Learn English From American Hustle


Learn English From American Hustle 

Hustle = kegemparan, keributan


  • keramaian = hustle, swirl, rush, hilarity, brio, activity
  • kegesitan = agility, hustle
  • kegiatan = activity, action, zeal, vigor, fray, hustle
  • kegemparan = uproar, stir, excitement, commotion, sensation, tumult
  • keributan = commotion, noise, fray, tumult, clamor, stir
  • tenaga = power, energy, force, staff, strength, steam
  • semangat berkerja yg meluap = hustle
  • semangat bertanding yg meluap = hustle


  • mendorong dgn kasar = hustle
  • mendesak = urge, insist, push, press, demand, exhort
  • mempercepat = accelerate, speed, speed up, expedite, hasten, quicken
  • mempercepatkan = speed, speed up, accelerate, quicken, hustle, hup
  • memperderas = speed, hustle, quicken, accelerate, hurry
  • buru-buru = hurry, be in a hurry, busk, bustle, hustle, get a move on

1. IRVING ROSENFELD, not a small man, gets dressed and meticulously constructs his comb over.

  • meticulously = dengan cepat
  • comb over = menyisir rambut

2. SECOND PLAZA HOTEL ROOM -- Irving composes himself -- looks 3 into cramped surveillance closet, there are FBI Agents -- we only see their hands and arms -- he looks at monitors

compose = menyusun


  • menyusun = arrange, compile, set, draw up, compose, make up
  • menenangkan = calm, soothe, appease, quiet, pacify, compose
  • mengarang = compose, write, author, write up, put out, trump up
  • menggubah = compose, arrange, write
  • menciptakan = create, make, invent, produce, compose, construct
  • mencipta = create, compose, make, construct, produce, excogitate
  • melerai = arbitrate, compose
  • mengarangkan = arrange, compose, char

3. MAYOR CARMINE POLITO, swath of salt and pepper hair, cream suit, pinky ring, Rotary Club pin -- ALONG WITH CARL ELWAY, preppie shady businessman.

swath = petak


  • petak = swath, terrace, partition, slot, swathe, garden bed

4. They stare at each other intensely -- they have a deep and emotional relationship.

intensely = sangat


  • sangat = very, highly, extremely, really, greatly, intensely

5. What are you doing, going behind my back? Telling people I'm screwing up this operation?

screwing up = mengacaukan


  • menutup = close, shut, cover, shut down, seal, conclude
  • menggagalkan = thwart, frustrate, foil, mess up, defeat, balk

6. The shittiest suite at the Plaza Hotel.

  • shittiest = paling jelek

7. Hey, look, I never laid a hand on her, all right? Is that what this is about?

laid (lay) = meletakkan

  • meletakkan = put, lay, place, put down, lay down, down

8. Richie reaches down and awkwardly slides the briefcase over to Carmine unprompted.

  • awkwardly = canggung
  • unprompted = tidak diminta

9. I came here to meet a sheik, that’s all I know. I’m very interested in that but he’s not here apparently. Carl?!

apparently = tampaknya

  • tampaknya = apparently, seemingly
  • rupanya = apparently, evidently, seemingly, presumably, probably
  • kelihatannya = apparently, seemingly, outwardly, professedly, to all appearances, from all appearances
  • kiranya = presumably, probably, apparently, kindly, maybe

10. Irving looks over and shrugs his shoulders. Not surprised at all the way this is going and horrified that Richie has ruined it.

shrugs = mengangkat bahu

ruined = rusak


  • rusak = broken, damaged, defective, corrupt, ruined, out of order

11. Like me, she learned to survive and reinvent herself. She knew she had to reinvent her life and her identity. And like me, she envisioned a better elegant future for herself. Like me, she knew you had to have a vision.

reinvent = menemukan kembali

envision = membayangkan 

  • mambayangkan = visualize, imagine

12. These guys are lousy risks, you know? I can’t get them a loan but I get my fee. Five thousand.

lousy = penuh


  • jelek = ugly, bad, poor, shoddy, lousy, disreputable
  • penuh = full, complete, whole, fraught, replete, lousy
  • berkutu = lousy, pedicular
  • canggung = awkward, clumsy, ungainly, inelegant, bumbling, lousy
  • bertuma = lousy
  • penuh kutu = lousy, verminous

13. She told me you can get me a line of credit. I know you have banking connections in London, England.

connections = koneksi


  • koneksi = connection, contact, connexion, tie-up
  • sambungan = connection, joint, extension, coupling, continuation, sequel
  • hubungan = relationship, relation, connection, link, intercourse, contact
  • kaitan = connection, hook, crochet, thole, connexion, barb
  • relasi = relation, connection, customer, client, connexion
  • penghubungan = connection, connexion, joining
  • pertalian = relationship, connection, bond, tie, affiliation, correlation
  • rangkaian = series, concatenation, sequence, chain, suite, connection
  • sangkut paut = bearing, connection, relation, connexion
  • persambungan = connection, connexion, continuation
  • perkumpulan = association, society, club, organization, assemblage, connection
  • persangkutan = connection, connexion, involvement

14. And after that...say “no” a lot until the guy is hooked.

hooked = doyan


  • doyan = hooked
  • ketagihan = hooked, addicted
  • bengkok = crooked, bent, hooked, curved, bandy, hamate

15. And I never met anyone, man or woman, in business who was so careful and precise about everything. Every stylistic detail.

precise = tepat


  • tepat = right, appropriate, proper, exact, precise, correct
  • persis = exact, precise, literal, plumb
  • teliti = thorough, careful, conscientious, rigorous, precise, accurate
  • saksama = thorough, accurate, precise, painstaking, thoroughgoing, scrupulous
  • pas = fit, fitted, exact, precise, true, close-fitting

16. It's really a fabulous example of a genre painting, which is really rare for the time.

fabulous = sangat menyenangkan


  • menakjubkan = fabulous, wondrous, marvelous, miraculous, spectacular, surprising
  • hebat = great, superb, fabulous, terrific, wonderful, severe
  • besar = great, large, big, major, substantial, fabulous
  • seperti dlm dongeng = fabulous
  • yg tak dpt dipercaya = untrustworthy, unreliable, trustless, truthless, unlikely, fabulous


VINTAGE = antik

18. Irv walks into the decorated ranch house, frosted glass with bird designs, glass tables, walls, black and brown lacquer everywhere. He walks into the house and looks at a picture his son did -- a drawing of the Yankees playing baseball -- that is taped to the refrigerator.

frosted = beku

lacquer = vernis


  • vernis = varnish, lacquer, lacker
  • lak = lacquer, shellac, sealing wax, lacker


  • memberi pernis = lacquer, lacker

19. He looks soulful, open. She stares at him. Irv notices uncomfortably. He’s JEALOUS.

soulful = penuh perasaan

20. I just gotta say Mr. Rosenfeld, that Lady Edith was very adamant that you were top notch and --

adamant = bersikeras


  • tetap = fixed, permanent, regular, constant, steady, adamant
  • kukuh = strong, sturdy, firm, solid, staunch, adamant
  • teguh = firm, unwavering, resolute, unswerving, dependable, adamant
  • yg tak berubah = unvarying, unspoiled, unchanged, unspoilt, stable, adamant
  • yg tdk mau menyerah = indomitable, adamant
notch = mencatat


  • torehan = incision, notch, score, nick, hack, nock
  • derajat = degree, level, standard, mercury, scale, notch
  • toreh = notch, nock, nick, hack
  • kumai = notch


  • menoreh = incise, notch, nick, nock
  • mencatat = record, note, take down, take, log, notch
  • mencatatkan = record, register, post, book, note, notch

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