Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 6

Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 6

1. An unfinished coffin on black tressels, which stood in the middle of the shop, looked so gloomy and death-like that a cold tremble came over him, every time his eyes wandered in the direction of the dismal object

  • gloomy = redup, suram, muram
  • wandered = berkeliling
  • dismal = suram, gelap

2. But his heart was heavy, notwithstanding; and he wished, as he crept into his narrow bed, 

  • notwithstanding = meskipun, walaupun
  • crept = merayap, meangkak

3. Oliver, having taken down the shutters, and broken a pane of glass in his effort to stagger away beneath the weight of the first one to a small court at the side of the house in which they were kept during the day, was graciously assisted by Noah: who having consoled him with the assurance that 'he'd catch it,' condescended to help him.

  • shutters = daun jendela
  • stagger = berjalan sempoyongan
  •  beneath = dibawah
  • graciously = anggun
  • consoled = terhibur
  • condescended = berkenan

4. But, now that fortune had cast in his way a nameless orphan, at whom even the meanest could point the finger of scorn, he retorted on him with interest

  • fortune  = rejeki, beruntung
  • cast = menghalangi
  • meanest = paling hina
  •  scorn = mencemooh
  • retorted = membalas

5. This affords charming food for contemplation. It shows us what a beautiful thing human nature may be made to be; and how impartially the same amiable qualities are developed in the finest lord and the dirtiest charity-boy.

  • affords = menghasilkan, mampu, memberi
  • charming  = menawan
  • contemplation = tafakur, merenung
  • impartially = tidak memihak
  • amiable = ramah

6. 'My dear--' He was going to say more; but, Mrs. Sowerberry looking up, with a peculiarly unpropitious aspect, he stopped short.

  • peculiarly =
  • 1. more than usually; especially.
  • 2. oddly.
  • 3. used to emphasize restriction to an individual or group.
  • secara khusus: specifically, in particular, specially, special, particularly, peculiarly
  • khususnya: especially, particularly, in particular, specifically, specially, peculiarly
  • secara istimewa: in particular, particularly, peculiarly, extra, singularly
  • unpropitious = tidak menguntungkan
  • 1. (of a circumstance) not giving or indicating a good chance of success; unfavorable.

7. 'Oh, don't tell me what you were going to say,' interposed Mrs. Sowerberry. 'I am nobody; don't consult me, pray. _I_ don't want to intrude upon your secrets.'

  • interposed = menyela
  • intrude = menggangu, memaksakan, masuk tanpa diundang

8. Bumble shook his head, as he replied, 'Obstinate people, Mr. Sowerberry; very obstinate. Proud, too, I'm afraid, sir.'

  • Obstinate = keras kepala

9. 'Ah, there's promptness,' said the undertaker.

  • promptness = ketepatan
  • undertaker = pengurus

10. As the atrocity presented itself to Mr. Bumble's mind in full force, he struck the counter sharply with his cane, and became flushed with indignation.

  • atrocity = kekejaman
  • sharply = tajam
  • flushed = memerah
  • indignation = kemarahan

11. Thus saying, Mr. Bumble put on his cocked hat wrong side first, in a fever of parochial excietment; and flounced out of the shop.

  • Thus = jadi
  • cocked hat= topi miring
  •  excietment = kegembiraan
  • flounced = melompat

12. 'Why, he was so angry, Oliver, that he forgot even to ask after you!' said Mr. Sowerberry, looking after the beadle as he strode down the street.

  • beadle = manik
  • strode = melangkah

13. 'Yes, sir,' replied Oliver, who had carefully kept himself out of sight, during the interview; and who was shaking from head to foot at the mere recollection of the sound of Mr. Bumble's voice.

  • mere = sekedar
  • recollection = mengingatkan

14. The kennel was stagnant and filthy. The very rats, which here and there lay putrefying in its rottenness, were hideous with famine.

  • kennel = gedung kecil
  • stagnant = tergenang
  • filthy = kotor
  • putrefying = membusuk
  • rottenness = kebusukan

15. He rapped at it with his knuckles.

  • rapped = mengetuk-ngetuk
  • knuckles = buku-buku jari

16. There were some ragged children in another corner; and in a small recess, opposite the door, there lay upon the ground, something covered with an old blanket.

  • ragged = compang-camping
  • recess = istirahat, tempat tersembunyi

17. Oliver shuddered as he cast his eyes toward the place, and ragged crept involuntarily closer to his master; for though it was covered up, the boy felt that it was a corpse.

  • shuddered = gemetar
  • ragged = compang-camping
  • crept = merayap
  • involuntarily = tanpa disengaja

18. The old woman's face was wrinkled; her two remaining teeth protruded over her under lip; and her eyes were bright and piercing.

  • wrinkled = keriput
  • protruded = menonjol
  • piercing = menusuk

19. At length, after a lapse of something more than an hour, Mr. Bumble, and Sowerberry, and the clerk, were seen running towards the grave.

  • lapse = selang waktu

20. Immediately afterwards, the clergyman appeared: putting on his surplice as he came along.

  • clergyman = pendeta
  • surplice = jubah

21. Mr. Bumble then thrashed a boy or two, to keep up appearances; and the reverend gentleman, having read as much of the burial service as could be compressed into four minutes, gave his surplice to the clerk, and walked away again.

  • thrashed = 
  • 1. beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip.
  • 1. a violent or noisy movement, typically involving hitting something repeatedly.
  • 2. a short, fast, loud piece or passage of rock music.

  • reverend = 
  • 1. used as a title or form of address to members of the clergy.
  • pendeta: pastor, priest, minister, preacher, clergyman, reverend
  • yg terhormat: honor, reverence, reverend, honour
  • terhormat: honored, respectable, honorable, distinguished, dear, reverend
  • compressed = 
  • 1. flatten by pressure; squeeze or press.

22. It was no very difficult task, for the grave was so full, that the uppermost coffin was within a few feet of the surface.

  • uppermost  = paling atas, paling penting


  • GOADED = dihalau, didorong
  • 1. provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction.
Example: he goaded her on to more daring revelations

Provoke, spur, prick, sting, prod, egg on, hound, badger. Incite, rouse, stir, move, stimulate, motivate, excite, inflame, work/fire up, impel, pressure, pressurize, dragoon, prompt, induce, encourage, urge, inspire

  • 2. drive or urge (an animal) on with a goad.
Example: the cowboys goaded their cattle across the meadows

  • 1. a spiked stick used for driving cattle.
prod, spiked stick, spike, staff, crook, pole, rod, ankus

  • TAUNT  = mengejek, ejekan
  • 1. a remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone.
Example: pupils will play truant rather than face the taunts of classmates about their ragged clothes

jeer, gibe, sneer, insult, barb, catcall, brickbat, scoff, slap in the face, teasing, taunting, provocation, goading, ridiculing, derision, mockery, sarcasm

  • informal:digput-downsledge

  • 1. provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks.
Example: students began taunting her about her weight

jeer at, gibe at, sneer at, scoff at, poke fun at, make fun of, get atinsult, tease, chaff, torment, provoke, goad, ridicule, deride, mock, heckle, ride

  • informal:rib, needle, put down, hassle, rag, guy, sledge 
  • dated:make sport of

24. The month's trial over, Oliver was formally apprenticed.

  • apprenticed = magang
  • 1. a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages.
Example: an apprentice electrician

trainee, learner, probationer, tyro, novice, mentee, neophyte, raw recruit, fledgling, newboy/girl, novitiate, pupil, student, beginner, starter
  • informal:rookie, greenhorn, tenderfoot 
  • 1. employ (someone) as an apprentice.
Example: Edward was apprenticed to a printer

25. The success of Mr. Sowerberry's ingenious speculation, exceeded even his most sanguine hopes.

  • ingenious = cerdas, pintar, berbakat
  • 1. (of a person) clever, original, and inventive.
Example: he was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget

inventive, creative, imaginative, original, innovative, resourceful, enterprising, insightful, inspired,  perceptive, intuitive, clever, intelligent, bright, smart, brilliant, masterly, talented, gifted, skillful, capable, sharp, astute, sharp-witted, razor-sharp, quickquick, witted, shrewd, elaborate, sophisticated, trailblazing, pioneering

  • informal:
on the ball, thinking outside the box, genius
  • exceeded  = melampaui
  • 1. be greater in number or size than (a quantity, number, or other measurable thing).
Example: production costs have exceeded $60,000

exceed, surpass, outpace, outstrip, transcend, beat, get beyond, overshoot, pass, pass through, skip, traverse
  • sanguine  = optimis
  • 1. optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
Example: he is sanguine about prospects for the global economy

optimistic, bullish, hopeful, buoyant, positive, disposed to look on the bright side, confident, cheerful, cheery, bright, assured

  • archaic:of good cheer
  • informal:upbeat

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