Antonyms and the Meaning


Antonyms and the Meaning

Dalam pembelajaran kita kali ini, akan kita bahas mengenai antonyms atau lawan kata. (In our lesson this time, we will discuss about antonyms or opposite words.)


Antonyms adalahkata yang merupakan lawan kata dari kata lainnya. Penguasaan antonyms ini dapat menambah kosa kata kita dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. (Antonyms are words that are the opposite of other words. Mastery of these antonyms can increase our vocabulary in learning English.)

Here are some antonyms and also their meaning in both English and Indonesian. (Berikut beberapa antonyms dan juga artinya baik dalam bahasa Inggris maupun Bahasa Indonesia)

1. Whet (mengasah) is most nearly opposite in meaning to default (bawaan)

  • Whet: sharpen the blade of (a tool or weapon). 
  • default: a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer.
2. Obstreperous (ribut) is most nearly opposite in meaning to placid (tenang)
  • obstreperous: noisy and difficult to control. 
  • placid : (of a person or animal) not easily upset or excited. 
3. Peripheral  ( sekeliling) is most nearly opposite in meaning to Central (pusat)
  • Peripheral : relating to or situated on the edge or periphery of something
  • Central : of, at, or forming the center 
4. Ossified (mengeras) is most nearly opposite in meaning to flexible (fleksibel)
  • Ossified : having turned into bone or bony tissue.
  • flexible : capable of bending easily without breaking.
5. Disingenuous (tidak jujur) is most nearly opposite in meaning to Transparent (transparan)
  • Disingenuous : not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
6. Disheveled (kusut) is most nearly opposite in meaning to ordered (tertib)
  • Disheveled : (of a person's hair, clothes, or appearance) untidy; disordered.
  • order : the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.
7. Duplicitous (bermuka dua) is most nearly opposite in meaning to Straightforward (polos)
  • Duplicitous : deceitful
  • Straightforward = plain
8. Untoward (tidak diinginkan) is most nearly opposite in meaning to Expected (diinginkan)
  • Untoward : unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient.
  • Expected : regarded as likely; anticipated.
9. Unequivocal (tegas) is most nearly opposite in meaning to Ambiguous (ambigu)
  • Unequivocal : leaving no doubt; unambiguous.
  • Ambiguous : (of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
10. Enervating (melemahkan) is most nearly opposite in meaning to Invigorating (menyegarkan)
  • Enervating = causing one to feel drained of energy or vitality.
  • Invigorating = making one feel strong, healthy, and full of energy.
Demikian beberapa kata antonyms dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga dapat menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. (Here are some antonyms in English. Hopefully it can increase knowledge and insight in learning English.)

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