Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 4


Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 4

1. Boys is very obstinit, and very lazy, Gen'l'men, and there's nothing like a good hot blaze to make 'em come down vith a run.

  • obstinate = keras kepala
  • blaze = nyala berkobar-kobar

2. As Mr. Gamfield did happen to labour under the slight imputation of having bruised three or four boys to death already, it occurred to him that the board had, perhaps, in some unaccountable freak, taken it into their heads that this extraneous circumstance ought to influence their proceedings.

  • bruised = memar, benjol
  • freak = situasi aneh, orang aneh, berperilaku aneh
  • extraneous = yang tak ada hubungannya
  • circumstance = fakta, keadaan sekitar

3. 'Come! I'll split the diff'erence, gen'l'men, urged Gamfield. 'Three pound fifteen.

  • split = membagi, memecah, membelah

4. 'Not a farthing more,' was the firm reply of Mr. Limbkins. 'You're desperate hard upon me, gen'l'men, said Gamfield, wavering.

  • farthing = kentut, hal yang tak berguna
  • wavering = bergoyang-goyang

5. He hasn't been overfed since he was born. Ha! ha! ha!'

  • overfed = memberi makan yang berlebihan

6. Oliver roused himself, and made his best obeisance.

  • obeisance = sembah, persembahan

7. He had been wondering, with his eyes fixed on the magistrates' powder, whether all boards were born with that white stuff on their heads, and were boards from thenceforth on that account.

  • magistrates = hakim
  • stuff = hal-hal
  • thenceforth = sejak itu

8. 'He doats on it, your worship,' replied Bumble; giving Oliver a sly pinch, to intimate that he had better not say he didn't.

  • doats = doa
  • sly = licik
  • pinch = cubit, mencolek

9. Whose villainous countenance was a regular stamped receipt for cruelty.

  • villainous = jahat
  • stamped = dicap
  • cruelty = kekejaman

10. He couldn't reasonably be expected to discern what other people did.

  • discern = melihat, memahami

11. If the inkstand had been where the old gentleman though it was, he would have dipped his pen into it, and signed the indentures, and Oliver would have been straightway hurried off

  • inkstand = tempat tinta
  • dipped = dicelup
  • indentures = kontrak
  • straightway = langsung

12. His gaze encountered the pale and terrified face of Oliver Twist: who, despite all the admonitory looks and pinches of Bumble, was regarding the repulsive countenance of his future master, with a mingled expression of horror and fear, too palpable to be mistaken, even by a half-blind magistrate

  • encountered = ditemui
  • admonitory = peringatan
  • pinches = mencubit, mencolek
  • repulsive = menjijikan
  • countenance = raut muka
  • mingled = bercampur
  • palpable = teraba

13. The old gentleman stopped, laid down his pen, and looked from Oliver to Mr. Limbkins; who attempted to take snuff with a cheerful and unconcerned aspect.

  • snuff = tembakau
  • unconcerned = tidak perduli

14. They pleased--rather than send him away with that dreadful man.

  • pleased = senang
  • dreadful = mengerikan

15. 'Well!' said Mr. Bumble, raising his hands and eyes with most impressive solemnite. 'Well! of all the artful and designing orphans that ever I see, Oliver, you are one of the most bare-facedest.'

  • solemnite = khidmat
  • facedest = paling depan

16. 'Hold your tongue, Beadle,' said the second old gentleman, when Mr. Bumble had given vent to this compound adjective.

  • Hold your tongue = tahan lidahmu (jangan bicara)

17. 'I beg your worship's pardon,' said Mr. Bumble, incredulous of having heard aright. 'Did your worship speak to me?'

  • worship's = ibadah
  • incredulous = tidak percaya

18. Mr. Bumble was stupefied with astonishment. A beadle ordered to hold his tongue! A moral revolution!

  • stupefied = terbius
  • beadle = manik-manik

19. n'We refuse to sanction these indentures,' said the old gentleman: tossing aside the piece of parchment as he spoke

  • indentures = kontrak
  • tossing = melempar
  • parchment = kertas dari kulit

20. 'I hope,' stammered Mr. Limbkins

  • stammered = berbicara tergagap-gagap

21. In great families, when an advantageous place cannot be obtained, either in possession, reversion, remainder, or expectancy, for the young man who is growing up, it is a very general custom to send him to sea.

  • advantageous = menguntungkan
  • reversion = pengembalian

22. The board, in imitation of so wise and salutary an example, took counsel together on the expediency of shipping off Oliver Twist, in some small trading vessel bound to a good unhealthy port.

  • salutary = menyehatkan
  • counsel = nasihat
  • expediency = kebijaksanaan

23. The probability being, that the skipper would flog him to death

  • skipper = nahkoda
  • flog = mencambuk

24. The more manifold the advantages of the step appeared

  • manifold  = banyak jenis

25. Mr. Bumble had been despatched to make various preliminary inquiries when he encountered at the gate, no less a person than Mr. Sowerberry, the parochial undertaker.

  • despatched = dikirim
  • parochial = picik

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