap = steady, dogged, steadfast, stalwart, even, stabile
- licin = slippery, slick, smooth, sleek, greasy, even
- lurus = straight, erect, simple, straightaway, honest, even
- lunas = settled, even, square
- lengkap = complete, full, comprehensive, equipped, exhaustive, even
- seri = serial, quits, even
- 2. Even if I’m dying, until I actually die, I’m still living.”
- Actually = Sebenarnya
- sebenarnya = actually, real, in fact, really, exactly, virtually
- sesungguhnya = real, actually, really, indeed, in fact, truly
- sebetulnya = actually, in fact, frankly, in effect, for that matter, rather
- memang = indeed, certainly, actually, admittedly, surely, absolutely
- sungguh = really, indeed, quite, actually, remarkably, sure
- pd hakekatnya = intrinsically, actually, at bottom, in substance, virtually, per se
- benar-benar = truly, actually, too, indeed, throughly, throughout
3. As a neurosurgeon, Kalanithi saved lives. He was at the top of his career when the diagnosis turned his life upside down into what could be considered ironic: one day he was a doctor, the next a terminally ill patient. Kalanithi’s cancer was the only answer to his question, “What makes a life worth living?”
Ironic = Ironis
- ironis = ironic, ironical, pawky
- yg mengejek = scoffing, cynic, cynical, sardonic, sardonical, ironic
Throughout = di seluruh
- di seluruh = throughout, through, thru
- sepanjang = along, throughout, through, thru, through the length of
- selama = for, during, throughout, through, in the course of, thru
- sepanjang = throughout, alongside, so long as, as far as, so far as, in so far as
- selama = as long as, throughout
- seluruhnya = wholly, throughout, en masse, radically, at large, in the mass
- sungguh-sungguh = earnestly, seriously, heartily, emphatically, gravely, simply
- benar-benar = truly, actually, too, indeed, throughly, throughout
5. She had accompanied Kalanithi throughout his struggles in battling cancer.
Struggles = Perjuangan
- perjuangan = struggle, fight, battle, fighting, war, scramble
- perebutan = struggle, seizure, scramble, seizing, grab, struggling
- pergumulan = struggle, tussle, wrestling, scrimmage, scuffle, melee
- pergulatan = struggle, melee, wrestling, wrestle, scrimmage, tussle
- juang = struggle
- rebutan = fight, seizure, conquest, struggle
- berjuang = fight, struggle, strive, battle, contend, grapple
- bergumul = struggle, wrestle, grapple, tussle, scuffle
- memperjuangkan = fight for, struggle, champion, defend, stand up, contend
- berusaha keras = strive, endeavor, struggle, strain, bear down, flounder
- berontak = struggle, mutiny
- merebuntukan = fight for, struggle, gain, win, usurp
- memperebuntukan = fight for, struggle, contest, gain, win
6. When Breath Becomes Air paints clear images of the author’s experience and leaves the readers deep in contemplation.
Contemplation = kontemplasi
- kontemplasi = contemplation
- perenungan = contemplation
- tafakur = meditation, contemplation
- hal memikirkan = contemplation, muse
- hal mengingat = contemplation
- hal bermenung-menung = contemplation
7. His dedication toward neurosurgery exemplified his endless devotion to a true passion.
Devotion = kesetiaan
- kesetiaan = loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness, devotion, adherence, faith
- ketaatan = obedience, adherence, observance, devotion, fidelity, conformity
- bakti = service, devotion, filial piety, homage, loyalty, faith
- kecintaan = love, devotion
- kesayangan = favorite, pet, love, pity, sweetheart, devotion
- pembaktian = dedication, devotion, loyalty, aid, service
8. His dedication toward neurosurgery exemplified his endless devotion to a true passion.
Exemplified = menunjukan
- memberikan contoh = exemplify
- menunjukkan = show, indicate, point, exhibit, denote, represent
9. When Breath Becomes Air wants us to stop, momentarily refrain from the urge to fulfill our own ambitions and just cherish life as it is.
Refrain = menahan diri
- menahan diri = refrain, forbear
- menahan = hold, withstand, resist, keep, restrain, refrain
- menjauhkan diri = shun, abstain, eschew, refrain, shy, flinch
- bagian ulangan di lagu = refrain
- ulangan lagu = chorus, refrain
10. Kalanithi’s memoir is worth a read at least once in a lifetime, especially for young adults, as it is an honest yet beautiful reminder to always ponder the meaning of life, death, love and time.
Ponder = merenungkan
- merenungkan = ponder, contemplate, meditate, ruminate, muse, dwell
- memikirkan = think, consider, reflect, dwell, contemplate, devise
- mempertimbangkan = consider, take into consideration, examine, allow, judge, ponder
- memikir = think, consider, speculate, ponder, devise, meditate
- bermenung = meditate, ponder, muse
- enap = ponder, consider deeply