Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 1


Learn English Through  Oliver Twist Part 1




1. a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.

Example: we wanted to marry but circumstances didn't permit

2. one's state of financial or material welfare.

Example: the artists are living in reduced circumstances

keadaan, suasana


  • keadaan: state, circumstances, situation, condition, status, state of affairs
  • suasana: atmosphere, environment, air, climate, scene, feel
  • kenyataan: fact, reality, circumstances, obviousness, distinctness, patency
  • seluk-beluk: details, circumstances, speciality, specialty, specifics, subtlety

2. It will be prudent to refrain from mentioning

prudent = 


1. acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

Example: no prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose



  • bijaksana: wise, thoughtful, prudent, discreet, sensible, expedient
  • hemat: saving, frugal, sparing, thrifty, economical, prudent
  • hati-hati: careful, cagey, cagy, cannie, canny, prudent
refrain = 
1. a part of a song that is repeated after each verse, typically by more than one singer.
Example: strong guitar-driven songs with big, big choruses

2. a large organized group of singers, especially one that performs together with an orchestra or opera company.

3. a simultaneous utterance of something by many people.
Example: a growing chorus of complaint

4. (in ancient Greek tragedy) a group of performers who comment on the main action, typically speaking and moving together.
Example: Sophocles no longer gave the chorus the major role

5. a device used with an amplified musical instrument to give the impression that more than one instrument is being played.
Example" a chorus pedal

1. (of a group of people) say the same thing at the same time.
Example: “Morning, Father,” the children chorused


  • menahan diri: refrain, forbear
  • menahan: hold, withstand, resist, keep, restrain, refrain
  • menjauhkan diri: shun, abstain, eschew, refrain, shy, flinch


  • bagian ulangan di lagu: refrain
  • ulangan lagu: chorus, refrain

3. There is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse; and in this workhouse was born

wit = tahu


  • akal: mind, reason, intellect, intelligence, wit, way
  • jenakawan: humorist, humourist, comic, wag, wit


  • tahu: know, savvy, be familiar, wot, ken, wit
workhouse = rumah sosial untuk gelandangan

4. On a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the reader

inasmuch as = lantaran, sebab, karena


  • karena: because, as, for, since, in that, inasmuch as
  • sebab: because, since, in that, inasmuch as, seeing that, by reason of
  • lantaran: because, inasmuch as

5. For a long time after it was ushered into this world of sorrow and trouble, by the parish surgeon

ushered into  diantar masuk

6. It remained a matter of considerable doubt whether the child would survive to bear any name at all

considerable = sungguh-sugngguh, sangat


  • besar: great, large, big, major, substantial, considerable
  • banyak: many, much, ample, plentiful, considerable, substantial
  • sangat: tremendous, exceptional, severe, serious, intense, considerable
  • sekali: such, considerable, exceptional
  • sedapat mungkin: considerable
  • luas: comprehensive, spacious, extensive, wide, broad, considerable
  • sungguh-sungguh: considerable, crass, dead, dire, grave, momentous

7. If they had, that being comprised within a couple of pages, they would have possessed the inestimable merit of being the most concise and faithful specimen of biography, extant in the literature of any age or country.

comprise = terdiri dari, meliputi


  • meliputi: cover, involve, comprise, encompass, pervade, overwhelm
  • mengandung: contain, conceive, comprise, bear, embody, harbor
  • terdiri dari: comprise, comprehend

inestimable = tak terkira, tak terhitung


  • tak terhitung: countless, untold, incalculable, myriad, uncounted, inestimable
  • tdk ternilai: inestimable
  • tdk terkira: inestimable, immeasurable
merit = jasa, mabfaat, kebaikan


  • pantas: merit, befit, suit, beseem, become, cut out
  • patut: merit


  • jasa: service, merit, office, kindness, turn, distinction
  • manfaat: benefit, advantage, merit, stead, profit, good
  • pahala: reward, merit, desert
  • kebaikan: good, goodness, kindness, favor, virtue, merit
  • sifat terpuji: merit
  • guna: use, purpose, function, benefit, avail, merit
concise = ringkas, singkat


  • ringkas: concise, brief, summary, succinct, condensed, abbreviated
  • singkat: brief, shorter, concise, curt, succinct, laconic
  • pendek: short, low, terse, curt, lapidary, concise
extant = masih ada


  • masih ada: extant
  • masih hidup: extant, above-ground
  • masih terdapat: extant

8. Although I am not disposed to maintain that the being born in a workhouse, is in itself the most fortunate and enviable circumstance that can possibly befall a human being

disposed = cenderung


  • cenderung: inclined, prone, apt, liable, bent, disposed
  • bersedia: ready, disposed
enviable = yg patut ditiru, membuat iri


  • yg mengirikan hati: enviable
  • yg patut ditiru: enviable
befall = menimpa


  • menimpa: befall, afflict, come, fall on, beset, impinge

9. For some time he lay gasping on a little flock mattress rather unequally poised between this world and the next : the balance being decidedly in favour of the latter.

lay gasping = berbaring terengah-engah

flock mattress  =  kasur (tilam) dari wol atau kain sobek

unequally = tidak seimbang

poised = keadaan seimbang


  • sikap tenang: poise
  • sikap seimbang: poise
  • keadaan seimbang: poise
  • keyakinan akan diri sendiri: confidence, poise


  • berhenti: stop, quit, cease, halt, give up, poise
  • menyeimbangkan: equalize, even, poise, countervail, even out, counterpoise
  • memperimbangkan: poise, balance, equilibrate, coordinate
  • memperseimbangkan: balance, equilibrate, offset, poise, coordinate
decidedly = pasti


  • pasti: definitely, certainly, surely, doubtless, assuredly, decidedly
  • dgn tegas: unequivocally, decidedly, explicitly, emphatically, flatly
  • dgn jelas: palpably, clearly, obviously, decidedly, explicitly, expressly
  • dgn terang: legibly, brightly, clear, decidedly, clearly, obviously
in favour of  = mendukung

favour = 


  • kebaikan: good, goodness, kindness, favor, virtue, benefit
  • kebaikan hati: kindness, favor, charity, affability, amiability, favour
  • pernaungan: shelter, favor, favour
  • tolong: help, favor, favour
  • kemurahan hati: generosity, mercy, charity, favor, magnanimity, munificence
  • berkat: blessing, favor, favour
  • tanda mata: souvenir, memento, keepsake, token, favor, handsel
  • hadiah: gift, prize, reward, present, award, favor
  • surat: letter, mail, note, document, writing, favor


  • menyukai: like, love, favor, appreciate, fancy, dig
  • menyokong: support, sustain, bolster, advocate, favor, endorse
  • berbaik hati: favor, favour
  • bermurah hati: favor, favour
  • memperkenankan: allow, permit, favor, approve, agree, consent
  • menyerupai: resemble, favor, take after, correspond, favour
  • mengaruniai: favor, imbue, favour
  • memperkenan: approve, favor, allow, agree, consent, permit
  • mengataskan: favor, lift up, favour
  • berlaku berhati-hati: favour, favor

10. Oliver had been surrounded by careful grandmothers, anxious aunts, experienced nurses, and doctors of profound wisdom, he would most inevitably and indubitably have been killed in no time.

profound = amat sangat, mendalam
  • mendalam: deep, profound, intimate, exhaustive, visceral, solid
  • besar: great, large, big, major, substantial, profound
  • dalam: inside, deep, indoor, interior, profound, internal
  • amat sangat: intense, profound
  • nyenyak: sound, comfy, comfortable, profound, wakeless
  • kedalaman: depth, deepness, profundity, profound, profoundness, abstruseness
indubitably  = tentunya, tentu saja
  • pasti: definitely, certainly, surely, doubtless, assuredly, indubitably
  • tentunya: of course, certainly, surely, indeed, sure, indubitably
  • tentu saja: of course, certainly, naturally, surely, indeed, indubitably

11. There being nobody by, however, but a pauper old woman

pauper = orang miskin


  • orang miskin: pauper, almsman, simple, mendicant, church mouse
  • bangsat: brock, rogue, rascal, rotter, beast, pauper
  • orang fakir: pauper, indigent person

12. The result was, that, after a few struggles, Oliver breathed, sneezed, and proceeded to advertise to the inmates of the workhouse the fact of a new burden having been imposed upon the parish

inmates = penghuni


  • tahanan: custody, resistance, arrest, detainee, inmate, captivity
  • penghuni: occupant, resident, inhabitant, tenant, inmate, denizen
  • orang hukuman: prisoner, convict, inmate, jailbird, gaol bird
  • penduduk: population, resident, inhabitant, invader, occupant, inmate
imposed = dibebankan


  • memaksakan: impose, enforce, compel, assert, make, strain
  • mengenakan: put on, impose, don, dress, throw on, slip on
  • menjatuhkan: drop, impose, down, bring down, fell, topple
  • membebankan: charge, impose, burden, inflict, put upon, debit
  • menentukan: determine, specify, decide, set, establish, assign
  • mengadakan: hold, conduct, make, organize, establish, arrange
  • menanamkan: embed, instill, invest, inculcate, infuse, implant
  • menipu: deceive, fool, cheat, trick, defraud, delude
  • mengambil kesempatan: presume, impose
  • memikulkan: load, lay, impose, bear for, bring for
  • menanam: plant, grow, cultivate, sow, invest, put

13. As Oliver gave this first proof of the free and proper action of his lungs, the patchwork coverlet which was carelessly flung over the iron bedstead

patchwork = kain perca

flung (v1. fling) = dilemparkan


  • melemparkan: throw, cast, toss, hurl, fling, put
  • mencampak: get rid of, fling, throw, cast away, discard
  • mencampakkan: throw, discard, get rid of, cast away, fling
  • mencaci: berate, revile, abuse, chide, fling, scold
  • mengempaskan: throw, slam, dash, hurtle, fling, plump
  • menjebloskan: throw, clap, fling
  • lari dgn cepat: fling, dash, take flight, rattle, scoot, scour
  • menjatuhkan: drop, impose, down, bring down, fell, topple
  • mencaci maki: berate, revile, abuse, scold, lash out, miscall
bedstead = ranjang, tempat tidur

14. the pale face of a young woman was raised feebly from the pillow; and a faint voice imperfectly articulated the words, 'Let me see the child, and die.



  • dgn lemah: drowsily, feebly, weakly


  • lemah: weak, poor, faint, feeble, frail, infirm
  • redup: dim, faint, dreary, gloomy, overcast, somber
  • kusam: dull, faint, pallid, muddy, crepuscular, opaque
  • pusing: dizzy, giddy, faint, vertiginous, worried, rocky
  • redam: muffled, faint, dim, vague
  • kemalu-maluan: shamefaced, fearful, fearsome, tremulous, tremulant, faint


  • jatuh pingsan: faint, swoon, pass out, conk, fall into a swoon, black out
  • menjadi lemah: faint, weaken, crock, fail, crack up, crock up
  • menjadi kusam: faint
  • rebah pingsan: faint


  • keadaan pingsan: stupor, swoon, senselessness, insensibility, faint, fainting fit

'15. Lord bless her dear heart, no!' interposed the nurse, hastily depositing in her pocket a green glass bottle, the contents of which she had been tasting in a corner with evident satisfaction.



  • menempatkan: put, place, locate, position, situate, interpose
  • menjadi perantara: intercede, interpose
  • mengemukakan: put forward, express, propose, raise, bring up, interpose
  • mengajukan protes: interpose
  • meletakkan di antara: interpose
  • menyela: interrupt, cut in, interject, jump in, break in, interpose


  • deposito: deposit
  • setoran: deposit
  • simpanan: deposit, mistress, store, reserve, nest egg, fund
  • endapan: sediment, deposition, deposit, sludge, precipitation, emptying
  • penitipan: deposit
  • lapisan: layer, coating, lining, coat, sheet, deposit
  • uang tanggungan: deposit, bail
  • tumpukan: pile, stack, heap, lot, mass, deposit
  • uang cengkeram: deposit
  • taruhan: bet, wager, stake, ante, sweepstakes, deposit
  • simpanan uang pangkal: deposit
  • lapis: layer, ply, lining, stratum, row, deposit


  • menyimpan: save, store, keep, hold, deposit, put away
  • menyetor: deposit
  • mendepositokan: deposit
  • penyetoran: deposit
  • menabung: save, deposit, hoard, put aside, put away, lay aside
  • menempatkan: put, place, locate, position, situate, deposit
  • menaruh: put, place, set, store, conceive, deposit
  • menabungkan: save, deposit, lay aside, hoard, lay away, lay by
  • menumpuk: pile up, heap, slump, amass, deposit
  • menaruhkan: put, shew, set, bet, entrust, deposit
  • mempertaruhkan: bet, stake, pawn, mortgage, entrust, deposit

16. Apparently this consolatory perspective of a mother's prospects failed in producing its due effect.



  • tampaknya: apparently, seemingly
  • rupanya: apparently, evidently, seemingly, presumably, probably
  • kelihatannya: apparently, seemingly, outwardly, professedly, to all appearances, from all appearances
  • kiranya: presumably, probably, apparently, kindly, maybe
  • rasanya: seemingly, apparently


  • yg menghibur: consoling, comforting, consolatory, recreative

17. The surgeon deposited it in her arms. She imprinted her cold white lips passionately on its forehead; passed her hands over her face; gazed wildly round; shuddered; fell back-- and died. They chafed her breast, hands, and temples; but the blood had stopped forever.



  • jejak: trail, trace, track, imprint, mark, impression
  • terbitan: issue, publication, edition, imprint, number
  • kesan: impression, impress, image, sound, imprint, trace
  • tindasan: oppression, copy, suppression, imprint
  • tindihan: squeezing, oppression, imprint, compression, copy
  • rekam: imprint, impress


  • membekas: imprint, have results
  • mencetak: print, score, mold, impress, publish, imprint
  • menyetempel: imprint
  • mencap: brand, stamp, stigmatize, seal, print, imprint


  • merasa ngeri: shudder, revolt
  • gemetar ketakutan: cower, shudder
  • menggigil ketakutan: tremble, shudder


  • lecet: scuffed, scratched, chafed, raw


  • candi: temple
  • kuil: temple, shrine
  • pura: temple, shrine, bag, fund
  • kelenteng: temple, pagoda, tang
  • pelipis: temple

18. 'You needn't mind sending up to me, if the child cries, nurse,' said the surgeon, putting on his gloves with great deliberation.



  • pertimbangan: consideration, judgment, deliberation, reasoning, appeal, think
  • perembukan: palaver, conference, deliberation, counseling, parley

19. Give it a little gruel if it is.' He put on his hat, and, pausing by the bed-side on his way to the door, added, 'She was a good-looking girl, too; where did she come from?'



  • bubur: porridge, pulp, mush, gruel, puree, spoon food


  • melelahkan: tire, weary, wear, fatigue, gruel, macerate
  • meletihkan: exhaust, tire, wear, fag, fatigue, gruel

20. It would have been hard for the haughtiest stranger to have assigned him his proper station in society.



  • angkuh: arrogant, haughty, proud, imperious, cavalier, pompous
  • sombong: arrogant, overbearing, proud, cocky, pompous, smug
  • tinggi hati: snobby, haughty, snobbish, pompous, superior, uppish
  • congkak: arrogant, supercilious, conceited, cocky, cavalier, haughty
  • anggun: graceful, elegant, handsome, pretentious, haughty, neat

21. Oliver cried lustily. If he could have known that he was an orphan, left to the tender mercies of church-wardens and overseers, perhaps he would have cried the louder.

lustily: dengan penuh nafsu



  • lembut: soft, tender, delicate, creamy, mild, mellow
  • empuk: soft, tender, easy, mellow, pillowy, easy to defeat
  • lunak: soft, tender, malleable, lenient, mild, bland
  • halus: smooth, fine, subtle, delicate, refined, tender
  • sakit: sick, ill, sore, diseased, ailing, tender
  • perih: smarting, tender, poignant, acute
  • rapuh: fragile, brittle, frail, crumbly, weak, tender
  • sabar: patient, indulgent, tolerant, forbearing, composed, tender
  • penuh kasih sayang: loving, tender, grandmotherly, amatory
  • baik hati: kind, kind-hearted, sweet, gentle, tender, amiable
  • lembut hati: meek, tender, mild, suave, easygoing, delicate
  • tdk lekas marah: placid, tender
  • yg mudah rusak: tender


  • penawaran: offer, tender, dickering
  • tawaran: offer, bid, overture, tender, enticement
  • pengasuh: nanny, nurse, childminder, tutor, tender, educator
  • penjaga: guard, keeper, watchman, caretaker, watchdog, tender
  • juru rawat: nurse, sick nurse, tender, registered nurse
  • gerbong arang lok: tender


  • menawarkan: offer, propose, bid, proffer, tender, extend
  • membayar: pay, shell out, settle, fork out, foot, tender
  • menawari: offer, proffer, propose, neutralize, charm, tender
  • mengajukan: file, submit, propose, lodge, put forward, tender
  • memajukan: advance, promote, further, move forward, bring forward, tender
  • melelangkan: auction, auctioneer, tender
  • melunakkan: soften, temper, moderate, mellow, weaken, tender



  • belas kasihan: mercy, pity, sympathy, clemency, remorse, bowels
  • rahmat: grace, mercy, godsend, bounty, boon
  • ampun: forgiveness, mercy, pardon, quarter, let-off
  • kemurahan hati: generosity, mercy, charity, favor, magnanimity, munificence
  • belas: mercy, pity, teens, sympathy, remorse, clemency
  • kerahiman: mercy
  • pengawas: supervisor, superintendent, overseer, inspector, controller, trustee
  • mandor: foreman, overseer, driver
22. For the next eight or ten months, Oliver was the victim of a systematic course of treachery and deception. He was brought up by hand. The hungry and destitute situation of the infant orphan was duly reported by the workhouse authorities to the parish authorities.

  • penipuan: fraud, deception, deceit, trickery, swindle, imposture
  • kecurangan: fraud, deception, foul, corruption, deceitfulness, fraudulence
  • muslihat: trick, deception, stratagem, device, maneuver, strategy
  • kilah: deception, trick
  • pendayaan: deception, shuck, inveiglement
  • miskin: poor, impoverished, needy, destitute, impecunious, indigent
  • melarat: destitute, impoverished, needy, impecunious, necessitous, protracted
  • papa: destitute
  • kekurangan: wanting, destitute, shy, stringent
  • fakir: poor, indigent, destitute
  • bokek: broke, destitute
  • tanpa: devoid, destitute
  • yg tdk mempunyai: destitute

Demikian, Semoga dapat bermanfaat.
