Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Mortal Kombat


quaint little VILLAGE in FEUDAL JAPAN is attacked by a horde of masked NINJAS. JOE TASLIM, who you know is an ESPECIALLY BAD MOFO because you can see his FACE, invades the home of a WOMAN and her LITTLE BOY.

1. quaint = aneh
a quaint old custom
quaint country cottages
  • attractively unusual or old-fashioned.
2. horde = gerombolan;
  • gerombolan = horde, gang, band, bunch, swarm, group

  • mengumpul = accumulate, gather, cumulate, horde
  • mengelompok = group, horde, agglomerate
  • tinggal berkumpul-kumpulan = horde

3. mere = belaka; that is solely or no more or better than what is specified.

  • belaka = mere, sheer, pure, stark
  • yg tdk lebih dr = mere

  • danau = lake, loch, mere
  • kolam = pool, pond, basin, tank, mere, reservoir

You’re the family of my hated enemy, Hiroyuki Sanada. So instead of killing you with my mere sword, I will use my ICE POWERS to impale you both on an ICICLE!

4. impale = menusuk; pierce or transfix with a sharp instrument.

  • menusuk = stab, puncture, pierce, prick, poke, impale
  • menembak = shoot, gun, impale, plug, discharge, slug
  • menyula = impale

Ha ha ha, suck it Hiroyuki! At last I have ended your bloodline, and the centuries-long mission for the Lin Kuei to hunt down and destroy the Shirai Ryu traitors is-

5. bloodline = (nomina) garis keturunan; an animal's set of ancestors or pedigree, typically considered with regard to the desirable characteristics bred into it.

6. traitors = pengkhianat

They FIGHT for a while, and finally JOE kills HIROYUKI and leaves. Then TADANOBU ASANO teleports in.

7. teleports = pengalihan materi dari satu titik ke titik lain

(looking at piles of corpses)

Yeah, I think now is the perfect time for me and my immortal lightning god powers to intervene!

8. piles of corpses = tumpukan mayat

Dad, why do you always fight so recklessly? You would have won if only you’d shown control! And now that we’ve established the character flaw that you need to overcome in this movie, let’s never have you actually overcome it or indeed display it ever again.

9. recklessly = secara serampangan; without regard to the danger or the consequences of one's actions; rashly.

10. flaw = kekurangan, cacat; 
  • (nomina) a mark, fault, or other imperfection that mars a substance or object.
  • (verba) (of an imperfection) mar, weaken, or invalidate (something).
  • cacat = defect, disability, flaw, blemish, fault, malformation
  • kekurangan = lack, deficiency, shortage, drawback, shortfall, flaw
  • kerusakan = damage, harm, breakdown, decay, failure, flaw

Oh that’s not a tattoo, it’s a birthmark. A birthmark that happens to be shaped exactly like an angry dragon face, framed by a perfect circle. Apparently I’ve never questioned this.

11. birthmark = tanda lahir

12. Apparently = tampaknya; (adverbia) as far as one knows or can see.

  • tampaknya = apparently, seemingly
  • rupanya = apparently, evidently, seemingly, presumably, probably
  • kelihatannya = apparently, seemingly, outwardly, professedly, to all appearances, from all appearances

Indeed, the next time LEWIS is hanging out with MATILDA and his wife LAURA BRENT, JOE shows up and starts hurling chunks of ICE at them!

13. hurling = pelemparan; throw (an object) with great force.

  • melemparkan = throw, cast, toss, hurl, fling, put
  • melontarkan = catapult, throw, launch, hurl, bring up, orbit
  • melontar = throw, hurl

  • lontaran = throw, hurl
  • kelemparan = hurl

14. chunks  = potongan

15. plot = merencanakan;
  • a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful.
  • the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.
  • a small piece of ground marked out for a purpose such as building or gardening.
  • a graph showing the relation between two variables.
  • secretly make plans to carry out (an illegal or harmful action).
  • devise the sequence of events in (a play, novel, movie, or similar work).
  • mark (a route or position) on a chart.
  • merencanakan = plan, plot, devise, design, schedule, chart
  • berkomplot = conspire, plot, connive, scheme, be in cahoots, cabal
  • bersekongkol = conspire, plot, abet, gang up, connive, intrigue

  • bidang tanah = plot
  • alur = groove, plot, channel, furrow, gully, space

Demikian, Semoga bermanfaat..

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