Belajar dari film: ARMAGEDDON



1. Sixty-five million years ago, dinosaurs walked the face of a lush and fertile planet ...


  • move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.

Example: I walked across the lawn

  • guide, accompany, or escort (someone) on foot.

Example: he walked her home to her door

  • an act of traveling or an excursion on foot.

Example: he was too restless to sleep, so he went out for a walk


  • berjalan: walk, run, go, work, proceed, function
  • berjalan kaki: walk, foot, hike, go on foot, leg it, stump
  • membawa: bring, take, carry, lead, bring out, walk
  • bertingkah laku: conduct oneself, walk, comport oneself, deport oneself, go on, quit oneself
  • mengantar: take, usher, escort, bring, accompany, walk
  • berjalan-jalan: take the air, stroll, take a stroll, go for a stroll, promenade, walk


  • cara berjalan: gait, walk, pace, motion
  • trotoar: sidewalk, pavement, footpath, paving, walk, footway
  • kaki lima: sidewalk, pavement, walk, paving, sideway
  • jarak untuk dijalani: walk
  • jabatan; position, office, post, occupation, function, walk
  • pekerjaan: work, job, employment, occupation, working, walk
  • jalan-jalan: stroll, jog, walk

2. ... a complex, highly-evolved ecosystem thrived....A piece of rock, only six miles wide, hurtling through space, altered the course of natural history forever ...

  • (of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously.
Example: the new baby thrived

  • berkembang: evolve, thrive, flourish, progress, bloom, unfold
  • maju: advance, progress, go forward, go ahead, come forward, thrive
  • berhasil: succeed, manage, be successful, work out, thrive, be a success
  • tumbuh dgn subur: flourish, thrive
3. EARTH, seen from space, rocked by an IMMENSE SHOC1'WAVE. and now - the 4 blue is slowly lathered in this awful black death):cloud.

  • (with reference to soap or a similar cleansing substance) form or cause to form a frothy white mass of bubbles.
Example: soap will not lather in hard water
  • cover something with liberal amounts of (a substance).
Example: she lathered a slice of toast with butter
  • (of a horse) be covered with sweat.
Example: the old mare was lathered and I decided it was time for a rest

  • thrash (someone).
Example: my mother caught me by the back of the neck and lathered me up the steps

4. EARTH is now completely entombed in a dark, cold hell


  • place (a dead body) in a tomb.

example: mummified bodies were entombed in the pyramids of Egypt


  • memakamkan: entomb, tomb, sepulchre

5. We've got that coupling up on the board now,

coupling up on = bergandengan

6. Sir, I have some General from the Air Defense Forces on the phone. to know what we're doing....


  • be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.

example: most people know that CFCs can damage the ozone layer

have developed a relationship with (someone) through meeting and spending time with them; be familiar or friendly with.

example: he knew and respected Laura


  • tahu: know, savvy, be familiar, wot, ken, wit
  • mengetahui: know, find out, find, tell, understand, discover
  • kenal: know, be familiar, be acquainted, place
  • mengenal: know, recognize, identify, understand, admit, tell
  • mengerti: understand, know, see, get, comprehend, grasp
  • paham: understand, know, have
  • menguasai: master, control, dominate, rule, hold, know
  • pandai: be good at, know
  • maklum: know
  • mafhum: understand, know

7. Keep taunting and I'm gonna kick these Nike's up your big Samoan ass.


  • intended to provoke someone in an insulting or contemptuous manner.

example: taunting comments


  • mengejek: mock, ridicule, taunt, sneer, jeer, tease
  • mencela: denounce, reproach, criticize, blame, deprecate, decry
  • mencelakan: cavil, keelhaul, stigmatize, blame, criticize, attack
  • mencemoohkan: flout, mock, scoff, sneer, scorn, deride

8. Karl, I want you to stand by up there. Okay? I want you to stay right there and let us check this out


  • remain in the same place.

example: you stay here and I'll be back soon

  • remain in a specified state or position.

example: her ability to stay calm


  • a period of staying somewhere, in particular of living somewhere temporarily as a visitor or guest.

example: an overnight stay at a luxury hotel


  • tinggal: stay, live, remain, reside, dwell, abide
  • menginap: stay, stay overnight, put up, sleep, lodge, stop
  • berdiam: stay, be silent, sojourn, hold one's peace
  • menumpang: ride, stay, join
  • menunda: delay, put off, postpone, suspend, defer, stay
  • diopname: stay
  • mukim: stay, be a resident of
  • menghentikan: stop, discontinue, cease, end, suspend, stay
  • menangguhkan: suspend, postpone, defer, put off, shelve, stay
  • mencegah: prevent, avoid, stop, avert, forestall, stay


  • tinggalnya: stay, indwelling
  • penundaan: delay, postponement, procrastination, deferment, stay, moratorium
  • penopang: cantilever, crutch, prop, rest, shore, stay
  • penyokong: support, advocate, supporter, proponent, backer, stay
  • jahitan penguat pd pakaian: stay
  • bubutan: lathe, guy, stay
  • karang: coral, rock, crag, stay

9. I'm sure you' re aware, Sir, after .. congressional budget cuts, that $700,00n only lets us track 3 percent of the'sky


  • having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

example: most people are aware of the dangers of sunbathing


  • sadar: aware, conscious, mindful, awake, cognizant, sensible
  • mengetahui: aware
  • sedar: conscious, aware
  • insaf: aware, conscious
  • yg tahu: aware

10. What kind of damage are? Total. Sir. This is what we call a Gllobal Killer. The end of mankind. Doesn't matter where it hits, nothing would:: survive, not even bacteria.


  • physical harm caused to something in such a way as to impair its value, usefulness, or normal function.

example: bombing caused extensive damage to the town

  • a sum of money claimed or awarded in compensation for a loss or an injury.

example: she was awarded $284,000 in damages


  • inflict physical harm on (something) so as to impair its value, usefulness, or normal function.

example: the car was badly damaged in the accident


  • kerusakan: damage, harm, breakdown, decay, failure, breakage
  • kerugian: loss, disadvantage, harm, damage, costs, detriment
  • rugi: loss, damage, damnification, scathe


  • merusakkan: damage, destroy, tamper, boggle, break, devastate
  • mendapat cedera: damage
  • membejatkan: damage, harm
  • mencacati: truncate, deface, disable, damage, injure
  • mencacatkan: damage

11. Funky and cramped. Samples all over. ROCKHOUNDiis wearing boxers, sneakers, and a miner's helmet. Harry comes rushing through


  • move or travel toward or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker.

example: Jessica came into the kitchen



  • when a specified time is reached or event happens.

example: I don't think that they'll be far away from honors come the new season

12. I understand that you're handicapped by a natural immaturity


  • existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.

example: carrots contain a natural antiseptic that fights bacteria


  • a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity.

example: she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her




  • naturally.

example: keep walking—just act natural


  • alam: natural, native
  • alamiah: natural, native, artless
  • wajar: fair, natural, proper, due, equitable, fitting
  • biasa: usual, regular, ordinary, normal, common, natural
  • normal: normal, ordinary, natural
  • dasar: basic, base, primary, elementary, natural, intrinsic
  • fitri: pure, natural


  • kelaziman: prevalence, custom, predominance, natural, predominancy, habitude

13. It's actually very simple: you set a firecracker off in your open palm and you burn yourself. Right? But close your fist and light that fuse ... and... well, your wife's gonna be opening the ketchup bottle the rest of your life.


  • cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.

example: he needed to rest after the feverish activity

  • be placed or supported so as to stay in a specified position.

example: her elbow was resting on the arm of the sofa


  • an instance or period of relaxing or ceasing to engage in strenuous or stressful activity.

example: you look as though you need a rest


  • beristirahat: rest, relax, take a rest, unwind, repose, spell
  • mengistirahatkan: rest, spell
  • jeda: rest
  • bersandar: rest, lean back, recline, moor, fall back, be based
  • terletak: lie, be located, reside, rest, sit, repose
  • berbaring: lie, lie down, stretch out, recline, lie back, rest
  • bertumpu: rest, focus, concentrate, have support, come in contact with
  • meletakkan: put, lay, place, put down, lay down, rest
  • menyandarkan: rest, lean, base, recline
  • mengaso: rest, unwind
  • merebah: lie down, fall down, rest
  • adalah tenang: rest, sleep
  • menenteramkan: reassure, calm, pacify, placate, appease, rest
  • adalah tenteram: rest, sleep
  • menggalangkan: use as a support, rest, dry-dock
  • mengalaskan: ground, rest, put down as a base
  • tetap tdk berubah: rest


  • sisa: rest, remainder, residual, remains, leftovers, leftover
  • istirahat: break, rest, recess, intermission, repose, breather
  • ketenangan: serenity, calm, quietness, calmness, quiet, rest
  • sandaran: back, rest, support, back rest, parapet, help
  • tidur: sleep, slumber, rest, kip, repose, shuteye
  • rihat: rest
  • mati: death, off, sleep, funeral, rest, curtains
  • penopang: cantilever, crutch, prop, rest, shore, standard
  • tumpuan: pedestal, support, foothold, toehold, confluence, rest
  • saat berhenti: rest
  • baringan: nap, bearing, rest
  • keheningan: silence, stillness, serenity, still, hush, rest
  • dana cadangan: reserve fund, rest
  • lain-lain: rest

14. Mr. Stamper, I'm Admiral Kelso, Commander of the Pacific Fleet. I've been sent here by the Secretary of Defense on direct orders from the President of the United States. This is a matter of urgent national security. I need you to get on,this chopper right now, no questions·asked. Reassure your men that you're leaving voluntarily.


  • (of a state or situation) requiring immediate action or attention.

example: the situation is far more urgent than politicians are admitting


  • mendesak: urgent, pressing, importunate, crying, clamant, exigent
  • urgen: urgent, clamorous, clamant, hurry-up

15. What I see. is that you ripped me off and now I'm pissed.


  • perceive with the eyes; discern visually.

example: in the distance she could see the blue sea

  • discern or deduce mentally after reflection or from information; understand.

example: I can't see any other way to treat it


  • the place in which a cathedral church stands, identified as the seat of authority of a bishop or archbishop.


  • melihat: see, view, look, notice, sight, spot
  • lihat: see, refer
  • menemui: meet, see, run into, approach, experience, go to meet
  • mengerti: understand, know, see, get, comprehend, grasp
  • mengunjungi: visit, see, call, pay a visit, come to see, go round
  • memeriksa: check, check out, examine, inspect, verify, see
  • menjumpai: find, see, encounter, come across, meet, come upon
  • berjumpa: meet, see, converge
  • membaca: read, recite, see, run over, run down
  • pergi ke: see, wend, take in
  • bertemu dgn: see, encounter
  • menampak: descry, see
  • memikirkan: think, consider, reflect, dwell, contemplate, see
  • memikir: think, consider, speculate, ponder, devise, see
  • membicarakan: discuss, talk about, speak about, talk over, treat, see
  • mengusahakan: try, work, attempt, strive, arrange, see
  • berkunjung: visit, pay a visit, circulate, see
  • menjaga: keep, maintain, take care of, guard, preserve, see

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