Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Film Mission Impossible


Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Film Mission Impossible


Egan, a criminal, has kidnapped the daughter of a friend of Briggs. One of Egan's confederates will testify against him the next day before a grand jury. Egan's message to Briggs is clear: exchange the witness for his friend's daughter. At this point, Briggs's friend doesn't even know his daughter has been abducted. Briggs begins an emergency operation in which the IMF will snatch the witness out of a heavily guarded hotel room. But Briggs is determined that Egan won't get a chance to kill the witness. (Egan, seorang penjahat, telah menculik putri seorang teman Briggs. Salah satu sekutu Egan akan bersaksi melawannya keesokan harinya di hadapan dewan juri. Pesan Egan kepada Briggs jelas: tukarkan saksi dengan putri temannya. Pada titik ini, teman Briggs bahkan tidak tahu putrinya telah diculik. Briggs memulai operasi darurat di mana IMF akan mengambil saksi dari kamar hotel yang dijaga ketat. Tapi Briggs bertekad bahwa Egan tidak akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk membunuh saksi.)=

1. He will disavow any knowledge of your actions.

  • disavow = mengingkari
synonym: deny, disavow, disown, flinch, belie, forswear, refute, disprove, disown, contradict, disavow

2. Please dispose of this recording as usual.

  • dispose = membuang
synonym: waste, dispose, discard, throw away, dump, get rid of

3. So what I'll have to do is mold a special wrench driver for this one.

  • mold = cetakan
synonym: mold, print, printing, cast, impression, edition
  • wrench = kunci
synonym: key, lock, wrench, latch, spanner, solution

4. Oh, no. It won't inconvenience me at all. At headquarters?

  • inconvenience =ketidaknyamanan
synonym: inconvenience, rush, ado, hurry-scurry

5. She is very charming.put her under close surveillance.

  • surveillance = pengawasan
synonym: supervision, control, surveillance, observation, tutelage, aegis

6. MIGUEL...The engraver said there was a small boat leaving the port this evening.

  • engraver = pengukir
synonym: engraver, carver, sculptor, graver, chisel

7. Who is to know it has a flaw in it?

  • flaw =kekurangan
synonym: lack, deficiency, shortage, drawback, shortfall, flaw

8. I want this machine fixed in one hour.

  • fixed =diperbaiki

9. Is there a restaurant nearby?

  • nearby = didekat sini
synonym: near, nearby, close, short, nigh, at hand

10. My wife will fix you something to eat.

  • fix = menyediakan
synonym: provide, supply, prepare, serve, set, fix

11. What are you doing, trying to deprive me of my right to vote?

  • deprive = mencabut, menghilangkan
synonym: revoke, pull, repeal, lift, withdraw, deprive, relieve, get rid of, omit, dispel, deprive, erase

12. Man: I have had it. I can't stand being cooped up in this dump anymore. Is that him?

  • cooped up = terkurung
  • dump = membuang
synonym: waste, dispose, discard, throw away, dump, get rid of

13. Oh, I'm sorry, officer. I did not know I was exceeding the speed limit.

  • exceeding = melebihi
synonym: damned, exceeding, supererogatory

14. However, in that brief period of time before being discovered, he managed to hide the reel so ingeniously that the secret police, with every resource at their disposal,

  • ingeniously = dengan cerdik
  • disposal = pembuangan
synonym: disposal, exile, removal, waste, banishment, deportation

15. Cinnamon: don't you want some excitement in your life, some challenge?

  • excitement = kegembiraan
synonym: excitement, joy, fun, pleasure, exhilaration, enjoyment

16. Man: if I had ambition, do you realize I wouldn't be the same irresistible character you love? See?

  • irresistible = sangat menarik
synonym: fascinating, irresistible, charming, ravishing, idyllic, absorbing

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