Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Rapunzel Play


Rapunzel Play

Sentences and vocabularies from Rapunzel Play script

1. A princess with long golden hair is held captive in a tower by an evil witch.

captive = tawanan, tahanan; (nomina) a person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined.; (adjective) imprisoned or confined.
  • tawanan = prisoner, captive, internee, captivation, thrall
  • tahanan = custody, resistance, arrest, detainee, inmate, captive
  • tertahan = restrained, detained, endured, bated, captive, pent-up
  • yg dipenjarakan = jailed, imprisoned, cloistered, captive, confined, convict
  • yg ditawan hati = captive
  • yg dipikat hati = captive

2. Excerpt from the play:

Excerpt = kutipan; (nomina) a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing; (verb) take (a short extract) from a text.

  • kutipan = quote, quotation, citation, excerpt, extract, tag
  • petikan = excerpt, extract, quote, thrumming, thrum, excerption
  • nukilan = excerpt, quotation, piece

  • mengutip = quote, cite, excerpt, pick up small bits
  • membuat petikan = excerpt
  • memilih petikan = excerpt
  • memilih kutipan = excerpt
  • mencabut = revoke, pull, repeal, lift, withdraw, deprive

3. Narrator One: Once upon a time there was a man and a woman who wished for a child, but to no avail.

avail = faedah; (nomina) use or benefit, (verbahelp or benefit.

  • faedah = avail, benefit, utility, profit, use, boot
  • guna = use, purpose, function, benefit, avail, sense

  • membantu = help, assist, aid, support, help out, avail
  • berfaedah = avail

4. Her eyes fell upon a patch of rampion, a kind of fresh green lettuce, and she felt she simply must have some of it.

patch = tambalan; (nomina) a piece of cloth or other material used to mend or strengthen a torn or weak point, a part of something marked out from the rest by a particular characteristic.; (verba) mend or strengthen (fabric or an item of clothing) by putting a piece of material over a hole or weak point in it;  (informal) treat someone's injuries or repair the damage to something, especially hastily; connect by a temporary electrical, radio, or telephonic connection.; (computing) correct, enhance, or modify (a routine or program) by inserting a patch.

  • tambalan = patch, mend, darn
  • tampal = patch
  • tampung = patch

  • menempel = adhere, patch, be right next to
  • menampung = accommodate, contain, collect, resettle, relocate, patch

5. simply = secara sederhana;

 (adverbia) in a straightforward or plain manner.; merely; just.

  • hanya = only, just, simply, merely, solely, but
  • sama sekali = at all, completely, absolutely, altogether, totally, simply
  • dgn sederhana = frugally, simply, modestly, plainly
  • dgn mudah = handily, easily, with ease, trippingly, facilely, simply
  • benar-benar = truly, actually, too, indeed, throughly, simply
  • sungguh-sungguh = earnestly, seriously, heartily, emphatically, gravely, simply

6. Narrator One: But the garden was surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to an enchantress who had great power and was feared by all.

enchantress = tukang guna-guna wanita; (nomina) a woman who uses magic or sorcery, especially to put someone or something under a spell.

  • wanita yg mempesona = enchantress
  • tukang guna-guna wanita = enchantress, hag

7. clutched  = terjepit; (verba) grasp or seize (something) tightly or eagerly.

  • menggenggam = hold, grasp, grip, clutch, clasp, fist
  • mengepit = clamp, clutch, pinch, carry under the arm, clasp
  • mencengkam = clutch, seize, grip, stifle, strangle, reign
  • memperapitkan = squeeze, clutch, place between
  • berpegang pd = clutch, hold by, go on

8. Enchantress: How dare you sneak into my garden and steal my rampion like a common thief!

sneak  = menyelinap; (verba) move or go in a furtive or stealthy manner.; (informalnomina) a furtive and contemptible person.; (adjective) acting or done surreptitiously, unofficially, or without warning.

  • menyelinap = sneak, slip, sneak out, ease, slither, slink away
  • menjilat = lick, curry favor, lick up, suck up, toady, sneak
  • menjilat pantat = curry favor, fawn, ingratiate oneself, play up, toad, sneak
  • meleceh = fawn, cotton up, sneak, suck up, smarm, chat along
  • mengadu = complain, pit, snitch, contest, fink, sneak
  • mencuri = steal, take, rob, swipe, pilfer, sneak

9. Husband: Oh please, show me mercy. My wife saw it from her window and felt as if she would die if she could not have some.

 mercy = belas kasihan; (nomina) compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.; (archaicused in expressions of surprise or fear.

  • belas kasihan = mercy, pity, sympathy, clemency, remorse, bowels
  • rahmat = grace, mercy, godsend, bounty, boon
  • ampun = forgiveness, mercy, pardon, quarter, let-off
  • kemurahan hati = generosity, mercy, charity, favor, magnanimity, munificence
  • belas = mercy, pity, teens, sympathy, remorse, clemency
  • kerahiman = mercy 

10. Narrator One: The husband was so terrified that he consented to everything.
  • consented = setuju
11. Narrator Two: Soon thereafter, the woman gave birth to a baby girl and the enchantress appeared at once.

thereafter = kemudian; (formal, adverbia) after that time.

  • kemudian = then, later, subsequently, afterwards, after, thereafter
  • setelah itu = after that, afterwards, then, after, thereafter, afterward
  • sesudah itu = after that, then, afterwards, thereafter, after, afterward
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