Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 8


Learn English Through Oliver Twist Part 8

1. These all crowded about their associate as he whispered a few words to the Jew; and then turned round and grinned at Oliver. So did the Jew himself, toastingfork in hand

  • grinned = menyeringai
  • toastingfork = garpu pemanggang

2. Then in an irresolute attitude for a few minutes, as if he did not well know how to employ himself, he turned round and looked at Oliver, and called him by his name.

  • irresolute = tidak tegas
  • employ = mempekerjakan

3. His eyes glistened as he raised the lid, and looked in.

  • glistened = berkilau
  • lid = tutup, kelopak mata

4. 'Very indeed, sir,' said Oliver. At which Mr. Charles Bates laughed uproariously; very much to the amazement of Oliver, who saw nothing to laugh at, in anything that had passed

  • indeed = memang
  • uproariously = riuh

5. Master Bates saw something so exquisitely ludicrous in this reply, that he burst into another laugh

  • exquisitely ludicrous = sangat menggelikan

6. This, it occurred to Oliver, must be French for going out; for directly afterwards, the Dodger, and Charley, and the two young ladies, went away together, having been kindly furnished by the amiable old Jew with money to spend.

  • afterwards = sesudahnya
  • furnished  = dilengkapi
  • amiable = ramah

7. Seeing the boy scudding away at such a rapid pace, he very naturally concluded him to be the depredator; and shouting 'Stop thief!' with all his might, made off after him, book in hand.

  • scudding = melesat
  • depredator = penghancur


  • MAGISTRATE = hakim
  • SLIGHT = sedikit
  • SPECIMEN = contoh

9. He wandered over them again. He had called them into view, and it was not easy to replace the shroud that had so long concealed them.

  • wandered = mengembara
  • shroud = kain kafan
  • concealed = tersembunyi

10. He was roused by a touch on the shoulder, and a request from the man with the keys to follow him into the office. He closed his book hastily; and was at once ushered into the imposing presence of the renowned Mr. Fang

  • roused = terbangun
  • hastily = buru-buru
  • ushered = diantar
  • imposing = memaksakan

'11. Officer!' said Mr. Fang, tossing the card contemptuously away with the newspaper. 'Who is this fellow?

  • tossing = melempar
  • contemptuously = menghina

12. 'Hold your tongue, sir!' said Mr. Fang, peremptorily.

  • peremptorily = bersikap memerintah

13. 'Hold your tongue this instant, or I'll have you turned out of the office!' said Mr. Fang. 'You're an insolent impertinent fellow. How dare you bully a magistrate!'

  • instant = instan
  • insolent = kurang ajar, arogan
  • impertinent = tidak menunjukkan rasa hormat yang pantas; kasar.

14. With many interruptions, and repeated insults, Mr. Brownlow contrived to state his case; observing that, in the surprise of the moment, he had run after the boy because he had saw him running away

  • contrived = merancang, mengatur

15. 'Oh! yes, I dare say!' said Mr. Fang, with a sneer. 'Come, none of your tricks here, you young vagabond; they won't do. What's your name?'

  • vagabond = gelandangan

16. 'What's your name, you hardened scoundrel?' demanded Mr. Fang. 'Officer, what's his name?’

  • scoundrel = bajingan, orang yang tidak jujur atau tidak bermoral; nakal.

17. He bent over Oliver, and repeated the inquiry; but finding him really incapable of understanding the question; and knowing that his not replying would only infuriate the magistrate the more, and add to the severity of his sentence; he hazarded a guess

  • incapable = tidak mampu
  • infuriate = membuat marah
  • severity = keparahan
  • hazarded = terancam

18. At this point of the inquiry, Oliver raised his head; and, looking round with imploring eyes, murmured a feeble prayer for a draught of water.

  • imploring = memohon
  • murmured = bergumam
  • feeble = lemah

19. 'I think he really is ill, your worship,' remonstrated the officer.

  • remonstrated  = protes keras

20. 'Take care of him, officer,' said the old gentleman, raising his hands instinctively; 'he'll fall down.'

  • instinctively = secara naluriah

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