Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 2


Learn English Through  Oliver Twist Part 2

1. So, she appropriated the greater part of the weekly stipend to her own use, and consigned the rising parochial generation to even a shorter allowance than was originally provided for them. Thereby finding in the lowest depth a deeper still; and proving herself a very great experimental philosopher.

appropriated = mengambil keuntungan tanpa ijin pemilik untuk diri sendiri, mengucurkan uang untuk  tujuan tertentu


  • 1. take (something) for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission. Example: his images have been appropriated by advertisers
  • 2. devote (money or assets) to a special purpose. Example: there can be problems in appropriating funds for legal expenses
consign = mengirimkan


  • 1. deliver (something) to a person's custody, typically in order for it to be sold. Example: he consigned three paintings to Sotheby's

Thereby = 


  • 1. by that means; as a result of that. Example: students perform in hospitals, thereby gaining a deeper awareness of the therapeutic power of music

2. He had got his own horse down to a straw a day, and would unquestionably have rendered him a very spirited and rapacious animal on nothing at all

unquestionably = tidak diragukan lagi

render = 


  1. provide or give (a service, help, etc.). Example: money serves as a reward for services rendered
  2. cause to be or become; make.  Example: the rains rendered his escape impossible
  3. represent or depict artistically. Example: the eyes and the cheeks are exceptionally well rendered
  4. covertly send (a foreign criminal or terrorist suspect) for interrogation abroad;  subject to extraordinary rendition.
  5. melt down (fat). Example: the fat was being cut up and rendered for lard
  6. cover (stone or brick) with a coat of plaster. Example: external walls will be rendered and tiled


  • 1. a first coat of plaster applied to a brick or stone surface.


  • memberikan: give, provide, offer, supply, allow, render
  • menyebabkan: cause, lead, induce, render, bring about, account
  • menjadikan: make, render, create, cause, reduce, fit
  • memberi: give, let, grant, deliver, have, render
  • mengubah: change, turn, alter, transform, modify, render
  • menterjemahkan: translate, interpret, render, transcribe, transliterate, version
  • mengajukan: file, submit, propose, lodge, put forward, render
  • menyanyikan: sing, render, intone, intonate
  • melukiskan: describe, portray, depict, delineate, represent, render


  • pembayaran: payment, payout, paying, settlement, disbursement, render
rapacious = rakus


  • rakus: greedy, voracious, gourmand, gluttonous, rapacious, vulturine
  • serakah: greedy, rapacious, avaricious, acquisitive
  • tamak: greedy, covetous, grasping, avaricious, rapacious, acquisitive

3. The child had contrived to exist upon the smallest possible portion of the weakest possible food, it did perversely happen in eight and a half cases out of ten, either that it sickened from want and cold, or fell into the fire from neglect, or got halfsmothered by accident

  1. create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.
Example: his opponents contrived a crisis

  • merancang: devise, plan, contrive, stake, map out
  • merencanakan: plan, plot, devise, design, schedule, contrive
  • menciptakan: create, make, invent, produce, compose, contrive
  • mereka: imagine, confabulate, confab, invent, plan, contrive
  • membuat: make, create, build, establish, produce, contrive
  • menyusun: arrange, compile, set, draw up, compose, contrive
  • memikirkan: think, consider, reflect, dwell, contemplate, contrive
  • memikir: think, consider, speculate, ponder, devise, contrive
  • berusaha: try, undertake, manage, make efforts, exert, contrive
  • mencari akal: try, make efforts, contrive, look for a way out
perversely = menyimpang
  • 1. in a way that shows a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in an unreasonable or unacceptable manner. Example: the group perversely refused to tour until well past their peak
  • 2. in a manner contrary to what is expected or accepted. Example: he was perversely proud of his parochial background
sickened = muak, jatuh sakit
1. make (someone) feel disgusted or appalled. Example: she was sickened by the bomb attack
2. become ill. Example: Dawson sickened unexpectedly and died in 1916

4. In any one of which cases, the miserable little being was usually summoned into another world, and there gathered to the fathers it had never known in this.

miserable = 


  • (of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable.

Example: their happiness made Anne feel even more miserable

  • pitiably small or inadequate.

Example: all they pay me is a miserable $10,000 a year


  • sedih: sad, miserable, sorrowful, depressed, mournful, dejected
  • miskin: poor, impoverished, needy, destitute, impecunious, miserable
  • yg menyedihkan: pitiful, sad, miserable, dumpish, pathetic, saddening
  • tdk senang: discontented, discontent, comfortless, miserable, disaffected
  • tak bermutu: trashy, insipid, twopenny, indifferent, tuppenny, miserable
summoned =


  • authoritatively or urgently call on (someone) to be present, especially as a defendant or witness in a law court.

Example: the Pope summoned Anselm to Rome


  • memanggil: call, summon, call out, call in, address, get
  • mengetengahkan: set forth, summon
  • memerintahkan: order, command, instruct, enjoin, charge, summon

5. Occasionally, when there was some more than usually interesting inquest upon a parish child who had been overlooked in turning up a bedstead, or inadvertently scalded to death


  • 1. a judicial inquiry to ascertain the facts relating to an incident, such as a death.


  • pemeriksaan resmi: inquest


  • 1. fail to notice (something).

Example: he seems to have overlooked one important fact

  • 2. have a view of from above.

Example: the chateau overlooks fields of corn and olive trees


  • 3. supervise; oversee.

Example: he was overlooking his harvest men


  • 4. bewitch with the evil eye.

Example: they told them they were overlooked by some unlucky Person


  • mengabaikan: ignore, overlook, neglect, disregard, omit, forsake
  • melupakan: forget, overlook, bury, pigeonhole, make it up, tine
  • memaafkan: forgive, condone, overlook, pass over
  • pangling: overlook
  • memandang ke bawah: overlook
  • memandang dr atas: overlook
  • melangkaui: overlook, omit, pass over
  • tdk memperhatikan: overlook, disregard


  • pemandangan ke bawah: overlook
inadvertently = 


  • 1. without intention; accidentally.

Example: his name had been inadvertently omitted from the list


  • dgn kurang hati-hati: inadvertently
scalded = 


  • 1. injure with very hot liquid or steam.

Example: the tea scalded his tongue


  • 1. a burn or other injury caused by hot liquid or steam.
  • 2. variant spelling of skald.


  • melepuh: blister, scald
  • memanaskan: heat, heat up, warm, enrage, infuriate, scald
  • mencuci dgn air mendidih: scald
  • mendidihkan: boil, scald


  • kudis: scabies, mange, scab, scald, scaldhead
  • luka terbakar: burn, scald, flash burn, singe
  • air mendidih: boiling water, scald
  • keropeng: scab, scald, scaldhead
  • luka kebakaran: burn, flash burn, scald, singe
  • luka hangus: burn, flash burn, scald, singe
  • kurap: ringworm, scabies, mange, scab, scaldhead, scald

6. But nature or inheritance had implanted a good sturdy spirit in Oliver's breast.

sturdy =


  • 1. (of a person or their body) strongly and solidly built.

Example: he had a sturdy, muscular physique


  • 1. vertigo in sheep caused by a tapeworm larva encysted in the brain.


  • kuat: strong, robust, solid, firm, intense, sturdy
  • kukuh: strong, sturdy, firm, solid, staunch, steady
  • kekar: stocky, hefty, sturdy, solid, strapping, stumpy
  • tegap: strapping, sturdy, robust, firm, hefty, steady
  • kejat: stiff, rigid, firm, sturdy


  • orang tegap: sturdy
  • orang kekar: sturdy

7. Two other young gentleman, who, after participating with him in a sound thrashing, had been locked up for atrociously presuming to be hungry, when Mrs. Mann, the good lady of the house, was unexpectedly startled by the apparition of Mr. Bumble, the beadle, striving to undo the wicket of the garden-gate.



  • 1. beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip.

Example: she thrashed him across the head and shoulders


  • Labrakan

atrociously = secara mengerikan

startle = terkejut


  • 1. cause (a person or animal) to feel sudden shock or alarm.

Example: a sudden sound in the doorway startled her


  • terkejut


  • 1. a ghost or ghostlike image of a person.

Example: a headless apparition


  • Penampakan hantu
striving = berjuang

wicket = gerbang kecil


  • 1. a small door or gate, especially one beside or in a larger one.
  • 2. CRICKET
  • each of the sets of three stumps with two bails across the top at either end of the pitch, defended by a batsman.

8. 'Goodness gracious! Is that you, Mr. Bumble, sir?' said Mrs. Mann, thrusting her head out of the window in well-affected ecstasies of joy.

gracious =


1. courteous, kind, and pleasant.

Example: smiling and gracious in defeat

2. (in Christian belief) showing divine grace.

Example: I am saved by God's gracious intervention on my behalf


1. expressing polite surprise.

Example: good gracious, that was close!


  • ramah: friendly, hospitable, gracious, cordial, amiable, kind
  • rahim: gracious, merciful, humane
  • ramah tamah: suave, friendly, amicable, neighborly, convivial, gracious
  • baik budi: considerate, gracious
  • yg menyenangkan: likable, sightly, pleasant, likeable, pleasing, gracious
thrusting = dorongan


  • 1. the motion of pushing or lunging suddenly or violently.


  • 1. aggressively ambitious.

Example: thrusting entrepreneurs

  • 3. (of an object or part of the body) projecting in a conspicuous way.

Example" a thrusting jaw


  • dorongan: encouragement, boost, impetus, push, urge, thrusting

9. Now, Mr. Bumble was a fat man, and a choleric; so, instead of responding to this openhearted salutation in a kindred spirit, he gave the little wicket a tremendous shake, and then bestowed upon it a kick which could have emanated from no leg but a beadle's.

bestow =


  • 1. confer or present (an honor, right, or gift).

Example: the office was bestowed on him by the chief of state


  • memberikan: give, provide, offer, supply, allow, bestow
  • melimpahkan: bestow, delegate, dump, shower, overwhelm, heap
  • menganugerahi: bestow, endue, indue
emanate =


  • 1. (of something abstract but perceptible) issue or spread out from (a source).

Example: warmth emanated from the fireplace


  • muncul: appear, arise, emerge, show, come up, emanate
  • keluar: exit, come out, go out, escape, break out, emanate
  • berasal dr: come from, come of, originate, derive, emanate, spring

10. He had displayed the one, and vindicated the other. He relaxed.

vindicate = membersihkan nama baik


  • 1. clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.

Example: hospital staff were vindicated by the inquest verdict 

11. Mrs. Mann ushered the beadle into a small parlour with a brick floor; placed a seat for him; and officiously deposited his cocked hat and can on the table before him.

ushered = diantar

parlour = ruang tamu


  • 1. DATED. a sitting room in a private house.

Example: they had lunch in the parlor

  • 2. a room in a public building for receiving guests.

Example: the mayor's parlor

  • 3. a shop or business providing specified goods or services.

Example: a funeral parlor

  • 4. a room or building equipped for milking cows.


  • ruang tamu: parlor, drawing room, reception room, salon, parlour
  • salon: salon, parlor, beauty shop, parlour
  • kamar tamu: guest room, living room, drawing room, parlor, sitting room, guest chamber
  • kamar duduk: living room, sitting room, lounge, parlor, parlour

12. 'Now don't you be offended at what I'm a going to say,' observed Mrs. Mann, with captivating sweetness. 'You've had a long walk, you know, or I wouldn't mention it. Now, will you take a little drop of somethink, Mr. Bumble?'

offended = 


  • 1. resentful or annoyed, typically as a result of a perceived insult.

Example: she sounded slightly offended


  • tersinggung: offended, aggrieved, resentful, umbrageous
  • terhina: insulted, offended, rascally
captivating = menawan, menarik hati


1. capable of attracting and holding interest; charming.

Example: a captivating smile

13. 'Not a drop. Nor a drop,' said Mr. Bumble, waving his right hand in a dignified, but placid manner.

dignified = bermartabat


  • 1. having or showing a composed or serious manner that is worthy of respect.

Example: she maintained a dignified silence

placid =


  • 1. (of a person or animal) not easily upset or excited.

Example: this horse has a placid nature


  • tenang: quiet, calm, tranquil, serene, restful, placid
  • tdk lekas marah: placid, tender
  • tak terganggu: undisturbed, untroubled, placid

14. Notwithstanding the most superlative, and, I may say, supernat'ral exertions on the part of this parish,' said Bumble, 'we have never been able to discover who is his father, or what was his mother's settlement, name, or con--dition.'

Notwithstanding = meskipun


  • 1. in spite of.

Example: notwithstanding the evidence, the consensus is that the jury will not reach a verdict


  • 1. nevertheless; in spite of this.

Example: I didn't like it. Notwithstanding, I remained calm


  • 1. although; in spite of the fact that.

Example: notwithstanding that the hall was packed with bullies, our champion played on steadily and patiently

exertions =


  • 1. physical or mental effort.

Example: she was panting with the exertion

  • 2. the application of a force, influence, or quality.

Example: the exertion of authority


  • pengerahan tenaga: exertion
  • penyelenggaraan: management, execution, performance, enforcement, exertion, accomplishment
  • penggunaan: use, utilization, application, exertion, exercise
  • pemerasan tenaga: exertion

15. 'I'll fetch him directly,' said Mrs. Mann



  • 1. go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone.

Example: he ran to fetch help

  • 2. achieve (a particular price) when sold.

Example: handwoven blankets and rugs that can fetch as much as $45,000


  • mengambil: take, pick up, take on, take out, take up, fetch
  • menjemput: pick up, fetch, meet, call, come after
  • mendapatkan: get, obtain, gain, have, find, fetch
  • mengambilkan: get, fetch, bring, draw, pick up for
  • mencapai: achieve, reach, attain, get, gain, fetch
  • menarik: attract, draw, pull, withdraw, appeal, fetch
  • memperoleh: obtain, get, gain, acquire, have, fetch
  • mendapat: get, have, receive, obtain, gain, fetch
  • mengeluarkan: issue, spend, release, pull out, put out, fetch
  • mendapati: find, have, get, make, receive, fetch
  • mempesonakan: dazzle, magnetize, mesmerize, glamor, charm, fetch
  • mempesona: dazzle, enchant, fascinate, charm, mesmerize, fetch

16. This was no very great consolation to the child. And issued three meals of thin gruel a day



  • 1. the comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment.

Example: there was consolation in knowing that others were worse off


  • penghiburan: consolation, solace, reassurance, entertainment, refuge
  • hiburan: entertainment, amusement, consolation, comfort, solace, pastime
  • pelipur: consolation, comforter
  • penghibur: entertainer, comforter, consolation, entertainment, reassurance, paraclete
  • pengobat hati: consolation
  • lipur: consolation, comfort



  • 1. a thin liquid food of oatmeal or other meal boiled in milk or water.


  • bubur: porridge, pulp, mush, gruel, puree, spoon food


  • melelahkan: tire, weary, wear, fatigue, gruel, macerate
  • meletihkan: exhaust, tire, wear, fag, fatigue, gruel

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