Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Film Top Gun Maverick


After more than thirty years of service as one of the Navy’s top aviators, and dodging the advancement in rank that would ground him, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell finds himself training a detachment of TOP GUN graduates for a specialized mission the likes of which no living pilot has ever seen. (Setelah lebih dari tiga puluh tahun mengabdi sebagai salah satu penerbang top Angkatan Laut, dan menghindari kenaikan pangkat yang akan menjatuhkannya, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell mendapati dirinya melatih satu detasemen lulusan TOP GUN untuk misi khusus yang tidak ada kehidupan. pilot pernah melihat.)

1. Indistinct radio chatter

  • Indistinct = tidak jelas

synonym: inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, obscure, hazy

2. They’re scrapping the program.

  • scrapping = membatalkan
synonym: cancel, void, annul, revoke, nullify, scrap

3. The contract threshold is mach 10.

  • threshold = ambang
synonym: threshold, verge, sill, railroad tie

4. He wants our budget for his unmanned program.

  • unmanned = tak berawak

5. Maverick imitates audio distortion

  • distortion = distorsi, penyimpangan
synonym: deviation, aberration, distortion, drift, diversion, digression

6. It’s the earth’s curvature. It’s called “earth bulge.”

  • curvature = lengkungan
synonym: arch, curvature, curve, arc, flexion, crook

7. Yet you can’t get a promotion, you won’t retire, and despite your best efforts, you refuse to die.

  • despite = meskipun
synonym: despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, in despite of, with

8. Your reputation precedes you.

  • precedes = mendahului
synonym: precede, predate, anticipate, go before, prelude, preface

9. Just want to manage expectations.

  • manage = mengelola
synonym: manage, administer, carry out, supervise, superintend

10. Is an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant built in violation of a multilateral NATO treaty.

  • unsanctioned = tanpa izin

11. Captain Mitchell was cleared of any wrongdoing.

  • wrongdoing = pelanggaran
synonym: violation, offense, breach, infringement, foul, transgression

12. Then let me be perfectly blunt.

  • blunt = bodoh
synonym: stupid, foolish, fool, dumb, ignorant, blunt

13. I can never stay mad at you. That’s the problem.

  • mad = marah
synonym: angry, mad, indignant, irate, resentful, wrath

14. Not long after you got shipped off to the desert for pissing off that other admiral.

  • shipped off = dikirim
  • pissing off = kesal

15. You said it after they busted you for taking me on a joyride in that f-18.

  • busted tangkap basah

16. You’re looking at the only naval aviator on active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill.

  • confirmed = dikonfirmasi

17. This is how I find out you’re stateside?

  • stateside = di Amerika Serikat

18. So, anybody know what this special detachment is all about?

  • detachment = detasemen

19. You’re snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment…

  • snug = nyaman

synonym: cozy, pleasant, snug, pleasurable, cushioned, mild

  • perch = tenggeran, tempat agak tinggi

20. you shake my nerves and you rattle my brain 

  • rattle = membuat bingung
synonym: unnerve, ruffle, bedevil, rattle

21. too much love drives a man insane

  • insane = gila, edan
synonym: crazy, mad, insane, nuts, lunatic, crazed

22. you broke my will but what a thrill

  • thrill = sensasi
synonym: sensation, thrill, kick, hoop-la

23. You gonna wash me out?

  • wash out = kegagalan
synonym: failure, fail, failing, fiasco, default, flop

24. It seems like he’s got you rattled. That’s none of your business.

  • seems = tampaknya

25.  It is a law, as immutable as gravity.

  • immutable = kekal
synonym: eternal, everlasting, lasting, immutable, permanent, perpetual

26. The parameters of this mission call for something they have never encountered.

  • encountered = ditemui

27. No, I just came by to pay off a debt.

  • pay off = melunasi
synonym: pay off, settle, clear, work off, discharge, settle up

28. It’s sort of like raising the flaps on an airplane.

  • flaps = sirip sayap pesawat

29. Yep. Crank that winch right there, tighten the jib.

  • crank = putar
  • winch = kerekan
  • jib = layar topang

30. Bull’s-eye 090, 50, tacked southwest.

  • tacked = arah jalannya kapal
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