Learn English Through Script Cast Away


 "Cast Away"

Berikut beberapa kosa kata dari film "Cast Away"

1. The Driver has a hand-held computer; a portable printer dangles from his belt.

dangles = menjuntai, 

2. He glances at his watch.

glances = pandangan sekilas

3. Five thousand people work in a frenzy of interconnected activity inside three vast hangers brightly lit.  

 a frenzy of interconnected activity = hiruk-pikuk aktivitas yang saling berhubungan

4. Large mechanical arms divert the immense flow of Workers at dozens of stations.  The packages surge and move.

divert = mengalihkan

5. Box is shunted across the acres of interlocking belts.

shunted = didorong

6. A jumbled room jammed with computers and dominated by a HUGE WALL GRAPHIC that charts hundreds of airplanes.

A jumbled room jammed = Ruang campur aduk macet

7. A FedEx truck pulls out of the warehouse.  The walls of the warehouse are covered with graffiti.

 pulls out = menarik keluar

8. The streets are slushy, the buildings blanketed in snow.

slushy = basah

9. We stay with the Driver as he ambles back toward the truck.

ambles = berjalan seenaknya (santai)

10. CHUCK NOLAND, early thirties, walks along a line of brightly colored jitneys, each bearing the FedEx logo.

jitneys = opelet, bis rakyat

bearing = bantalan

11. With him is a Filipino FedEx SUPERVISOR wearing a guayabera.  

wearing = memakai

12. Chuck glistens with a thin layer of sweat.

glistens = berkilau

layer = lapisan

13. His beeper goes off.

beeper = pager

14. Chuck hesitates for a moment, then looks at his watch.

hesitates = ragu-ragu, bimbang

15. Strapped into the jump seat behind the pilots, Chuck sleeps with a mask over his eyes.  

Strapped = mengikat

16. On his lap are some travel brochures.

lap = pangkuan

17. He has a bag over his shoulder, the dented package under one arm.

 the dented package = paket penyok

18. The staff has assembled near the loading dock.

assembled = berkumpul

19. Yuri the station manager stands in front, occasionally catching the eye of the attractive woman.

catching = menangkap

20. So how are we going to get this place shaped up?

shaped up = membentuk

21. Yuri squeezes right next to him, ostentatiously carrying a clipboard. Chuck stops.

ostentatiously = secara mencolok

22. The Sorter shoves the table against the wall.

shoves = mendorong, menggeser

23. He pulls out a set of blueprints and tacks them to a bulletin board as he talks.

tacks = paku payung

24. We hear scuffling sounds on the other side of the door.

scuffling = pertengkaran

25. He's stumbling over whether to say I love you.

stumbling = tersandung

26. Chuck works to braid a new rope.  He is focused, concentrating as hard as he can, but everything is slow and hard and he's weak and clumsy.

braid = menjalin, mengepang

27. The moon is full.  The waves cast off shadows on the ocean. Chuck is staring into the sky, trying to find a star to navigate by.

cast off = membuang

28. He looks at the deteriorating rope, at the rotting sail.

deteriorating = memburuk, jelek

29. The raft floats on quiet seas.  The sky is blue, with few high cirrus clouds so motionless they seem pasted on.

cirrus = awan tipis

30. Clouds are building up.  In the distance lightning flashes. The clouds come closer.

building up = bertambah, membangun

31. He pops out an eyeball, then another, and crunches them between his teeth.

pops out = muncul

Demikian, beberapa kosa kata dari film "Cast Away". Semoga dapat bermanfaat.

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