Vocabulary dari film Looper

Belajar Vocabulary Bahasa Inggris


a science fiction film by

Rian Johnson

1. He checks the watch, removes his earbud headphones, stands.


  • take (something) away or off from the position occupied.
  • menghapus
detach = 
  • disengage (something or part of something) and remove it.
  • melepaskan

2. With no hesitation Joe raises a squat gun and blows the man apart with a single cough of a shot.

squat =

  • crouch or sit with one's knees bent and one's heels close to or touching one's buttocks or the back of one's thighs.
  • berjongkok

3. It’s nearly impossible to dispose of a body in the future.

dispose =

  • get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else.
  • membuang

4. A dingy pawn shop facade, set in city streets teeming with vagrants.

dingy = 

  • gloomy and drab.
  • kumal
facade =

  • the face of a building, especially the principal front that looks onto a street or open space.
  • Depan rumah/bangunan

5. A dingy stage door in back of the building. Joe and Seth ring a buzzer, smile for a camera, and the door opens.

buzzer =

  • an electrical device, similar to a bell, that makes a buzzing noise and is used for signaling.
  • bel / linceng listrik

6. A claustrophobic maze of twisty halls and passages. DANGEROUS MEN and half naked SHOW GIRLS weave through.

maze =

  • a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle through which one has to find a way.
  • be dazed and confused.
  • jaringan jalan kecil-kecil
  • membingungkan

7. Joe, flopped on the bed, stirs. Then wakes with a jump, shaky on his feet.

flopped =

  • fall, move, or hang in a heavy, loose, and ungainly way.
  • Informal: (of a performer or show) be completely unsuccessful; fail totally.
  • menggeletak
  • gagal

8. Joe and Kid Blue on benches, facing each other. The Kid stares daggers and spins his gun. Joe tries his best not to engage.

engage =

  • occupy, attract, or involve (someone's interest or attention).
  • participate or become involved in.
  • mengajark
  • ikut serta

9. This man is from the future. He was sent back here by the mob, a one way ticket, to run the Loopers. That’s low effort even for Abe, so to pass the time he recruited some real muscle, the Gat Men. Now he runs the city. Any other city, that’d be impressive.

mob = 

  • a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
  • crowd around (someone) in an unruly and excitable way in order to admire or attack them.
  • massa
  • mengepung

10. How can you kids stand those chokers? This, the cravats.

chokers =

  • a necklace or ornamental band of fabric that fits closely around the neck.
  • kalung 

cravats =

  • a short, wide strip of fabric worn by men around the neck and tucked inside an open-necked shirt.
  • dasi, scraft

11. Speeding through the streets, face scarred, ear missing, all old wounds. More appearing every second. Hands slipping on the wheel, down to a few fingers.

streets = 

  • a public road in a city or town, typically with houses and buildings on one or both sides.
  • jalan umum

12. Out climbs what’s left of Old Seth, his face mangled, missing a foot, one arm gone to the elbow.

mangled =

  • severely mutilate, disfigure, or damage by cutting, tearing, or crushing.
  • press or squeeze with a mangle.
  • mengoyak, merusak

13. He takes Suzie’s hand strokes it over his hair. She smiles briefly, tired, then climbs on top of him and starts touching him aggressively. He doesn’t respond. She stops.

strokes  = 

  • an act of hitting or striking someone or something; a blow.
  • a mark made by drawing a pen, pencil, or paintbrush in one direction across paper or canvas.
  • move one's hand with gentle pressure over (a surface, especially hair, fur, or skin), typically repeatedly; caress.
  • pukulan
  • goresan
  • membelai/mengelus

14. Looks at himself in the mirror. Eyes red as candy. He pops open a hidden drawer next to his medicine cabinet, pulls out an eye dropper and puts one in each.

pops  =

  • make a light explosive sound.
  • appear brighter or more striking in juxtaposition with something of a different or complementary color.
  • meletus
  • bermunculan

15. Joe in the cane field, in his stance, ready to draw. But nothing happens. Silence. Joe checks his watch, confused.

stance = 

  • the way in which someone stands, especially when deliberately adopted (as in baseball, golf, and other sports); a person's posture.
  • climbing: a ledge or foothold on which a belay can be secured.
  • pendirian, cara berdiri
  • mendaki: pijakan dimana penambatan dapat diamankan
