Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 7

 Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 7

1. That Oliver Twist was moved to resignation by the example of these good people, I cannot, although I am his biographer, undertake to affirm with any degree of confidence
  • resignation = pengunduran diri
  • undertake = berusaha, melakukan
  • affirm = menegaskan
2. One day, Oliver and Noah had descended into the kitchen at the usual dinner-hour, to banquet upon a small joint of mutton--a pound and a half of the worst end of the neck-- when Charlotte being called out of the way, there ensued a brief interval of time, which Noah Claypole, being hungry and vicious, considered he could not possibly devote to a worthier purpose than aggravating and tantalising young Oliver Twist.
  • descended = turun
  • banquet = menyajikan makanan
  • mutton = daging domba
  • ensued = terjadi
  • vicious = ganas. kejam, jahat, keji
  • devote = berbakti
  • aggravating = memberatkan
  • tantalising = menggiurkan
3. Intent upon this innocent amusement, Noah put his feet on the table-cloth; and pulled Oliver's hair; and twitched his ears
  • Intent = niat
  • twitched = berkedut
4. A minute ago, the boy had looked the quiet child, mild, dejected creature that harsh treatment had made him
  • mild = lembut
  • dejected = sedih
  • harsh = kasar
5. His breast heaved; his attitude was erect; his eye bright and vivid; his whole person changed, as he stood glaring over the cowardly tormentor who now lay crouching at his feet; and defied him with an energy he had never known before.
  • heaved = terengah-engah
  • vivid = menyala, cerah
  • glaring over = menlotot
  • cowardly = pengecut
  • tormentor = penyiksa
  • crouching = berjongkok
  • defied = menantang
  • REFRACTORY = keras kepala, tidak terkendali
7. Having rested here, for a minute or so, to collect a good burst of sobs and an imposing show of tears and terror, he knocked loudly at the wicket
  • rested = beristirahat
  • burst =  meledak, (dari sebuah wadah) tiba-tiba pecah dan terpisah dengan keras, menumpahkan isinya, biasanya akibat benturan atau tekanan
  • sobs = menangis, terisak
  • imposing = memaksakan
  • wicket = gerbang kecil, gawang
8. As showing that even a beadle, acted upon a sudden and powerful impulse, may be afflicted with a momentary visitation of loss of self-possession, and forgetfulness of personal dignity.
  • beadle = manik
  • impulse = dorongan
  • afflicted = menderita
  • visitation = kunjungan
  • dignity = martabat
9. Bumble, just step up to Sowerberry's with your cane, and seed what's best to be done. Don't spare him, Bumble.'
  • cane = tebu, tongkat, rotan
  • spare = meluangkan
10. Sowerberry had not yet returned, and Oliver continued to kick, with undiminished vigour, at the cellar-door.
  • undiminished = tidak berkurang
  • vigour = semangat
11. The accounts of his ferocity as related by Mrs. Sowerberry and Charlotte, were of so startling a nature, that Mr. Bumble judged it prudent to parley, before opening the door.
  • ferocity = keganasan
  • startling = menakjubkan
  • prudent =  bijaksana
12. With this view he gave a kick at the outside, by way of prelude; and, then, applying his mouth to the keyhole, said, in a deep and impressive tone
  • prelude = pendahuluan
  • impressive = menakjubkan
13. An answer so different from the one he had expected to elicit, and was in the habit of receiving, staggered Mr. Bumble not a little.
  • elicit = mendapatkan, memperoleh
  • staggered =  terhuyung-huyung
14. Sowerberry returned at this juncture. Oliver's offence having been explained to him, with such exaggerations as the ladies thought best calculated to rouse his ire, he unlocked the cellar-door in a twinkling, and dragged his rebellious apprentice out, by the collar.
  • juncture = persimpangan
  • offence =pelanggaran
  • exaggerations =  berlebihan
  • ire = kemarahan
  • twinkling = sekejap, berkelap-kelip
  • dragged = diseret
  • apprentice = anak magang
15. 'Well, and what if he did, you little ungrateful wretch?' said Mrs. Sowerberry. 'She deserved what he said, and worse.'
  • ungrateful = kufur
  • wretch = celaka
16. He raised his pale face and disclosed the features of one of his former companions.
  • disclosed =membuka, menyingkapkan
  • ENCOUNTERS = bertemu tanpa disengaja
18. Oliver reached the stile at which the by-path terminated; and once more gained the highroad.
  • stile = susunan untuk memanjat pagar atau tembok
  • terminated = diakhiri 
  • gained = mencapai
19. But Oliver's thoughts, like those of most other people, although they were extremely ready and active to point out his difficulties, were wholly at a loss to suggest any feasible mode of surmounting them
  • feasible = layak
  • surmounting = mengatasi
20. He felt frightened at first, for the wind moaned dismally over the empty fields
  • moaned = mengerang, meraung, merintih
  • dismally = suram, malang, sedih
21. The boy who addressed this inquiry to the young wayfarer, was about his own age: but one of the queerest looking boys that Oliver had even seen.
  • addressed = ditujukan
  • inquiry = pertanyaan
  • wayfarer = musafir
  • queerest = paling aneh
22. 'Going to London?' said the strange boy, when Oliver had at length concluded.
  • concluded = menyimpulkan
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