Belajar dari "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

 Belajar Bahasa Inggris dari "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

1. She was pushing her way through the sea of summer tourists overflowing the busy sidewalks of Unter den Linden. Don’t panic, she told herself. You must keep calm.

overflowing : Meluap, melimpah

2. What could be happening? The night before, she had heard her husband saying to someone on the telephone that Prima must be stopped at all costs. Who was Prima?

 stopped at all costs : dihentikan dengan segala cara

3. When Sonja Verbrugge reached the next corner, the traffic light had turned to red, and as she stopped at the curb, someone in the crowd bumped against her and she stumbled into the street.

bumped against : terbentur

stumbled : terantuk

4. A limousine that had been double-parked suddenly moved toward her, grazing her just hard enough to knock her down. People began to gather around her.

grazing : menyerempet

5. At that moment, a passing ambulance stopped. Two attendants from the ambulance hurried over and took charge. “We will take care of her.”

hurried over : bergegas

6. The wind had begun to whip the rain into a frenzied maelstrom. Mark Harris shielded his wrist with his sleeve and looked at his watch. They were late. And why had they insisted on meeting here, at midnight? Even as he was wondering, he heard the tower elevator door open. Two men were moving toward him, fighting against the fierce wet wind.

frenzied maelstrom : pusaran hiruk pikuk

shielded : melindungi

7. As Mark Harris recognized them, he felt a sense of relief. “You’re late.” “It’s this damn weather, Mark. Sorry.”

a sense of relief : rasa lega

8. A heavy, blunt instrument slammed into his skull, and an instant later he felt himself being lifted and tossed over the parapet into the cold driving rain, his body plunging toward the unforgiving sidewalk thirty-eight stories below.

slammed : membanting

tossed over : terlempar

plunging toward : terjun ke arah

9. Gary Reynolds had grown up in rugged Kelowna, Canada, near Vancouver, and had had his flight training there, so he was accustomed to flying over treacherous mountainous terrain

rugged = keras

10. The plane was commissioned to carry a cockpit crew of two, but today there was no co-pilot. Notthis trip, Reynolds thought grimly.

grimly : dengan muram

11. A voice on the radio interrupted his thoughts. “Citation One One One Lima Foxtrot, this is the approach control tower at Denver International Airport. Come in, please.”

interrupted his thoughts : menyela pikirannya

12. Diane Stevens took a shuddering breath. She spoke slowly, visualizing the scene in her mind. “There were four men in the room. One a of them was in a chair, tied up.

shuddering : gemetar

13. Diane was startled by the sound of the doorbell.

startled : terkejut

14. He was swarthy, with deep-set light brown eyes and a little mole on his cheek.

swarthy : berwarna gelap

15. Diane felt suddenly drained. She undressed, put on a nightgown, brushed her teeth, and got into bed. In a few minutes, she fell sound asleep.

drained : terkuras, kucam, pucat

16. She wanted to curl up into a tiny ball.

curl up : menggulung

17. Rubenstein was a small, dapper man with a quick mind and a vivid imagination

dapper : rapi

18. She wandered aimlessly through the large apartment filled with memories and thought: Its comfort has gone… its warmth has gone… without Richard, it is only a collection of cold bricks. It will never come alive again.

 wandered aimlessly : berkeliaran tanpa tujuan

19. Richard said ruefully, “I’m sorry about this. I should have known better—the paper said no rain. I’m afraid it’s spoiled our picnic and—”

Diane moved close to him and said softly, “Has it?”

ruefully : sedih

20. Paris was a wonderland. Their first stop was at Givenchy, to buy outfits for both of them, then over to Louis Vuitton, to get luggage for all their new clothes.

outfits : pakaian
luggage : bagasi, koper

Demikian beberapa kosa kata yang diambil dari "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" buah karya dari Siedney Sheldon.
Semoga dapat bermanfaat..
