Belajar dari Film Transcendence


Transcendence (2014) Movie Script

Transcdence = melampaui

superiority = keunggulan

spillover = kelebihan

1. They say there's power in Boston.

Power : kekuasaan

Strength: kekuatan

Vigor: kekuatan, semangat, kegiatan

Authority: wewenang, kekuasaan

2. Some phone service in Denver.

Some = beberapa

Several = beberapa

Few = beberapa. sedikit

Certain = beberapa

Various = bermacam- macam

3. But things are far from what they were.

things = sesuatu

treasure = harta karun

property = kekayaan

wealth = harta benda

means = alat, kekayaan

substance = zat, bahan

apparatus = peralatan

4. Maybe it was all inevitable.

Inevitable = tidak bisa dihindari

Foregone = tidak jadi melakukan

Unavoidable = tidak dapat dihindari

5. An unavoidable collision between mankind and technology.

Inevitable = tidak bisa dihindari

Foregone = tidak jadi melakukan

Unavoidable = tidak dapat dihindari

6. The Internet was meant to make the world a smaller place.

place = tempat

location = lokasi

site = lokasi

spot = tempat

scene = tempat

7. But it actually feels smaller without it.

actually = sebenarnya

literally = secara harfiah

forsooth (ironic, surprise) = indeed = sebenarnya

in fact = nyatanya

frankly = terus terang

truly = sungguh-sungguh

sincerely = sungguh-sungguh

honestly = sejujurnya

8. I knew Will and Evelyn Caster better than anyone.

better = lebih baik

preferable = lebih baik, lebih sesuai

9. I knew their brilliance.

know = tahu

savvy = mengerti

comprehend = memahami, mengerti

comprise = meliputi 

10. Their dedication to what they believed in.

believed  = percaya, meyakini

be convinced = diyakinkan

be reliant = percaya

assure = memastikan

11. And to what they loved.

love = cinta

amor = cinta

affection = kasih sayang

dear = sayang

12. The time has come for us to pause and think of living as it was

come = datang

arrive = datang

reach = mencapai

13. Into the future we must cross

must = harus

have to = harus

should = seharusnya

shall = sebaiknya

14. I'm not sure what the point is.

sure = tentu

confident = yakin, percaya diri

convinced = yakin

certain = yakin

assured = yakin

satisfied = yakin

15. Copper shields the electromagnetic radiation.

Yeah, I know how it works.

works = bekerja

labour = bekerja

on duty = bekerja

16. I'm asking "Why?" Sanctuary. Nothing gets through.

Nothing = tidak ada apa apa

zero = nol

nil = nol

naught = nihil

cypher = nol (sandi)

cipher = nol (sandi)

17. Yeah, but fewer distractions is what you wanted, right? Isn't it?

distraction = gangguan

interlude = selingan 

intermezzo = selingan (instumental movement)

interval = selingan

variety = selingan

variation = selingan

18. I don't know why you bother with these proofs.

with = dengan

together with = bersama dengan

19. They sit there in a daze, waiting for me to say "commercial application."

daze = linglung

dizzy = pusing

confuse = bingung

baffle = membingungkan

misyify = membingungkan

confound = mencampuradukan

20. Then I suppose in that case I have every reason to behave.

suppose = memperkirakan

think = berfikir, mengira

asume = mengira, menganggap

21. The effort to develop a strong artificial intelligence...

effort  = usaha

attemp = percobaan

try = mencoba

endevour = berusaha keras

strive = berjuang

fight = bertarung

struggle = berjuang

22. I believe the journey... to be more important than the destination.

important = 

main = utama

beneficial = bermanfaat

essential = penting

23. If mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.

move = pindah

progress = kemajuan

advance =maju

24. Not merely to cure disease, but to end poverty and hunger.

And build a better future for all of us.

future = masa depan

time ahead = waktu kedepan

coming time = waktu yang akan datang

25. I don't know anybody who is doing more to make that future a reality...

make = membuat

built= membangun

construct = membangun

assemble = berkumpul, merakit

create = membuat

mold = mencetak

26. My wife has always been eager to change the world.

always = selalu

at all time = selalu

every time = setiap saat

usually = biasanya

regularly = secara teratur

repeatedly = berkali-kali

habitually = kebiasaan

27. But I'll just settle for understanding it first.

just = baru saja

recently = baru-baru ini

newly = baru saja

28. Once online, a sentient machine will quickly overcome the limits of biology.

quickly  = dengan cepat

fast = dengan cepat

at a gallop = berpacu 

29. And in a short time, its analytical power will be greater...

short  = pendek

small = kecil

little = kecil

low = rendah

miniature = bentuk kecil

30. Hours ago, this facility was attacked.

attack = menyerang

charge = tuduhan

indictment = dakwaan

31. This incident is related to a series of simultaneous attacks...

incident = kejadian

event = peristiwa

occurrence = kejadian

case = kasus

happening = kejadian

occasion = kejadian

32. And they took out Joseph's entire team at Livermore.

entire = seluruh

whole = seluruh

complete = penuh

full= penuh

33. I'll never let you go.

go = pergi

move = pindah, bergerak

advance = maju

34. He created this garden for the same reason he did everything. So that they could be together.

same = sama

identical = identik
