Belajar Inggris dari Saving Mr.Banks


Belajar B.Inggris dari "Saving Mr.Banks"

Berikut adalah kosa kata atau vocabulary dari film "Saving Mr. Banks."

1. The shadow’s direction becomes purposeful - taking us down through the clouds, whipping us on the wind towards a small town in the distance.

  • purposeful = sengaja, penuh arti, dengan maksud tertentu
  • whipping = deraan

2. Her little brow is furrowed with imagination and then, all of a sudden, the smile breaks free as something in her mind becomes real.

  • brow = alis
  • furrowed = beralur
  • all of a sudden = tiba-tiba

3. With all due respect Mr Russell, I am on very good terms with my own faculty and exceedingly confident in its decision making capabilities.

  • all due respect = dengan segala hormat
  • very good terms = istilah yang sangat bagus 
  • exceedingly  = sangat

4. I like to think of it, believe me I know it’s not reciprocated.

  • reciprocated = berbalas

5. I would never suggest you do something that would cause you anguish but there’s no more money Pamela

  • anguish = derita

6. We’ve been trying to do this deal for twenty years! He’s agreed to both your stipulations.

  • your stipulations = ketentuanmu

7. Pamela is hot and bothered trying to wrestle a bulging carpet bag into an overhead locker.

  • bothered = terganggu
  • wrestle = bergulat, berusaha dengan susah payah
  • bulging = menonjol, buncit

8. Pamela gives her a watery smile and takes the seat next to the window, she looks out at the tarmac.

  • a watery smile = senyum air mata
  • tarmac = aspal

9. It’s hectic as tickets are purchased and a CLERK marks a chalkboard with destinations and mileage. Ginty stops, looks at the list.

  • hectic = sibuk sekali, ramai sekali, ribut
  • chalkboard = papan tulis

10. Pamela jolts in her seat, her eyes flit open. She’s disturbed by her dreams, she flicks her hand in front of her face as if somehow batting the memories away. She sighs loudly and digs her heel into the carpet of the plane

  • jolts = goncangan
  • flick  = mengibaskan
  • batting  = memukul dengan tongkat
  • sighs = mendesah

11. A bleary eyed Pamela carries her two bags into the arrivals area. She’s immediately hit by dazzling sunlight and a sea of signs bearing the names of various passengers and companies: she scans Paramount, Warner Brothers, MGM, finally falling upon her own name - P.L. Travers - underneath “Walt Disney Presents”.

  • dazzling = mempesona
  • bearing = bantalan, sikap, hubungan, sangkut paut
  • underneath = dibawah

12. Pamela is diminutive on the back seat of the sprawling car. She eyes the champagne on ice, the flutes clinking in the incar bar.

  • diminutive  = kecil, yang mengecilkan artinya
  • sprawling = luas, terkapar, tergeletak 

13. Pamela is restless, she looks around the room, stands in front of a full length mirror, admiring herself. She turns her face slightly to catch it at its best angle. 

  • restless = gelisah, resah

14. She leans forward and explores the contours of her face, surprisingly unlined for a woman of her years. She smiles, full of vanity

  • leans = bersandar

15. Pamela tucks her legs in and folds her hands into her lap. Ralph climbs into the driver’s seat.

  • tucks = melipat
  • lap = pangkuan

16. I was quite clear when you approached me the first time that she wasn’t for sale and clear again when you approached me a year later and clear again when you approached me every annum for the subsequent 18 years. Honestly, I feel corralled, ensnared

  • annum = tahun
  • subsequent = setelah, berikut, kemudian, menyusul 
  • corralled = terkurung, mengelilingi, mengepung, mengumpulkan
  • ensnared = terjerat, memikat, memerangkap

17. Walt is baffled. He takes a sip of tea, it’s disgusting, he spits it back into his cup surreptitiously, then coughs loudly. Pamela’s jaw drops.

  • baffled = bingung
  • a sip of tea = seteguk teh
  • disgusting = menjijikkan
  • spits = meludah 
  • surreptitiously = secara diam-diam

18. She pops the rights document in her bag. Walt’s joviality, his bright demeanor, vanishes in a split second

  • pops = muncul
  • joviality = riang
  • demeanor = sikap, kelakuan
  • vanishes = menghilang, lenyap 

19. Dolly gingerly places the tray on the table and hovers, distributing fruit and biscuits within reachable distance.

  • gingerly = dengan hati-hati
  • hovers = melayang-layang

20. The sketches of the Banks house make it look too opulent, there must be no hint of romance between Mary Poppins and Bert, she wants to know why Mr Banks has been given a moustache,

  • opulent = mewah

21. Disney marches down the corridor away from the rehearsal room. He stops, turns, goes back to the door, puts his hand on the handle, stops himself and moves on.

  • rehearsal = latihan, gladi

22. Pamela sits by the pool, arms clasped around her, looking at the stars. The pink and green of the hotel shimmers in the water making it look like a chalk painting.

  • clasped = tergenggam, 

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