Belajar dari Film Frozen

 Belajar dari Film Frozen

1. ICE HARVESTERS, dressed in traditional Sami clothing, score a frozen lake. They SING.

  •  the number of points, goals, runs, etc. achieved in a game or by a team or an individual.

example: the final score was 25–16 in favor of Washington

  • a group or set of twenty or about twenty.

example: a score of men lost their lives in the battle

  • gain (a point, goal, run, etc.) in a competitive game.

example: Penn State scored two touchdowns in the fourth quarter

  • cut or scratch a notch or line on (a surface).

example: score the card until you cut through

  • (medicine)(biology) examine (experimentally treated cells, bacterial colonies, etc.), making a record of the number showing a particular character.

example: the aim should be to score between fifty and one hundred mitotic cells


  • skor: score
  • kodi: score
  • gol: goal, score, touchdown, point, goalpost
  • angka: number, figure, rate, digit, point, score
  • torehan: incision, notch, score, nick, hack, nock
  • biji: seed, bean, grain, kernel, nut, score
  • lembaran musik: sheet music, score
  • rekening hutang: score
  • balas dendam: vengeance, score
  • stan: booth, stand, stall, score
  • sebab: cause, reason, why, account, cos, score
  • duapuluh: score
  • jumlah besar: bulk, quantity, vast, multiplicity, reams, score
  • untung: profit, gain, fortune, happiness, fate, score
  • gores: scratch, scar, stroke, score, line, hatch
  • susunan musik: arrangement, score
  • alasan: reason, excuse, cause, rationale, ground, score


  • mencetak: print, score, mold, impress, publish, mint
  • membuat angka: score
  • mendapat: get, have, receive, obtain, gain, score
  • mendapatkan: get, obtain, gain, have, find, score
  • mendapati: find, have, get, make, receive, score
  • membuat biji: score
  • memasukkan: enter, include, insert, put, incorporate, score
  • beruntung: be lucky, chalk up, make a profit, score, clean up
  • mencatat biji: score
  • menghitung angka: score
  • menghitung biji: score
  • menang: win, prevail, triumph, beat, cinch, score
  • mencoret: cross out, strike, write off, scratch, delete, score
  • mencoreng: strike, expunge, streak, deface, strike off, score
  • mengarang: compose, write, author, write up, put out, score
  • menyusun: arrange, compile, set, draw up, compose, score

2. The men drag giant ice blocks through channels of water.

  • moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location).

example: she walked through the doorway into the living room

  • expressing movement into one side and out of the other side of an opening, channel, or location.

example: as soon as we opened the gate they came streaming through

  • (of a means of public transportation or a ticket) continuing or valid to the final destination.

example: a through train from Boston


  • melalui: through, via, thru, by means of, by way of
  • lewat: through, by, via, over, past, after
  • melewati: past, through, beyond, via, by way of, thru
  • sampai: to, until, up to, till, through, into
  • karena: for, because of, by, from, with, through
  • sepanjang: along, throughout, through, thru, through the length of
  • selama: for, during, throughout, through, in the course of, thru
  • di seluruh: throughout, through, thru
  • terus: through, thru
  • sebab: through, seeing, on account of, after, on the ground of, by force of
  • atas: on, over, for, to, upon, through
  • dgn bantuan: through, thru
  • dari: of, from, out of, by, from the inside of, through


  • seluruh: through, round, thru
  • tembus: through, thru
  • terus: on, then, through, along, straight, immediately
  • selesai: through, all over, thru
  • sampai selesai: through, up, thru, over
  • menyambung: through, thru
  • siap: thru, through


  • terusan: through, thru

3. A young Sami boy, KRISTOFF (8), and his reindeer calf, SVEN, share a carrot as they try to keep up with the men.

  • a part or portion of a larger amount which is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute.

example: under the proposals, investors would pay a greater share of the annual fees required

  • one of the equal parts into which a company's capital is divided, entitling the holder to a proportion of the profits.

example: they bought 33 shares of American Standard

  • have a portion of (something) with another or others.

example: he shared the pie with her


  • saham: stock, share, holdings, portion, part, concern
  • bagian: part, section, portion, piece, share, passage
  • andil: share, contribution
  • efek: effect, stock, share
  • sero: holdings, stock, share
  • catu: portion, ration, share
  • catuan: ration, portion, share
  • cadong: share, portion
  • efekten: share, stock
  • mata bajak: plowshare, ploughshare, share


  • membagi: divide, split, share, distribute, cut, partition
  • membagikan: share, distribute, allot, hand out, divide, dole
  • memberikan: give, provide, offer, supply, allow, share
  • bersama-sama mendiami: share
  • bersama-sama memakai: share

4. Young Kristoff struggles to get a block of ice out of the water. He fails, ends up soaked. Sven licks his wet cheek.

  • make or allow (something) to become thoroughly wet by immersing it in liquid.

example: soak the beans overnight in water


impose heavy charges or taxation on.

  • an act of immersing someone or something in liquid for a period of time.

example: I'm looking forward to a long soak in the tub


  • merendam: soak, saturate, steep, swamp
  • meresap: seep, sink in, soak, permeate, percolate, trickle
  • merembes: perk, seep, leak, permeate, soak, infiltrate
  • merendamkan: soak, submerge, submerse
  • meresapkan: soak, steep, sodden, cause to dissipate
  • menguyupkan: saturate, soak
  • mencelupkan: immerse, plunge, dunk, douse, dowse, soak
  • menggadaikan: mortgage, pawn, hypothecate, gage, soak, put in soak
  • mencelup: dye, dowse, douse, immerse, dunk, soak
  • membasahkuyupi: moisten, damp, soak, inundate

5. A sharp ice floe overtakes the workers, threateningly. They fight it back.

  • a sheet of floating ice.

6. Massive fjord horses drag heavy ice plows.

  • a large farming implement with one or more blades fixed in a frame, drawn by a tractor or by animals and used for cutting furrows in the soil and turning it over, especially to prepare for the planting of seeds.
  • a yoga pose assumed by lying on one's back and swinging one's legs over one's head until the outstretched feet approach or touch the floor.

    example: positions like plow and headstand can strain the neck
    • turn up the earth of (an area of land) with a plow, especially before sowing.
    example: Uncle Vic plowed his garden
    • (especially of a vehicle) move in a fast and uncontrolled manner.
    example: the car plowed into the side of a van

    • membajak: hijack, plow, pirate, fallow, plunder, grub
    • menjajar: plow, plough
    • mengeruk: dredge, scrape, plow, drag, plough
    • menyeruduk: plow, plough
    • menubruk: lunge, plow, run against, bump, run into, run down
    • mengarungi: wade, cross, ford, sail through, ply, plow
    • menyeberang: cross, cross over, wade, get across, go over, defect
    • meneliti: research, investigate, scan, inspect, go over, canvass
    • menjajaki: probe, fathom, plow, plough
    • berjalan terus dgn susah payah: plough
    • bajak: plow, pirate, rover, buccaneer, freebooter, sea robber
    7. The sun sets. Lanterns are lit.
    past and past participle of light1, light3.

    • provided with light or lighting; illuminated.
    example: a lit window at dusk

    • short for literature.
    example: chick (anak ayam) lit

    liter or liters.

    8. In the dark, Kristoff and Sven finally manage to get a single block of ice out of the water.


    • be in charge of (a company, establishment, or undertaking); administer; run.

    example: their elder son managed the farm

    • succeed in surviving or in attaining one's aims, especially against heavy odds; cope.

    example: Catherine managed on five hours' sleep a night

    9. The workers pile onto the giant horse-drawn ice sled as it pulls away.

    • a heap of things laid or lying one on top of another.

    example: he placed the books in a neat pile

    • a large imposing building or group of buildings.

    example: a Victorian Gothic pile

    • place (things) one on top of another.

    example: she piled all the groceries on the counter


    • tumpukan: pile, stack, heap, lot, mass, bank
    • tiang: pole, post, pillar, pile, stake, column
    • timbunan: pile, heap, accumulation, hoard, dump, stack
    • gundukan: mound, pile, heap
    • onggokan: pile, heap, pack, stack, bank, hill
    • ambeien: hemorrhoid, pile, haemorrhoid
    • pilar: pillar, pile
    • pancang: stake, pile, boundary pole, ante
    • tanding: pile, heap
    • bawasir: haemorrhoid, hemorrhoid, pile
    • kesatuan zat-zat uranium: pile


    • mengonggoki: pile
    • mengonggokkan: pile
    • mengisi: fill, charge, fill in, fill out, complete, pile

    10. Left behind, Kristoff and Sven push their ice block onto a dinky little sled then head off.


    • kereta luncur: sled, sledge, sleigh, toboggan
    • eretan: sledge, sleigh, sled, tow
    • kereta seret: sledge, sled, sleigh, toboggan
    • pengeret: sledge, sleigh, sled


    • naik eretan: sled, sledge, sleigh
    • naik kereta luncur: sleigh, sled, sledge
    • naik kereta seret: sled, sledge
    • mengangkut di dlm eretan: sled

    11. We sweep up from them to the Northern Lights filling the sky...then move across the mountains...beneath the snowline...and descend upon...

    • extending or directly underneath, typically with close contact.

    example: in the labyrinths beneath central Moscow

    • at a lower level or layer than.

    example: beneath this floor there's a cellar

    12. A humble castle, built of wood, nestled in a deep fjord.

    • settle or lie comfortably within or against something.

    example: the baby deer nestled in her arms


    • bersarang: nest, nestle, make a nest
    • mendekap: embrace, clasp, enfold, nestle
    • menyarang: nestle, become like a nest

    13. Anna rolls onto her back and spreads all her weight on Elsa.

    • open out (something) so as to extend its surface area, width, or length.

    example: I spread a towel on the sand and sat down

    • extend over a large or increasing area.

    example: she stood at the window looking at the town spread out below

    • the fact or process of spreading over an area.

    example: warmer temperatures could help reduce the spread of the disease


    • penyebaran: spread, deployment, dissemination, dispersion, transmission, propagation
    • tersebarnya: spread
    • olesan: spread
    • perbedaan: difference, distinction, discrepancy, diversity, divergence, spread
    • lebar: width, breadth, spread, depth, beam, broadness
    • lumuran: spread
    • penjalaran: spreading, spread
    • lebarnya: width, breadth, spread, depth, beam, extent
    • makan besar: feast, spread
    • pulasan:moutward appearance, spread


    • menyebar: spread, deploy, disperse, scatter, radiate, overspread
    • tersebar: spread, straggle, float, get abroad, get around, get about
    • menyebarkan: spread, deploy, disseminate, distribute, propagate, scatter
    • meluas: spread, expand, widen, escalate, sweep, percolate
    • menjalar: spread, creep, worm, vine, pervade, ramp
    • menular: spread
    • terbentang: lie, spread, range, extend outward, go
    • tersiar: spread, get about, get around, get abroad, go about
    • menebarkan: spread, sow, disseminate, throw about
    • merembet: spread, creep, pervade, hang down
    • merambat: spread, vine
    • mengoleskan: spread, smear, daub
    • menaburkan: sow, sprinkle, scatter, spread, strew, disseminate
    • membentangkan: spread, expand, unfold, elucidate, open, explain
    • melansir: launch, spread
    • mengembangkan: develop, expand, promote, extend, evolve, spread
    • merentangkan: spread, stretch, extend, span, string, overblow
    • berjangkit: spread, be contagious
    • menabur: sow, scatter, spread, sprinkle, diffuse, throw about
    • menyiarkan: broadcast, air, spread, relay, flash, announce
    • menjangkit: spread, be contagious
    • menghamparkan: spread, explain
    • membabarkan: unfurl, spread, explain, extend, lay out
    • memperkembangkan: develop, promote, evolve, open, unfold, spread
    • mengirapkan: flap, spread, wag, shake
    • membeber: unfurl, reveal, spread, display, open
    • memekarkan: spread, make blossom
    • membaluri: smear, spread
    • mengolesi: smear, spread
    • menanam: plant, grow, cultivate, sow, invest, spread
    • menanamkan: embed, instill, invest, inculcate, infuse, spread
    • mempertebarkan: spread, disseminate
    • menyeluruh: spread
    • memindah: spread, be contagious
    • bercabul: whore, wench, womanize, rage, spread
    • berjalaran: crawl, creep, spread
    • berpindah-pindah: keep moving from place to place, spread

    14. Elsa shoves Anna off the bed.

    • push (someone or something) roughly.

    example: they started pushing and shoving people out of the way

    a strong push.

    example: she gave him a hefty shove and he nearly fell


    • mendorong: encourage, push, drive, promote, boost, shove
    • menggeser: move, replace, friction, shove, rub
    • menerobos: break through, breach, infiltrate, shove, cut in a line
    • mengingsut: shove, move slowly, move slightly
    • menyorongkan: shove, slide forward
    • mendesak: urge, insist, push, press, demand, shove
    • mendorongkan: trundle, push, shove, thrust, boost, propel
    • mengesot: shuffle, shove, drag oneself along the ground


    • dorongan: encouragement, boost, impetus, push, urge, shove
    • sorongan: shove, pushed thing, bribe
    • desakan: insistence, pressure, push, rush, exhortation, shove
    • tolak: push, putting, bob, shove, brush-off
    • tolakan: refusal, push, putting, bob, shove, brush-off

    15. Anna lands butt to floor, sighs, defeated. But then she gets an idea. She hops back on the bed and lifts one of Elsa’s eyelids.

    • having been beaten in a battle or other contest.

    example: the defeated army


    • keok: beaten, defeated
    • yg dikalahkan: defeated
    • kecundang: defeated
    • yg digulingkan: defeated

    16. Elsa’s eyes both pop open. She smiles.

    • make a light explosive sound.

    example: corks popped and glasses tinkled

    • a light explosive sound.

    example: at first there were just a few pops, perhaps from pistols


    • with a light explosive sound.

    example: the champagne went pop


    • relating to commercial popular music.

    example: a pop singer


    • population.

    17. Anna, now wearing snow boots, pulls Elsa by the hand.

    • exert force on (someone or something) so as to cause movement toward oneself.

    example: he pulled them down onto the couch

    • (of a vehicle or person) move steadily in a specified direction or to reach a specified point.

    example: the bus was about to pull away

    • an act of taking hold of something and exerting force to draw it toward one.

    example: give the hair a quick pull and it comes out by the roots


    • menarik: attract, draw, pull, withdraw, appeal, drag
    • tarik: pull
    • mencabut: revoke, pull, repeal, lift, withdraw, deprive
    • memakai: wear, use, put on, apply, adopt, pull
    • memasang: install, set, post, insert, put on, pull
    • menyentakkan: jerk, pull, jog, tug, flounce, joggle
    • memetik: pick, pluck, strum, plunk, gather, pull
    • menyentak: flinch, twitch, hitch, snap, pull
    • mencabuntukan: pull, lift, take, drag out, extract, pull out
    • mempertarikkan: draw, draw out, pull, drag, extract, jerk out
    • menjajarkan: juxtapose, drag, put in a row, make parallel, pull
    • menggait: rake off, wheedle, dupe, pull, rake in, swindle


    • tarikan: pull, attraction, tug, drag, pulling, towing
    • daya tarik: attraction, appeal, charm, allure, traction, pull
    • hirupan: sniff, pull
    • renggutan: wrench, pull, yank, jerk, tug, twitch
    • tali: rope, line, cord, string, belt, pull
    • penghelaan: pull
    • perjalanan dgn kapal: sea voyage, pull
    • isapan: suction, puff, sip, drag, pull
    • pengaruh: influence, effect, impact, leverage, clout, pull
    • untung: profit, gain, fortune, happiness, fate, pull
    • daya penarik: appeal, charm, attraction, traction, allure, pull

    18. Elsa tries to shush her, but Anna’s too excited.

    Kata seru

    • be quiet.

    example: “Shush! Do you want to wake everyone?”


    • an utterance of “shush”.

    example: the thumps were followed by shushes from the aunts


    • tell or signal (someone) to be silent.

    example: she shushed him with a wave


    • mendiamkan: silence, quiet, shush, hush, squelch, suppress

    19. The girls sneak into the ballroom. Elsa shuts the door.

    • move or go in a furtive or stealthy manner.

    example: I sneaked out by the back exit



    a furtive and contemptible person.

    example: he was branded a prying sneak for eavesdropping on intimate conversation


    • acting or done surreptitiously, unofficially, or without warning.

    example: a sneak thief


    • menyelinap: sneak, slip, sneak out, ease, slither, slink away
    • menjilat: lick, curry favor, lick up, suck up, toady, sneak
    • menjilat pantat: curry favor, fawn, ingratiate oneself, play up, toad, sneak
    • meleceh: fawn, cotton up, sneak, suck up, smarm, chat along
    • mengadu: complain, pit, snitch, contest, fink, sneak
    • mencuri: steal, take, rob, swipe, pilfer, sneak


    • pengecut: coward, chicken, sissy, craven, sneak, poltroon
    • pengadu: complainant, rounder, fink, snitch, plaintiff, sneak
    • pencuri: thief, burglar, robber, prig, snatcher, sneak
    • maling: thief, gunsmith, picklock, passkey man, snatcher, sneak
    • bedebah: son of a bitch, wretch, heel, reprobate, snake, sneak
    • bangsat: brock, rogue, rascal, rotter, beast, sneak
    • peleceh: coax, reptile, fawner, sneak, sycophant, truckler

    20. Elsa laughs and waves her hands together. Snowflakes suddenly burst forth and dance between her palms, forming a snowball.

    • (of a container) break suddenly and violently apart, spilling the contents, typically as a result of an impact or internal pressure.

    example: we inflated dozens of balloons and only one burst

    • an instance of breaking or splitting as a result of internal pressure or puncturing; an explosion.

    example: he heard a burst of gunfire


    • ledakan: explosion, blast, boom, burst, outburst, detonation
    • letusan: eruption, explosion, bursting, bang, blast, burst
    • rentetan: series, sequence, chain, round, string, burst


    • meletus: erupt, burst, explode, pop, break out, go off
    • meledak pecah: burst
    • memecahkan: solve, break, resolve, crack, decipher, burst
    • merusakkan: damage, destroy, tamper, boggle, break, burst
    • membuka dgn keras: pry, burst
    • sangat penuh: burst

    21. Elsa throws the snowball high into the air. Snow bursts out and flurries around the room. Anna dances about, catching flakes in her palms and mouth.

    • a small swirling mass of something, especially snow or leaves, moved by sudden gusts of wind.

    example: a flurry of snow

    • (especially of snow or leaves) be moved in small swirling masses by sudden gusts of wind.

    example: gusts of snow flurried through the door


    • kebingungan: confusion, flurry, bewilderment, quandary, perplexity, puzzlement
    • hujan yg tiba-tiba: flurry
    • salju yg tiba-tiba: flurry
    • keadaan tergesa-gesa: haste, hastiness, rashness, flurry
    • kesibukan yg tiba-tiba: flurry


    • membingungkan: confuse, baffle, puzzle, mystify, confound, maze

    22. Elsa stomps her little slippered foot and a layer of ice suddenly coats the floor, forming a giant ice rink. Anna slides off, laughing.


    • tread heavily and noisily, typically in order to show anger.

    example: Martin stomped off to the spare room



    • (in jazz or popular music) a tune or song with a fast tempo and a heavy beat.
    example: their music is perfect for a good old stomp

    • Hentakan

    23. Anna and Elsa roll giant snowballs and build a snowman together. Elsa moves his stick arms around.


    • go in a specified direction or manner; change position.

    example: she stood up and moved to the door

    • make progress; develop in a particular manner or direction.

    example: aircraft design had moved forward a long way


    • a change of place, position, or state.

    example: she made a sudden move toward me

    • bergerak: move, budge, stir, range, be active, be afoot
    • memindahkan: move, transfer, remove, shift, displace, redeploy
    • pindah: move, switch, move away, change, shift, immigrate
    • berpindah: move, devolve, transmigrate, change over
    • menggeser: move, replace, friction, shove, rub
    • mengangsur:mmove, pay in installments, do gradually
    • meloncat: jump, leap, bolt, hop, spring, move
    • memilukan: move, melt, touch, grieve, sadden
    • menggugah: arouse, move, waken
    • mengeluarkan: issue, spend, release, pull out, put out, move
    • menggerakkan hati: move
    • mengasak: cram, supplant, push onward, jam, urge, move
    • mengisarkan: turn, mill, grind, move, sell
    • mengubah tempat: move
    • menggarit: move, scratch, claw, clapperclaw
    • mengusulkan: propose, suggest, argue, move, indicate, vote
    • mengusul: examine, move
    • langkah: step, move, pace, action, measure, stride
    • perpindahan: shift, move, transmigration
    • giliran: turn, shift, innings, rota, move, serve

    24. Anna and Olaf appear to be dancing. REVEAL: Elsa is actually propelling them across the ice floor with her magic.

    • drive, push, or cause to move in a particular direction, typically forward.

    example: the boat is propelled by using a very long paddle


    • mendorong: encourage, push, drive, promote, boost, propel
    • menggerakkan: drive, stir, propel, power, motivate, activate
    • mendorongkan: trundle, push, shove, thrust, boost, propel

    25. The girls slide down snowbanks together!


    • move along a smooth surface while maintaining continuous contact with it.

    example: she slid down the bank into the water


    • a structure with a smooth sloping surface for children to slide down.

    example: Anna played on the slide

    • an act of moving along a smooth surface while maintaining continuous contact with it.

    example: use an ice axe to halt a slide on ice and snow


    • meluncur: slide, glide, slither, skim, chute, rocket
    • tergelincir: slip, slide, skid, lapse, make a slip, go into a skid
    • menyelipkan: tuck, slide, squeeze, put in, weave, work in
    • menyelusur: slide, search
    • menyorong: push, slide, urge, propose, bribe


    • longsor: slide, erosion
    • tempat meluncur: slide
    • peluncuran: launching, slipping, skimming, slide, soaring, shooting
    • kaca mikroskop: slide
    • selusuh: slide

    26. Anna fearlessly jumps off a snow peak into mid air.


    • with a lack of fear.

    example: He acted fearlessly when necessary

    • tanpa rasa takut

    27. Her magic accidentally STRIKES Anna in the head. Anna tumbles down a snowbank and lands, unconscious.


    • jatuh: fall, fall down, fall off, tumble, crash, tumble down
    • jatuh terurai: tumble down
    • roboh: collapse, crumple, crash, cave in, tumble down, founder
    • ambruk: collapse, crumble, cave in, come apart, crumble away, tumble down
    • menjadi bobrok: tumble down

    28. Elsa runs to Anna and takes her in her arms. 


    • lay hold of (something) with one's hands; reach for and hold.

    example: he leaned forward to take her hand

    • remove (someone or something) from a particular place.

    example: he took an envelope from his inside pocket


    • a scene or sequence of sound or vision photographed or recorded continuously at one time.

    example: he completed a particularly difficult scene in two takes


    • mengambil: take, pick up, take on, take out, take up, grab
    • membawa: bring, take, carry, lead, bring out, lug
    • ambil: take
    • melakukan: do, perform, make, carry out, undertake, take
    • memakan waktu: take, occupy
    • menerima: receive, accept, take, get, admit, take in
    • naik: ride, rise, increase, go up, take, climb
    • menggunakan: use, make use of, utilize, employ, take, apply
    • memerlukan: need, require, take, entail, necessitate, involve
    • mengikuti: follow, attend, take, keep up, adhere, comply
    • minum: drink, take, have a drink, water, consume, liquor
    • menganggap: assume, think, regard, take, presume, believe
    • mengantar: take, usher, escort, bring, accompany, walk
    • mendapatkan: get, obtain, gain, have, find, take
    • merebut: seize, grab, snatch, take, capture, wrest
    • menempuh: take, cover, go through, make, lead, climb
    • memperoleh: obtain, get, gain, acquire, have, take
    • memegang: hold, take, keep, have, handle, take hold of
    • makan: eat, meal, feed, take, consume, ingest
    • mencatat: record, note, take down, take, log, register
    • mendapat: get, have, receive, obtain, gain, take
    • mengalihkan: divert, switch, shift, turn, distract, take
    • menempati: occupy, take, fill, settle, infest, site
    • mengurangi: decrease, cut, mitigate, lessen, alleviate, take
    • mencabut: revoke, pull, repeal, lift, withdraw, take
    • menduduki: occupy, take, sit, place, infest, rank
    • mengadakan: hold, conduct, make, organize, establish, take
    • jadi: become, get, do, take, happen, end up
    • memuat: load, contain, accommodate, carry, hold, take
    • menaiki: climb, take, mount, ascend, go, step into
    • pakai: take
    • mencuri: steal, take, rob, swipe, pilfer, scrounge
    • mencapai: achieve, reach, attain, get, gain, take
    • menyewa: rent, hire, lease, charter, retain, take
    • memenangkan: win, take, carry, pronounce a winner, skin, thrash
    • antarkan: take
    • mendapati: find, have, get, make, receive, take
    • menyangka: think, expect, suppose, suspect, assume, take
    • mengurangkan: reduce, subtract, take, lessen, dim, weaken
    • mencatatkan: record, register, post, book, note, take
    • menderita: suffer, endure, anguish, sustain, labor, take
    • mulai menyala: take
    • mencabuntukan: pull, lift, take, drag out, extract, pull out
    • mengira: think, suppose, expect, assume, guess, take
    • mencedok: dip, scoop, ladle, adopt, take, catch
    • suka: like, love, adore, be fond, be willing, take


    • penerimaan: reception, acceptance, receipt, admission, enrollment, take
    • pendapatan: income, revenue, earnings, profit, proceeds, take

    29. A streak of Anna’s hair, where struck, turns white.


    • hit forcibly and deliberately with one's hand or a weapon or other implement.

    example: he raised his hand, as if to strike me

    • (of a disaster, disease, or other unwelcome phenomenon) occur suddenly and have harmful or damaging effects on.

    example: an earthquake struck the island

    • (of a thought or idea) come into the mind of (someone) suddenly or unexpectedly.

    example: a disturbing thought struck Melissa

    • terkena: struck, stricken, attached
    • tutup karena pemogokan: strikebound, struck
    30. The parents burst through the frozen door. GASP at the sight of the room.


    • the faculty or power of seeing.

    example: Joseph lost his sight as a baby

    a thing that one sees or that can be seen.

    example: John was a familiar sight in the bar for many years

    • manage to see or observe (someone or something); catch an initial glimpse of.

    example: tell me when you sight London Bridge

    • melihat: see, view, look, notice, sight, spot
    • pemandangan: view, scenery, sight, landscape, scene, vista
    • penglihatan: vision, sight, eyesight, view, facade, perception
    • rupa: form, appearance, look, face, aspect, sight
    • alat pembidik: sight
    • pendapat: opinion, think, idea, notion, point, sight
