Belajar Bahasa Inggris Melalui Film: The little mermaid 2 Return to the Sea


The little mermaid 2:  Return to the Sea

After having found a magic locket which shows the kingdom of Atlantica, Melody decides to run away from home and find the truth behind it. Ariel eventually discovers that her daughter has run away after being told by Sebastian. Ariel must turn back into a mermaid to go into the sea once more to find her missing daughter. However, the crazy sister of Ursula, named Morgana intends to take control over the entire ocean. Ariel and her friends must stop Morgana from accomplishing the mission that Ursula failed and save Melody from her evil clutches.

1. Melody decides to run away from home and find the truth behind it

run away (verba) = Melarikan diri

Synonyms: escape, flee, run away, get away, run off, take off

2. Ariel eventually discovers that her daughter has run away after being told by Sebastian.

eventually (adverbia) = Pada akhirnya

Synonyms: finally, eventually, ultimately, at last, in the end, lastly

3. However, the crazy sister of Ursula, named Morgana intends to take control over the entire ocean.

intends (verba) = Bermaksud

4. Ariel and her friends must stop Morgana from accomplishing the mission that Ursula failed and save Melody from her evil clutches.

clutches (nomina) = cengkeraman 

5. She looks divine and you look exquisite

divine (adjectiva) = hebat

Synonyms: great, superb, fabulous, terrific, wonderful, divine

exquisite (adjectiva) = sangat indah

Synonyms: idyllic, exquisite, gorgeous, picturesque, heavenly, princely

6. The crew is awaiting your orders

awaiting = menunggu

orders = pesanan

7. Steady, boy, steady

steady (verba) = menenangkan, berpegangan, (Adjective) mantap

8We shall not rest until that madwoman is vanquished!

vanquished = tewas

9. There is no sign of her. She's vanished.

vanished = menghilang

10. Sebastian, you will watch over her.

watch over = mengawasi

11. This is gonna be some kind of shindig.

shindig = heboh

12. Yes, sir, a real swanky soiree, as they say.

swanky = megah

Synonyms: majestic, pretentious, stately, swanky, glorious, luxurious

soiree = pertemuan orang yang diundang

13. Any such swimming is a reckless disregard of the rules, don't you know?

reckless = ceroboh

Synonyms: reckless, frivolous, careless, flippant, haphazard, negligent

disregard = mengabaikan

Synonyms: ignore, overlook, neglect, disregard, omit, forsake

14. Yeah, that's what you said last time, and I was sore for a week.

sore (Adjectiva) = sakit

Synonyms: sick, ill, sore, diseased, ailing, unwell

15. Oh, stop your carping and stand still.

carping = kebawelan

Synonyms = quibbling, carping

16. The power of the trident is just too strong for me to overcome.

trident = trisula

overcome (verba) = mengatasi

Synonyms: overcome, cope with, surmount, get over, outgrow, quell

17. Your fault that we had to hide out here for frostbitten years.

frostbitten = membeku

18. Now, don't freak, but what I dream about more than anything in the whole world...

freak (Adjectiva) = aneh

Synonyms: strange, odd, weird, quaint, bizarre, freak

19. I'm old! I'm not tender anymore!

tender = empuk

20. and, uh, all kids your age feel awkward.

awkward (adjektiva) =  canggung

Synonyms: awkward, clumsy, ungainly, inelegant, bumbling, lousy

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