Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Film Avatar


Avatar: teardown-Unobtanium Scene

Below are sentences and vocabularies from the script:

1 A SCREECH OF BRAKES as a vehicle WIPES FRAME, revealing --

SCREECH = melengking; 

  • (of a person or animal) give a loud, harsh, piercing cry.
  • a loud, harsh, piercing cry.


  • melengking = scream, screech, wail, pierce
  • berciut = grate, squeak, screech
  • menggeret = strike, scratch, screech
  • menciut-ciut = screak, screech
  • berciut-ciut = squeak, grate, screech
  • berkecut-kecut = squeak, screak, screech
  • nomina
  • bunyi berciut = screech

2. A SCREECH OF BRAKES as a vehicle WIPES FRAME, revealing --



  • clean or dry (something) by rubbing its surface with a cloth, a piece of paper, or one's hand.
  • remove or eliminate (something) completely.
  • erase data from (a computer system or electronic or magnetic storage device).

  • an act of wiping.
  • a disposable cloth treated with a cleansing agent, for wiping things clean.
  • a cinematographic effect in which an existing picture seems to be wiped out by a new one as the boundary between them moves across the screen.
  • menghapus = remove, erase, wipe, expunge, efface, repeal
  • menyeka = wipe, swab, brush away, swob
  • menyapu = sweep, rake, wipe, mop, whisk, sweep out
  • membersihkan = clean, clean up, clear, cleanse, rid, clean out
  • mengusap = wipe, rub, stroke, dry, chuck
  • menghilangkan = relieve, get rid of, omit, dispel, deprive, erase
  • melap = wipe
  • memukul = hit, beat, smack, strike, knock, whack
  • menggosok = rub, scrub, polish, scour, wipe, iron
  • menyusut = shrink, dwindle, wane, recede, subside, wipe
  • merawati = take care of, coddle, sit, wipe
  • memukulkan = hit, strike, pound, beat, bang, pommel
  • memukul-mukul = strike, beat, hit, knock, bang, pound

  • sapuan = wipe
  • tisyu = tissue, wipe

2. JAKE SULLY, a scarred and scruffy combat vet, sitting in a beat up carbon-fiber wheelchair. At 22, his eyes are hardened by the wisdom and wariness of one who has endured pain beyond his years.

scarred = berbakat
scarred for life = terluka seumur hidup
scarred  me = membuatku taku

  • berbakat = talented, gifted, accomplished, ingenious, scarred, marked
  • berparut = scarred

3. JAKE SULLY, a scarred and scruffy combat vet, sitting in a beat up carbon-fiber wheelchair. At 22, his eyes are hardened by the wisdom and wariness of one who has endured pain beyond his years.

scruffy = berantakan
  • shabby and untidy or dirty.
  • (of a man's face) having short, bristly hairs as a result of not having been shaved for a while.
  • tdk bersisir = scruffy
  • tdk rapi = unkempt, dowdy, slovenly, disheveled, sloven, scruffy

4. JAKE SULLY, a scarred and scruffy combat vet, sitting in a beat up carbon-fiber wheelchair. At 22, his eyes are hardened by the wisdom and wariness of one who has endured pain beyond his years.

vet = (nomina) dokter hewan; singkatan: vet; (verba) memeriksa, mengobati hewan.
  • dokter hewan = veterinarian, vet, veterinary, farrier, cow leech
  • singkatan veteran = vet

  • memeriksa = check, check out, examine, inspect, verify, vet
  • mengobati hewan = vet

5. JAKE SULLY, a scarred and scruffy combat vet, sitting in a beat up carbon-fiber wheelchair. At 22, his eyes are hardened by the wisdom and wariness of one who has endured pain beyond his years.

beat up = menghajar

  • menghajar = beat up, chasten, chastise, teach, manhandle, rough up
  • merangket = thrash, thresh, beat up
  • mengaduk = stir, mix, churn, confuse, beat, beat up
6. Jake stares upward at the levels of the city. MAGLEV TRAINS WHOOSH overhead on elevated tracks, against a sky of garish advertizing.

garish = menyolok; obtrusively bright and showy; lurid.

  • menyolok = striking, flashy, conspicuous, prominent, blatant, garish
  • berkilat = shiny, garish, lustrous
  • menyolok mata = flagrant, glaring, tawdry, blatant, striking, garish
7. JAKE (V.O.): They can fix a spinal, if you’ve got the money. But not on vet benefits, not in this economy.

spinal = tulang belakang; relating to the spine.
  • mengenai tulang belakang = spinal
8. The traffic light changes and Jake pushes forward with the crowd, pumping the wheels of his chair. Most of the people wear FILTER MASKS to protect them from the toxic air. In a LONG LENS STACK it is a marching torrent of anonymous, isolated souls.

torrent = 
  • semburan = spurt, spray, torrent, outburst, spout, scolding
  • arus deras = torrent, race
  • aliran air yg deras = torrent
9. The room is a tiny CUBICLE, prison cell meets 747 bathroom.

CUBICLE = kubik; a small partitioned-off area of a room, for example one containing a bed in a dwelling or one containing a desk in an office.

  • ruang kecil = cubicle, cuddy
  • kamar kecil = washroom, restroom, toilet, bathroom, lavatory, cubicle
  • kamar tidur yg kecil = cubicle
10. His legs are white and atrophied. Utterly useless. But his arms are tattooed and powerfully muscled. A “Born Loser” tattoo prominent on his shoulder.

atrophied= berhenti berkembang.
  • (of body tissue or an organ) wasted away or rudimentary.
  • having lost effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect.
  • yg mengalami atrophia = atrophied
11. Jake sees two pairs of SHINY SHOES stop next to him. He squints up at --
  • squints up = menyipitkan mata
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