Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 1
1. a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.
Example: we wanted to marry but circumstances didn't permit
2. one's state of financial or material welfare.
Example: the artists are living in reduced circumstances
keadaan, suasana
- keadaan: state, circumstances, situation, condition, status, state of affairs
- suasana: atmosphere, environment, air, climate, scene, feel
- kenyataan: fact, reality, circumstances, obviousness, distinctness, patency
- seluk-beluk: details, circumstances, speciality, specialty, specifics, subtlety
2. It will be prudent to refrain from mentioning
prudent =
1. acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Example: no prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose
- bijaksana: wise, thoughtful, prudent, discreet, sensible, expedient
- hemat: saving, frugal, sparing, thrifty, economical, prudent
- hati-hati: careful, cagey, cagy, cannie, canny, prudent
- menahan diri: refrain, forbear
- menahan: hold, withstand, resist, keep, restrain, refrain
- menjauhkan diri: shun, abstain, eschew, refrain, shy, flinch
- bagian ulangan di lagu: refrain
- ulangan lagu: chorus, refrain
3. There is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse; and in this workhouse was born
wit = tahu
- akal: mind, reason, intellect, intelligence, wit, way
- jenakawan: humorist, humourist, comic, wag, wit
- tahu: know, savvy, be familiar, wot, ken, wit
4. On a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the reader
inasmuch as = lantaran, sebab, karena
- karena: because, as, for, since, in that, inasmuch as
- sebab: because, since, in that, inasmuch as, seeing that, by reason of
- lantaran: because, inasmuch as
5. For a long time after it was ushered into this world of sorrow and trouble, by the parish surgeon
ushered into = diantar masuk
6. It remained a matter of considerable doubt whether the child would survive to bear any name at all
considerable = sungguh-sugngguh, sangat
- besar: great, large, big, major, substantial, considerable
- banyak: many, much, ample, plentiful, considerable, substantial
- sangat: tremendous, exceptional, severe, serious, intense, considerable
- sekali: such, considerable, exceptional
- sedapat mungkin: considerable
- luas: comprehensive, spacious, extensive, wide, broad, considerable
- sungguh-sungguh: considerable, crass, dead, dire, grave, momentous
7. If they had, that being comprised within a couple of pages, they would have possessed the inestimable merit of being the most concise and faithful specimen of biography, extant in the literature of any age or country.
comprise = terdiri dari, meliputi
- meliputi: cover, involve, comprise, encompass, pervade, overwhelm
- mengandung: contain, conceive, comprise, bear, embody, harbor
- terdiri dari: comprise, comprehend
inestimable = tak terkira, tak terhitung
- tak terhitung: countless, untold, incalculable, myriad, uncounted, inestimable
- tdk ternilai: inestimable
- tdk terkira: inestimable, immeasurable
- pantas: merit, befit, suit, beseem, become, cut out
- patut: merit
- jasa: service, merit, office, kindness, turn, distinction
- manfaat: benefit, advantage, merit, stead, profit, good
- pahala: reward, merit, desert
- kebaikan: good, goodness, kindness, favor, virtue, merit
- sifat terpuji: merit
- guna: use, purpose, function, benefit, avail, merit
- ringkas: concise, brief, summary, succinct, condensed, abbreviated
- singkat: brief, shorter, concise, curt, succinct, laconic
- pendek: short, low, terse, curt, lapidary, concise
- masih ada: extant
- masih hidup: extant, above-ground
- masih terdapat: extant
8. Although I am not disposed to maintain that the being born in a workhouse, is in itself the most fortunate and enviable circumstance that can possibly befall a human being
disposed = cenderung
- cenderung: inclined, prone, apt, liable, bent, disposed
- bersedia: ready, disposed
- yg mengirikan hati: enviable
- yg patut ditiru: enviable
- menimpa: befall, afflict, come, fall on, beset, impinge
9. For some time he lay gasping on a little flock mattress rather unequally poised between this world and the next : the balance being decidedly in favour of the latter.
lay gasping = berbaring terengah-engah
flock mattress = kasur (tilam) dari wol atau kain sobek
unequally = tidak seimbang
poised = keadaan seimbang
- sikap tenang: poise
- sikap seimbang: poise
- keadaan seimbang: poise
- keyakinan akan diri sendiri: confidence, poise
- berhenti: stop, quit, cease, halt, give up, poise
- menyeimbangkan: equalize, even, poise, countervail, even out, counterpoise
- memperimbangkan: poise, balance, equilibrate, coordinate
- memperseimbangkan: balance, equilibrate, offset, poise, coordinate
- pasti: definitely, certainly, surely, doubtless, assuredly, decidedly
- dgn tegas: unequivocally, decidedly, explicitly, emphatically, flatly
- dgn jelas: palpably, clearly, obviously, decidedly, explicitly, expressly
- dgn terang: legibly, brightly, clear, decidedly, clearly, obviously
favour =
- kebaikan: good, goodness, kindness, favor, virtue, benefit
- kebaikan hati: kindness, favor, charity, affability, amiability, favour
- pernaungan: shelter, favor, favour
- tolong: help, favor, favour
- kemurahan hati: generosity, mercy, charity, favor, magnanimity, munificence
- berkat: blessing, favor, favour
- tanda mata: souvenir, memento, keepsake, token, favor, handsel
- hadiah: gift, prize, reward, present, award, favor
- surat: letter, mail, note, document, writing, favor
- menyukai: like, love, favor, appreciate, fancy, dig
- menyokong: support, sustain, bolster, advocate, favor, endorse
- berbaik hati: favor, favour
- bermurah hati: favor, favour
- memperkenankan: allow, permit, favor, approve, agree, consent
- menyerupai: resemble, favor, take after, correspond, favour
- mengaruniai: favor, imbue, favour
- memperkenan: approve, favor, allow, agree, consent, permit
- mengataskan: favor, lift up, favour
- berlaku berhati-hati: favour, favor
- mendalam: deep, profound, intimate, exhaustive, visceral, solid
- besar: great, large, big, major, substantial, profound
- dalam: inside, deep, indoor, interior, profound, internal
- amat sangat: intense, profound
- nyenyak: sound, comfy, comfortable, profound, wakeless
- kedalaman: depth, deepness, profundity, profound, profoundness, abstruseness
- pasti: definitely, certainly, surely, doubtless, assuredly, indubitably
- tentunya: of course, certainly, surely, indeed, sure, indubitably
- tentu saja: of course, certainly, naturally, surely, indeed, indubitably
11. There being nobody by, however, but a pauper old woman
pauper = orang miskin
- orang miskin: pauper, almsman, simple, mendicant, church mouse
- bangsat: brock, rogue, rascal, rotter, beast, pauper
- orang fakir: pauper, indigent person
12. The result was, that, after a few struggles, Oliver breathed, sneezed, and proceeded to advertise to the inmates of the workhouse the fact of a new burden having been imposed upon the parish
inmates = penghuni
- tahanan: custody, resistance, arrest, detainee, inmate, captivity
- penghuni: occupant, resident, inhabitant, tenant, inmate, denizen
- orang hukuman: prisoner, convict, inmate, jailbird, gaol bird
- penduduk: population, resident, inhabitant, invader, occupant, inmate
- memaksakan: impose, enforce, compel, assert, make, strain
- mengenakan: put on, impose, don, dress, throw on, slip on
- menjatuhkan: drop, impose, down, bring down, fell, topple
- membebankan: charge, impose, burden, inflict, put upon, debit
- menentukan: determine, specify, decide, set, establish, assign
- mengadakan: hold, conduct, make, organize, establish, arrange
- menanamkan: embed, instill, invest, inculcate, infuse, implant
- menipu: deceive, fool, cheat, trick, defraud, delude
- mengambil kesempatan: presume, impose
- memikulkan: load, lay, impose, bear for, bring for
- menanam: plant, grow, cultivate, sow, invest, put
13. As Oliver gave this first proof of the free and proper action of his lungs, the patchwork coverlet which was carelessly flung over the iron bedstead
patchwork = kain perca
flung (v1. fling) = dilemparkan
- melemparkan: throw, cast, toss, hurl, fling, put
- mencampak: get rid of, fling, throw, cast away, discard
- mencampakkan: throw, discard, get rid of, cast away, fling
- mencaci: berate, revile, abuse, chide, fling, scold
- mengempaskan: throw, slam, dash, hurtle, fling, plump
- menjebloskan: throw, clap, fling
- lari dgn cepat: fling, dash, take flight, rattle, scoot, scour
- menjatuhkan: drop, impose, down, bring down, fell, topple
- mencaci maki: berate, revile, abuse, scold, lash out, miscall
14. the pale face of a young woman was raised feebly from the pillow; and a faint voice imperfectly articulated the words, 'Let me see the child, and die.
- dgn lemah: drowsily, feebly, weakly
- lemah: weak, poor, faint, feeble, frail, infirm
- redup: dim, faint, dreary, gloomy, overcast, somber
- kusam: dull, faint, pallid, muddy, crepuscular, opaque
- pusing: dizzy, giddy, faint, vertiginous, worried, rocky
- redam: muffled, faint, dim, vague
- kemalu-maluan: shamefaced, fearful, fearsome, tremulous, tremulant, faint
- jatuh pingsan: faint, swoon, pass out, conk, fall into a swoon, black out
- menjadi lemah: faint, weaken, crock, fail, crack up, crock up
- menjadi kusam: faint
- rebah pingsan: faint
- keadaan pingsan: stupor, swoon, senselessness, insensibility, faint, fainting fit
'15. Lord bless her dear heart, no!' interposed the nurse, hastily depositing in her pocket a green glass bottle, the contents of which she had been tasting in a corner with evident satisfaction.
- menempatkan: put, place, locate, position, situate, interpose
- menjadi perantara: intercede, interpose
- mengemukakan: put forward, express, propose, raise, bring up, interpose
- mengajukan protes: interpose
- meletakkan di antara: interpose
- menyela: interrupt, cut in, interject, jump in, break in, interpose
- deposito: deposit
- setoran: deposit
- simpanan: deposit, mistress, store, reserve, nest egg, fund
- endapan: sediment, deposition, deposit, sludge, precipitation, emptying
- penitipan: deposit
- lapisan: layer, coating, lining, coat, sheet, deposit
- uang tanggungan: deposit, bail
- tumpukan: pile, stack, heap, lot, mass, deposit
- uang cengkeram: deposit
- taruhan: bet, wager, stake, ante, sweepstakes, deposit
- simpanan uang pangkal: deposit
- lapis: layer, ply, lining, stratum, row, deposit
- menyimpan: save, store, keep, hold, deposit, put away
- menyetor: deposit
- mendepositokan: deposit
- penyetoran: deposit
- menabung: save, deposit, hoard, put aside, put away, lay aside
- menempatkan: put, place, locate, position, situate, deposit
- menaruh: put, place, set, store, conceive, deposit
- menabungkan: save, deposit, lay aside, hoard, lay away, lay by
- menumpuk: pile up, heap, slump, amass, deposit
- menaruhkan: put, shew, set, bet, entrust, deposit
- mempertaruhkan: bet, stake, pawn, mortgage, entrust, deposit
16. Apparently this consolatory perspective of a mother's prospects failed in producing its due effect.
- tampaknya: apparently, seemingly
- rupanya: apparently, evidently, seemingly, presumably, probably
- kelihatannya: apparently, seemingly, outwardly, professedly, to all appearances, from all appearances
- kiranya: presumably, probably, apparently, kindly, maybe
- rasanya: seemingly, apparently
- yg menghibur: consoling, comforting, consolatory, recreative
17. The surgeon deposited it in her arms. She imprinted her cold white lips passionately on its forehead; passed her hands over her face; gazed wildly round; shuddered; fell back-- and died. They chafed her breast, hands, and temples; but the blood had stopped forever.
- jejak: trail, trace, track, imprint, mark, impression
- terbitan: issue, publication, edition, imprint, number
- kesan: impression, impress, image, sound, imprint, trace
- tindasan: oppression, copy, suppression, imprint
- tindihan: squeezing, oppression, imprint, compression, copy
- rekam: imprint, impress
- membekas: imprint, have results
- mencetak: print, score, mold, impress, publish, imprint
- menyetempel: imprint
- mencap: brand, stamp, stigmatize, seal, print, imprint
- merasa ngeri: shudder, revolt
- gemetar ketakutan: cower, shudder
- menggigil ketakutan: tremble, shudder
- lecet: scuffed, scratched, chafed, raw
- candi: temple
- kuil: temple, shrine
- pura: temple, shrine, bag, fund
- kelenteng: temple, pagoda, tang
- pelipis: temple
18. 'You needn't mind sending up to me, if the child cries, nurse,' said the surgeon, putting on his gloves with great deliberation.
- pertimbangan: consideration, judgment, deliberation, reasoning, appeal, think
- perembukan: palaver, conference, deliberation, counseling, parley
19. Give it a little gruel if it is.' He put on his hat, and, pausing by the bed-side on his way to the door, added, 'She was a good-looking girl, too; where did she come from?'
- bubur: porridge, pulp, mush, gruel, puree, spoon food
- melelahkan: tire, weary, wear, fatigue, gruel, macerate
- meletihkan: exhaust, tire, wear, fag, fatigue, gruel
20. It would have been hard for the haughtiest stranger to have assigned him his proper station in society.
- angkuh: arrogant, haughty, proud, imperious, cavalier, pompous
- sombong: arrogant, overbearing, proud, cocky, pompous, smug
- tinggi hati: snobby, haughty, snobbish, pompous, superior, uppish
- congkak: arrogant, supercilious, conceited, cocky, cavalier, haughty
- anggun: graceful, elegant, handsome, pretentious, haughty, neat
21. Oliver cried lustily. If he could have known that he was an orphan, left to the tender mercies of church-wardens and overseers, perhaps he would have cried the louder.
lustily: dengan penuh nafsu
- lembut: soft, tender, delicate, creamy, mild, mellow
- empuk: soft, tender, easy, mellow, pillowy, easy to defeat
- lunak: soft, tender, malleable, lenient, mild, bland
- halus: smooth, fine, subtle, delicate, refined, tender
- sakit: sick, ill, sore, diseased, ailing, tender
- perih: smarting, tender, poignant, acute
- rapuh: fragile, brittle, frail, crumbly, weak, tender
- sabar: patient, indulgent, tolerant, forbearing, composed, tender
- penuh kasih sayang: loving, tender, grandmotherly, amatory
- baik hati: kind, kind-hearted, sweet, gentle, tender, amiable
- lembut hati: meek, tender, mild, suave, easygoing, delicate
- tdk lekas marah: placid, tender
- yg mudah rusak: tender
- penawaran: offer, tender, dickering
- tawaran: offer, bid, overture, tender, enticement
- pengasuh: nanny, nurse, childminder, tutor, tender, educator
- penjaga: guard, keeper, watchman, caretaker, watchdog, tender
- juru rawat: nurse, sick nurse, tender, registered nurse
- gerbong arang lok: tender
- menawarkan: offer, propose, bid, proffer, tender, extend
- membayar: pay, shell out, settle, fork out, foot, tender
- menawari: offer, proffer, propose, neutralize, charm, tender
- mengajukan: file, submit, propose, lodge, put forward, tender
- memajukan: advance, promote, further, move forward, bring forward, tender
- melelangkan: auction, auctioneer, tender
- melunakkan: soften, temper, moderate, mellow, weaken, tender
- belas kasihan: mercy, pity, sympathy, clemency, remorse, bowels
- rahmat: grace, mercy, godsend, bounty, boon
- ampun: forgiveness, mercy, pardon, quarter, let-off
- kemurahan hati: generosity, mercy, charity, favor, magnanimity, munificence
- belas: mercy, pity, teens, sympathy, remorse, clemency
- kerahiman: mercy
- pengawas: supervisor, superintendent, overseer, inspector, controller, trustee
- mandor: foreman, overseer, driver
- penipuan: fraud, deception, deceit, trickery, swindle, imposture
- kecurangan: fraud, deception, foul, corruption, deceitfulness, fraudulence
- muslihat: trick, deception, stratagem, device, maneuver, strategy
- kilah: deception, trick
- pendayaan: deception, shuck, inveiglement
- miskin: poor, impoverished, needy, destitute, impecunious, indigent
- melarat: destitute, impoverished, needy, impecunious, necessitous, protracted
- papa: destitute
- kekurangan: wanting, destitute, shy, stringent
- fakir: poor, indigent, destitute
- bokek: broke, destitute
- tanpa: devoid, destitute
- yg tdk mempunyai: destitute
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