Belajar Bahasa Inggris dari Film The God Must be Crazy



1. It looks like a paradise, but it is the  most treacherous desert in the world

  • treacherous = berbahaya

    synonyms: dangerous, harmful, hazardous, treacherous, perilous, noxious

    2. The grass fades to a beautiful  blond colour.

    • fades = memudar
    synonyms: wear off

    3. Humans avoid the Kalahari like the  plague because man must have water.

    • plague = wabah
    synonyms: plague, epidemic, pestilence, visitation

    4. So the beautiful landscapes  are devoid of people.

    • devoid = tanpa
    synonyms: devoid, destitute

    5. Pretty, dainty, small and graceful,  the Bushmen.

    • dainty = jelita
    synonyms: lovely, dainty, graceful, sweet

    6. they live quite contentedly  in this desert.

    • contentedly = dengan senang hati

    7. They know where to dig for roots  and bugs and tubers and which berries and pods  are good to eat.

    • pods  = polong

    8. In the early morning,  you can collect dewdrops

    • dewdrops = titik empun

    9. If you have the know-how, a clump  of twigs can tell you where to dig and you come to light  with an enormous tuber.

    • clump  = rumpun
    synonyms: clump, family, cluster, stock, tribe

    10. You scrape shavings off it with a stick  that is split for a sharp edge.

    • scrape = mengikis

    11. They must be the most  contented people in the world.

    • contented = puas
    synonyms: satisfied, content, pleased, contented

    12. You just have to keep away  from the sharp end.

    • keep away = jaga jarak

    13. They live in the vastness of the  Kalahari in small family groups.

    • vastness = keluasan

    14. They assume the gods have eaten too  much and their tummies are rumbling.

    • tummies = perut

    15. Sometimes they can even see  the evidence of the gods' flatulence.

    • flatulence = perut kembung (gas dalam perut)

    16. So the kids are extremely well-behaved.  Their games are cute and inventive

    • inventive = berdaya cipta.

    17. the hunter dips his arrow  in a brew that acts as a tranquilliser.

    • dips = turun, menaikturunkan
    • tranquilliser = obat penenang

    18. I've got a good story about handicapped children.

    • handicapped = cacat

    19. I don't know. I got bawled out for writing a story on mugging.

    • bawled out = menangis
    • mugging = penjambretan

    20. Your day is chopped into pieces.  In each segment of time

    • chopped = dicincang
    synonyms: chopped, minced

    21. Where is Sam Boga? Where is your hideout?

    • hideout = persembunyian

    22. I'll direct you from the helicopter

    • direct = langsung
    synonyms: direct, lineal, nigh, point-blank

    23. The most inquisitive creature  in Africa is the baboon.

    • inquisitive = ingin tahu
    synonyms: inquisitive, inquisitorial, curious

    24. He spoke long and earnestly until  the baboon began to pay attention.

    • earnestly = sungguh-sungguh

    25. I was hoping you could go. -I'm very awkward around women.

    • awkward = canggung

    26. Sorry. I'll fetch your bags. -No! You'll drop them!

    • fetch = mengambil

    27. Didn't you see him? He stamped out the fire.

    • stamped out = memadamkan

    28. Could you hand me my gown, please? It's in the suitcase.

    • hand me = berikan aku

    29. The pink one with the white edging.

    • edging = tepi

    30. There was a peculiar sound, and Xi saw  a most amazing animal approaching.

    • peculiar = aneh

    Demikian beberapa kosa kata yang terdapat dalam film The God must be Crazy. Semoga dapat bermanfaat.

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