Bahasa Inggris dari Film: The Predator (2010)




Shane Black & Fred Dekker

1. DWARFS the escaping vessel. Looming; like a nautilus of molded black steel.


  • made or shaped in a mold.

example: the molded fiberglass hull eliminates leaks and is immune to attack from marine organisms


  • (of a column, ceiling, or other part of a building) having a decorative molding.

example: a corridor with a molded cornice

2. Emergency lights illuminate a dank, organic-looking interior.


  • make (something) visible or bright by shining light on it; light up.

example: a flash of lightning illuminated the house

  • help to clarify or explain.

example: placing the events of the 1930s in a broader historical context helps to illuminate their significance

  • decorate (a page or letter in a manuscript) by hand with gold, silver, or colored designs.

example: this is a carefully written, large-format manuscript illuminated by Leonardo Bellini


  • menerangi: illuminate, light, brighten, illumine, lamp, flash on
  • menjelaskan: explain, clarify, account, define, elucidate, illuminate
  • menyinari: illuminate, irradiate, brighten, ray, illumine
  • menerangkan: explain, account, clarify, illuminate, state, elucidate
  • membarakan: inflame, illuminate, illumine, set ablaze
  • menghiasi dgn lampu-lampu: illuminate, illumine

3. Around the periphery. FROST clouds the cryotubes, prevents us from seeing the “passengers.” Finally,

4. The pilot of this crippled ship. We do not see him fully either, but for the record?


  • severely damaged or malfunctioning.

example: the pilot displayed skill and nerve in landing the crippled plane


  • kudung: crippled, maimed
  • incut: crippled, lame
  • puntung: crippled, mutilated, blunt

5. Ice caps melting; atmosphere toxified; the dominant species continually finding new ways to fuck things up.


  • repeated frequently in the same way; regularly.

example: this information is continually updated

  • without interruption; constantly.

example: I was continually moving around


  • terus-menerus: continuously, continually, constantly, nonstop, perennially, steadily
  • terus-terusan: continuously, continually, constantly, nonstop, perennially, steadily

6. Our Predator realizes he’s on a sinking ship... He programs a new command sequence;


  • a particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other.

example: the content of the program should follow a logical sequence

  • a set of related events, movements, or things that follow each other in a particular order.

example: a grueling sequence of exercises


  • arrange in a particular order.

example: trainee librarians decide how a set of misfiled cards could be sequenced


  • urutan: order, sequence, thread, succession, continuity, stream
  • rangkaian: series, concatenation, sequence, chain, suite, string
  • rentetan: series, sequence, chain, round, string, concatenation
  • akibat: result, effect, consequence, aftermath, outcome, sequence
  • urut-urutan: succession, order, continuity, sequence, thread, stream

7. Rugged face. Stubble. He’s looking down, eyes red-rimmed with fatigue, as we HEAR: A hollow TRICKLE of piss in plastic.

  • Rugged = kasar
  • Stubble = rambut pendek
  • rimmed  = berbingkai
  • fatigue = kelelahan
  • hollow = kosong
  • piss = kencing

8. A MANSION. Neoclassical. Built in the 1850s, but painted hot Havana aquamarine. Surrounded by high walls and roaming SENTRIES.

  • moving about aimlessly or unsystematically, especially over a wide area.
example: roaming herds of reindeer

  • the practice of using a mobile phone on another operator's network, typically while abroad.
example: EU officials have been cutting the fees companies can charge for roaming

  • berkeliaran: roam, hang around, loiter, stray, hang about, swarm
  • menjelajah: explore, roam, cruise, scour, rove, comb
  • berkelana: wander, roam, rove, knock about
  • mengembara: wander, roam, rogue, stray, range, itinerate
  • membatak: rob, plunder, wander, roam
  • berhanyut-hanyut: drift, wander, roam

9. He wipes away sweat, SWIVELS the rifle, SEEING: A SMALL CONVOY, NOW On the DIRT ROAD leading into the compound. BLACK SUVs.


  • a coupling between two parts enabling one to revolve without turning the other.


  • turn around a point or axis or on a swivel.

example: he swiveled in the chair

10. As they stop, dust rising. DRUG SOLDIERS besiege the vehicles -- roughly PULLING OUT several HOSTAGES with pillow cases over their heads.


  • surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender; lay siege to.

example: the guerrillas continued to besiege other major cities to the north


  • mengepung: surround, besiege, encircle, outflank, beset, mob
  • mengelilingi: surround, round, encircle, circle, circumnavigate, besiege
  • menyerbu: invade, attack, rush, overrun, stampede, besiege

11. A MAN in a silk shirt appears. The DRUG LORD faces the sagging hostages, contemptuous. His men raise their weapons.


  • come into sight; become visible or noticeable, typically without visible agent or apparent cause.

example: smoke appeared on the horizon

  • seem; give the impression of being.

example: she appeared not to know what was happening


  • muncul: appear, arise, emerge, show, come up, turn up
  • tampak: appear, emerge, stare, come into sight, come into view
  • tampil: appear, emerge, come forth, come forward, step forward, come into being
  • kelihatan: look, seem, appear, be seen, show, emerge
  • timbul: arise, appear, emerge, develop, rise, come up
  • menghadap: face, appear, front, come before, orient, orientate
  • terbit: rise, publish, appear, come out, well, get out
  • bermain: play, do, appear, shoot, masquerade
  • merupa: appear, come into one's vision
  • membayang: reflect, vision, darken, appear, shew, show

12. He holds his breath, cautious not to wake the sleeping beast. That said, he can’t resist.


  • (of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.

example: a cautious driver


  • waspada: alert, wary, vigilant, watchful, cautious, wide-awake
  • berhati-hati: cautious, careful, chary, watchful, discreet, gingerly

13. We’re blown. Move out, converge for extraction.


  • (of lines) tend to meet at a point.

example: a pair of lines of longitude are parallel at the equator but converge toward the poles


  • (of a series) approximate in the sum of its terms toward a definite limit.

example: the powers of e therefore converge very slowly


  • bertemu: meet, converge, come together, cross, agree
  • berkumpul: gather, assemble, get together, come together, congregate, converge
  • memusatkan: focus, concentrate, centralize, center, fix, converge
  • berjumpa: meet, see, converge
  • memusatkan perhatian: converge, recollect oneself, rivet one's attention
  • menuju ke satu titik: converge

14. McKenna frowns: his extraction..? No. Impossible. Wrong helicopter. He heaves to his feet, switches on his mic


  • lift or haul (a heavy thing) with great effort.

example: she heaved the sofa back into place

  • produce (a sigh).

example: he heaved a euphoric sigh of relief


  • mengangkat: lift, raise, appoint, remove, pick up, heave
  • mengalun: heave, be in steady movement
  • menghela: haul, draw, heave, drag
  • beralun: heave, roll, be in steady movement
  • berombak: wave, heave, surge
  • menyembul: swell, emerge, heave
  • menarik: attract, draw, pull, withdraw, appeal, heave
  • melemparkan: throw, cast, toss, hurl, fling, heave
  • mengombak: surge, billow, heave, corrugate
  • kembang-kempis: pulsate, heave


  • dorongan: encouragement, boost, impetus, push, urge, heave
  • angkatan: force, generation, lift, service, heave
  • gelora laut: heave
  • ombak besar laut: heave

15. From the helicopter. Headed his way. No way out. McKenna looks to his team; shredded. EVISCERATED. Draws a shuddering breath...

shredded = diparut

EVISCERATED = dikeluarkan

shuddering = gemetar

16. My friends here’ll escort you to the airfield. Got a DC-8 all gassed up and ready to go.


  • a person, vehicle, or group accompanying another for protection or as a mark of rank.

example: a police escort


  • accompany (someone or something) somewhere, especially for protection or security, or as a mark of rank.

example: Shiona escorted Janice to the door


  • pengawal: bodyguard, guard, escort, guardsman, sentinel, orderly
  • kawalan: escort, convoy
  • pengiring: accompanist, escort, attendant, suite, follower, train
  • pengantar: introduction, escort, agent, conveyor, starter, courier
  • kawan: friend, comrade, fellow, fella, companion, escort


  • mengantar: take, usher, escort, bring, accompany, walk
  • menemani: accompany, escort, attend, keep company with, squire
  • mengantarkan: deliver, usher, accompany, escort, squire, see off
  • mengiringi: accompany, escort, convoy
  • mengiringkan: escort, conduct, convey, follow

17. For a quiet, electric moment, Rory is alone in the room.


  • making little or no noise.

example: the car has a quiet, economical engine

  • carried out discreetly, secretly, or with moderation.

example: we wanted a quiet wedding


  • absence of noise or bustle; silence; calm.

example: the ringing of the telephone shattered the early morning quiet


  • tenang: quiet, calm, tranquil, serene, restful, peaceful
  • sepi: quiet, deserted, lonely, desolate, sleepy, slack
  • diam: silent, quiet, idle, quiescent, motionless, mum
  • sunyi: quiet, silent, deserted, lonely, desolate, solitary
  • senyap: silent, quiet, sound asleep
  • teduh: shady, quiet, calm
  • lengang: quiet, lonely, vacant
  • aman: secure, safe, peaceful, quiet, calm
  • tenteram: peaceful, serene, quiet, tranquil, restful, settled
  • bungkam: silent, mum, quiet, speechless, close, secret
  • sirep: quiet, fallen
  • sayu: glazed, wistful, glassy, melancholy, plaintive, quiet
  • sengap: quiet, silent
  • tdk ramai: quiet


  • menenangkan: calm, soothe, appease, quiet, pacify, compose
  • meredakan: ease, alleviate, assuage, mitigate, calm, quiet
  • mendiamkan: silence, quiet, shush, hush, squelch, suppress
  • memperdiamkan: soothe, hush, silence, calm, pass over, quiet


  • ketenangan: serenity, calm, quietness, calmness, quiet, composure

18. His eyes flicker across the chess boards: mental inventory.


  • (of light or a source of light) shine unsteadily; vary rapidly in brightness.

example: the interior lights flickered, and came on

  • make small, quick movements; flutter rapidly.

example: her eyelids flickered


  • an unsteady movement of a flame or light that causes rapid variations in brightness.

example: the flicker of a candle flame caught our eyes


berkedip: blink, flicker, wink

mengerlip: flicker, blink

  • meliuk: flicker, bend
  • berkelip: twinkle, blink, flicker, sparkle, glitter, nictitate
  • berkerlip: flicker, glitter
  • berkerlap: flicker, glitter
  • berkerdip: blink, wink, flicker
  • gemetar: tremble, shake, shiver, quiver, quake, flicker
  • berkelip-kelip: glitter, twinkle, flicker, nictitate, nictate, shimmer
  • berkedip-kedip: blink, wink, flicker
  • berkerdip-kerdip: blink, wink, flicker
  • berkelap-kelip: flicker, twinkle, waver


  • kedipan: blink, flicker, wink, winking
  • kedip: blink, wink, flicker, winking
  • kejapan: flicker
  • kerdipan: flicker, wink, squint
  • kelip-kelip: spangle, firefly, flicker
  • kelap-kelip: flicker, flickering, blink, blinking

19. Briefly makes him FIXATE. Seepage. A WATER SPOT. He grabs a paper towel, delicately blots away the run-off -- goes to the refrigerator.


  • cause (someone) to acquire an obsessive attachment to someone or something.

example: she has for some time been fixated on photography


  • direct one's eyes toward.

example: subjects fixated a central point

  • terpaku pada : fixate on

20. He huffs, as though having just pushed a boulder uphill. Elaborately towels his neck.

huffs = gusar


  • blow out loudly; puff.

example: he was huffing under a heavy load

  • express one's annoyance or offense.

example: ‘Huh!’ Nanny huffed


  • a fit of petty annoyance.

example: she walked off in a huff


  • kemarahan: anger, rage, fury, wrath, resentment, ire
  • perasaan tersinggung: displeasure, huff, pique
  • kegusaran: wrath, rage, anger, exasperation, ire, huff


  • merasa sakit hati: resent, huff, take exception, nurse a grievance
  • merasa tersinggung: resent, take umbrage, take exception to, huff, nurse a grievance
  • menjengkelkan: annoy, irritate, irk, spite, exasperate, fret
  • memengkalkan: annoy, huff
  • mendongkolkan: irritate, huff, spite, vex
  • menyakiti hati: offend, aggravate, exasperate, bruise, huff, damnify
  • menggertakkan: grit, gnash, grind, intimidate, bully, bullyrag
  • merasa dikecilkan hati: huff
  • menggertak: bully, bluff, bluster, browbeat, intimidate, spur

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