Learn English through Script Love Is Strange


Learn English through Script Love Is Strange

1. George, handsome, well groomed and with an impeccable white shirt, is in front of the mirror tying the knot on his tie.

  • impeccable = sempurna
synonyms: flawless, perfect

2. The living room is spacious, high ceilings, comfortable furniture.

  • spacious = luas
synonyms = wide, broad, extensive, vast

3. He can’t resist and also goes to peek at the lasagna in the oven.

  • resist = menahan
synonyms: hold, withstand, restrain

  • peek = mengintip
synonyms = peek, peep, snoop, tout, stag, pry

4. A lush community garden in the middle of the city, surrounded by NYC buildings.

  • lush  = subur
synonyms = fertile, lush, rich, fruitful, flourishing, prolific

5. Not now! Encore, guys, encore!

  • encore = nyanyian ulangan

6. George is pacing nervously by the piano, holding a pen.

  • pacing = modar-mandir
synonyms = pace, pace up and down

7. The one on sustainable development. I told you.

  • sustainable = berkelanjutan

8. She moves gently towards the bed and gives Ben a tentative poke. He opens his heavy eye lids slowly.

  • tentative = bisa berubah, sementara
synonyms = temporary, interim, provisional, transient, temporal, tentative

9. He has a few photos tacked to the wall beside him, and a box of charcoals that he is sketching with.

  • tacked = ditempel dengan dipaku

10. Ben is now sitting on the couch, blowing invisible steam from his cup, carefully taking tiny sips of tea, pensive.

  • steam = uap
synonyms = steam, fumes, damp, haze, water gas, reek

11. Ben wasn’t paying attention to the conversation, lost in his thoughts while cutting the fat off his meat with an obsessive focus.

  • attention = perhatian
synonyms = attention, concern, care, interest, consideration, notice

12. Ted takes out the groceries from the bag, while Roberto gets a heavy tupperware out of the refrigerator.

  • groceries = bahan makanan
synonyms = groceries, foodstuff, viands

13. The bottom of the easel got stuck on the door. Vlad gives it a little kick, and the door closes with a CLANK.

  • easel = kuda-kuda
  • CLANK = bunyi mendering

14. Tenants are selected by a lottery, but first you need to meet the criteria for the specific development. Each one has its own.

  • Tenants = penyewa
synonyms = tenant, renter, lessee, hirer, leaseholder, occupant

15. The buzzer rings, interrupting the conversation. Kate shuts the water and looks at Elliot, confounded by the intrusion.

  • confounded = kacau
synonyms = mess, disrupt, upset, clutter, confound, disturb
  • intrusion = gangguan
synonyms = interference, disturbance, disruption, interruption, nuisance, intrusion

16. George gives him a hug, a very tight hug, and starts to cry.

  • tight = erat
synonyms = close, tight, firm, fast

17. Ben is in the bottom bunk. George is in the top. They are talking very quietly, intimately.

  • bunk = tempat tidur

18. Yes, and I insist that it is crucial to let the music take you someplace, to be surprised by it, even to allow yourself to be overwhelmed sometimes.

  • overwhelmed = kewalahan

19. He sees when the Girl’s MOTHER shows up quietly, discreetly, peeking from the corridor, smiling at George and listening.

  • discreetly = diam-diam
  • peeking = mengintip
synonyms = peeping, peeking, shadowing 

20. The students arrange themselves on the steps, playfully at first, but gradually become solemn and organized, as the new CONDUCTOR seems ready to start the music.

  • solemn = serius
synonyms = serious, solemn, no-nonsense, whole-hearted

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