Collocation Yang Sering Digunakan


Collocation Yang Sering Digunakan

Collocation adalah gabungan kata yang menjadi satu dan sudah menjadi satu kesatuan. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, collocation berarti sanding kata, yaitu kata yang biasa digunakan bersanding.

(Collocation is a combination of words that become one and has become a single unit. In Indonesian, collocation means word pairing, which is a word that is usually used side by side.)

Hal ini memudahkan kita dalam menggabungkan, menyatukan dan membuat kalimat secara cepat dan benar.

(This makes it easier for us to combine, unify and make sentences quickly and correctly.)

Berikut collocation yang sering digunakan: 

(The following collocations are often used:)

  • a bank account
  • absolutely impossible
  • accept an offer/invitation
  • accept a gift/present/bribe
  • accept an award
  • accept reality
  • accept the consequences
  • admit your mistake
  • a big/great/major advantage
  • a great adventure
  • an exciting adventure
  • a satisfactory/adequate explanation 
  • a relevant fact
  • a surge of anger
  • a variety/number of factors
  • a factory owner
  • allow/grant sb access
  • a bad/serious accident
  • a fatal accident
  • a terrible/horrific/nasty accident
  • achieve your goal/target/aim
  • a great/fine/impressive achievement
  • academic/educational achievemen
  • a round of applause
  • a good/fine/great actor
  • a drug addict
  • a witty remark/comment 
  • an adequate explanation/information
  • adequate support
  • adequate protection
  • adequate time
  • a cup of coffee
  • a box of chocolate
  • absolutely perfect
  • annual turnover
  • burst into tears
  • best ever = terbaik sampai sakarang
  • back road = jalan kecil
  • back street = jalan di pinggiran(bukan di kota)
  • become/get/grow accustomed to sth
  • bitterly disappointed
  • bars of soap
  • catch someone's eye
  • cease trading
  • chair a meeting
  • close a deal
  • come early
  • come to the point
  • completely/totally/entirely/fully acceptable
  • communal facilities
  • completely satisfied
  • commit suicide
  • completely satisfied
  • deeply admire
  • deeply committed
  • deserve to win
  • do the homework
  • do my homework
  • do nothing
  • do your best
  • do your hair
  • draw your attention to
  • economic crisis
  • excruciating pain
  • estimated cost
  • express your thanks/gratitude/appreciation
  • express sth freely
  • excruciating pain
  • fully aware
  • free time
  • filled with joy
  • get the message
  • give/offer/provide an explanation
  • give a presentation
  • go into partnership
  • good impression
  • happily married
  • have access
  • highly recommend
  • highly unusual behavior
  • have a drink
  • have a haircut
  • have a good time
  • haunted house
  • keep a secret
  • keep in touch
  • keep quiet
  • keep a secret
  • lay off staff
  • leisure time
  • long lasting
  • legal action 
  • leisure activities
  • maiden voyage
  • make a change
  • make a loss
  • make a mistake
  • make a choice
  • make a decision
  • make an appointment
  • make a noise
  • make money
  • make room
  • moral crisis
  • pay by credit card
  • perform an act
  • private facilities
  • preliminary exam 
  • provide/offer facilities
  • regular exercise
  • regular schedule
  • ridiculously expensive
  • richly decorated
  • run out of money
  • sharp pain
  • sharp increase
  • sharp distinction
  • sharp contrast
  • spend time
  • security forces
  • screaming loudly
  • strictly prohibited
  • strongly recommend
  • take a break
  • take an exam
  • take time
  • utterly devastated
  • vaguely remember
  • win convincingly
  • wasting time
  • win outright
  • Whispered softly
  • wave frantically
  • with pinpoint accuracy
Demikian pembahasan kita kali ini tentang collocation dalam Bahasa Inggris, Semoga dapat bermanfaat..

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