Belajar Bahasa Inggris dari Film: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)


Belajar Bahasa Inggris dari Film: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)

Crouching = berjongkok

1. Security men and porters are loading wagons for a convoy. As they work, we see across the lake a lone horseman entering the village.  One of the men recognizes him.

 work = 


  • activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.

Example: he was tired after a day's work


  • be engaged in physical or mental activity in order to achieve a result; do work.

Example: she has been working so hard


  • bekerja: work, labor, be at work, go about, be on duty, labour
  • mengerjakan: do, work, perform, undertake, carry out, take on
  • berjalan: walk, run, go, work, proceed, function
  • menjalankan: run, perform, execute, start, carry out, work
  • menyelesaikan: complete, finish, resolve, solve, settle, work
  • mengolah: process, cultivate, work, prepare, turn, culture
  • jalan: go, work
  • mengusahakan: try, work, attempt, strive, arrange, undertake
  • jadi: become, get, do, take, happen, work
  • menyebabkan: cause, lead, induce, render, bring about, work


  • pekerjaan: work, job, employment, occupation, working, profession
  • kerja: work, working, job, labor, activity, celebration
  • karya: work, creation, opus, effort
  • usaha: business, effort, venture, attempt, enterprise, work
  • hasil kerja: work
  • kerjaan: work
  • amal: charity, deed, work, alms, benefaction, bounty
  • tindak: act, action, step, deed, work, thing
  • faal: function, work, deed, sign, omen
  • reka: invention, confab, work, conjecture, ruse, measures

2. In the background, old Aunt Wu, at the sight of Li Mu Bai, drops her parcels and runs excitedly into the building. Aunt Wu runs hurriedly through the halls.                                       

 through = 


  • moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location).

Example: she walked through the doorway into the living room


  • expressing movement into one side and out of the other side of an opening, channel, or location.

Example: as soon as we opened the gate they came streaming through

3. Yu, a beautiful woman in her early 30s, is finishing packing for the convoy, wrapping a few small items in a linen wrapper, as Aunt Wu bursts in.

bursts in = Menerobos masuk

  • menyerbu masuk: burst in, rush in
  • menyela: interrupt, cut in, interject, jump in, break in, burst in

4. Yu sits, composed, as Aunt Wu ushers Li in.  Li carries a large object, wrapped in silk.

 ushers = Mengantar


  • a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a theater or at a wedding.


  • show or guide (someone) somewhere.

Example: a waiter ushered me to a table

  • cause or mark the start of something new.

Example: the railroads ushered in an era of cheap mass travel


  • mengantar: take, usher, escort, bring, accompany, walk
  • mengantarkan: deliver, usher, accompany, escort, squire, see off


  • penerima tamu: receptionist, usher, usherette
  • pelayan: waiter, waitress, maid, servant, bellhop, steward
  • penjaga pintu: doorman, porter, doorkeeper, concierge, gate keeper, usher

5. The mountain must be so peaceful...I envy you.  My work keeps me so busy, I hardly get any rest.

 get = 

  • come to have or hold (something); receive.

Example: I got the impression that she wasn't happy

  • succeed in attaining, achieving, or experiencing; obtain.

Example: I need all the sleep I can get


  • mendapatkan: get, obtain, gain, have, find, receive
  • mendapat: get, have, receive, obtain, gain, find
  • memperoleh: obtain, get, gain, acquire, have, achieve
  • dapat: be able, will, get, gain, attain, be obtained
  • mengambil: take, pick up, take on, take out, take up, get
  • menjadi: be, become, get, make, serve, grow
  • menerima: receive, accept, take, get, admit, take in
  • mengerti: understand, know, see, get, comprehend, grasp
  • membeli: buy, purchase, get, pick up, obtain, invest
  • jadi: become, get, do, take, happen, end up
  • mencapai: achieve, reach, attain, get, gain, realize
  • mendapati: find, have, get, make, receive, obtain
  • mengambilkan: get, fetch, bring, draw, pick up for
  • menghubungi: contact, reach, get in touch with, get, get through to, get hold of
  • membalas: reply, return, avenge, respond, retaliate, get
  • memahami: understand, grasp, comprehend, realize, conceive, get
  • memanggil: call, summon, call out, call in, address, get
  • beroleh: receive, obtain, get
  • membalas dendam: revenge, take revenge, avenge, retaliate, get back, get
  • memperdapat: get, obtain, secure
  • mengangkat: lift, raise, appoint, remove, pick up, get
  • menangkap: catch, capture, arrest, seize, pick up, get
  • menangkapi: arrest, capture, catch, detain, seize, get
  • menggelikan hati: panic, get
  • membukakan: open, reveal, open for, divulge, betray, get


  • peruntungan: fortune, get
  • upah: wage, pay, reward, salary, fee, get

6. No.  I didn't feel the bliss of enlightenment.  Instead... I was surrounded by an endless sorrow.  I couldn't bear it.  I broke off my meditation.  I couldn't go on. There was something... pulling me back.

  bliss = Kebahagiaan


  • perfect happiness; great joy.

Example: she gave a sigh of bliss



  • reach a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be oblivious of everything else.

Example: blissed-out hippies


  • kebahagiaan: happiness, bliss, beatitude, blessedness, blissfulness, luck

7. Dusty and congested as always, people, horses, and carriages are fighting to get through the boulevards.

 congested =


  • (of a road or place) so crowded with traffic or people as to hinder freedom of movement.

Example: one of the most congested airports in the world

  • (of a part of the body) abnormally full of blood.

Example: congested arteries


  • padat: solid, dense, congested, compact, heavy, tight
  • yg berjejal: congested, dense
  • ramai sekali: hectic, congested
  • yg terlalu banyak darah: congested

8. Don't be coy.  I've always known about your feelings for each other. All these years, it's a shame...neither of you is brave enough to admit the truth to the other. You're both wasting precious time.

 coy = malu-malu


  • (especially with reference to a woman) making a pretense of shyness or modesty that is intended to be alluring.

Example: she treated him to a coy smile of invitation


  • pemalu: shy, constrained, coy, sheepish, blushful, gingerly
  • rendah hati: humble, modest, unobtrusive, unpretentious, coy, unpretending
  • tersipu: embarrassed, shy, coy
  • kesipuan: shy, coy
  • malu sipu: coy
  • sok malu: coy
  • tersembunyi: hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, coy
  • tersipu-sipu: embarrassed, shy, coy
  • kesipu-sipuan: shy, coy
  • pura-pura malu: coy

9. Li Mu Bai!  The famous warrior? Why would he give his sword to Sir Te?

 famous = Terkenal


  • known about by many people.

Example: the country is famous for its natural beauty


  • terkenal: famous, renowned, famed, noted, celebrated, leading
  • ternama: famous, reputable, celebrated, distinguished, famed, well-known
  • tersohor: famous
  • kondang: famous
  • kenamaan: famous, celebrated
  • termasyhur: famous, illustrious, famed, stellar, noted, known
  • masyhur: famous, distinguished, famed, glorious
  • kesohor: famous
  • sohor: famous
  • bernama: named, called, famous, well-known
  • wangi: fragrant, perfumed, sweet, aromatic, famous, sweet-scented
  • kuncara: famous, renowned
  • baik sekali: excellent, splendid, convenient, remarkable, splendiferous, famous

10. Yu yanks the sword out of the sheath.  An eerie sound resonates within the study.  Jen is even more impressed.

 yanks = Merenggut



  • pull with a jerk.

Example: her hair was yanked, and she screamed


  • a sudden hard pull.

Example: one of the other girls gave her ponytail a yank


  • merenggut: snatch, yank, wrench, grasp, pluck, hitch
  • menangkap: catch, capture, arrest, seize, pick up, catch on
  • menangkapi: arrest, capture, catch, detain, seize, nab
  • memberhentikan: dismiss, lay off, halt, discharge, stop, sack


  • sentakan: jolt, surge, jerk, tug, kick, twitch
  • renggutan: wrench, pull, yank, jerk, tug, twitch

11. It's dusk and the sky is beautiful orange and purple.  Jen is leaving the study escorted by her maid.  She turns to Yu for a final good-bye.  Yu seems intrigued by the encounter.

 escorted = Dikawal


  • accompany (someone or something) somewhere, especially for protection or security, or as a mark of rank.

Example: Shiona escorted Janice to the door


  • mengantar: take, usher, escort, bring, accompany, walk
  • menemani: accompany, escort, attend, keep company with, squire
  • mengantarkan: deliver, usher, accompany, escort, squire, see off
  • mengiringi: accompany, escort, convoy
  • mengiringkan: escort, conduct, convey, follow

12. Governor Yu is impressed by the opulence and elegance of the sword.  He closes his eyes to guess the weight of the sword. Te snubs out the flame from a candle, then slides the sword out from its sheath.  The sword gives off a luminous blue glow in the dark.

 impressed = Terkesan


  • feeling or showing admiration or respect for someone or something.

Example:I was very impressed with the results

  • (of a mark) applied to something using pressure.

Example: the saddle was handsomely decorated with an impressed design of leaves and flowers

  • (of an electric current or potential) applied from an external source.

Example: the total impressed voltage

13. A wide shot of the compound.  A patrol man greets Master Bo, Sir Te's head of security.  The place is serene.

 compound = Menggaungkan


  • a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture.

Example: the air smelled like a compound of diesel and gasoline fumes


  • made up or consisting of two or more existing parts or elements.

Example: a compound noun


  • make up (a composite whole); constitute.

Example: a dialect compounded of Spanish and Dutch

  • senyawa: compound
  • gabungan: combination, composite, compound, merger, association, alliance
  • campuran: mixture, mix, blend, alloy, compound, hybrid
  • persenyawaan: compound
  • kamp: camp, compound
  • kata majemuk: compound
  • halaman tertutup: compound
  • bahan campuran: compound
  • ramuan: concoction, ingredient, compound
  • kam: camp, compound
  • majemuk: compound, complex, composite
  • bersusun: composite, compound, multilevel
  • mempersulit: compound, make difficult
  • melipatgandakan: multiply, redouble, compound
  • menambah: add, increase, supplement, augment, gain, compound
  • mencampur: mix, blend, compound, intermix, alloy, amalgamate
  • mencampurkan: mix, blend, intermix, compound, interfuse, medley
  • memajemukan: compound
  • menyusun:marrange, compile, set, draw up, compose, compound
  • mengangsur hutang: compound
  • menambahkan: add, append, increase, supplement, enhance, compound

14. A masked figure silently opens the window and enters the room.  It moves swiftly to the sword case, opens it, and wraps the sword.

 swiftly = Cepat


  • at high speed; quickly.

Example: she got up and walked swiftly to the door


  • dgn cepat: quickly, swift, fast, quick, rapidly, swiftly

15. Bo enters, sees the thief, who leaps up to the ceiling.  The thief steps over Bo and out into the courtyard.  Bo tries to stop the thief, who easily outwits him, jumping onto the roof as Bo yells out.



  • make an attempt or effort to do something.

Example: he tried to regain his breath

  • subject (someone) to trial.

Example: he was arrested and tried for the murder


  • an effort to accomplish something; an attempt.


  • mencoba: try, attempt, try out, test, try on, sample
  • coba: try, try out
  • berusaha: try, undertake, manage, make efforts, exert, labor
  • mengadili: try, hear, judge, adjudicate, arbitrate
  • mencicipi: taste, sample, try
  • menguji: test, examine, verify, try, quiz, tempt
  • mengusahakan: try, work, attempt, strive, arrange, undertake
  • memeriksa: check, check out, examine, inspect, verify, try
  • mencari akal: try, make efforts, contrive, look for a way out
  • melelahkan: tire, weary, wear, fatigue, gruel, try
  • memperusahakan: endeavor, organize, deal in, do, try, make an effort
  • memugar: restore, rehabilitate, endeavor, renew, try, endeavour
  • mengganggu: interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, try
  • menyakitkan: pain, irritate, twinge, try


  • percobaan: trial, experiment, test, attempt, experimentation, try
  • usaha: business, effort, venture, attempt, enterprise, try

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