1. Indistinct radio chatter
- Indistinct = tidak jelas
synonym: inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, obscure, hazy
2. They’re scrapping the program.
- scrapping = membatalkan
3. The contract threshold is mach 10.
- threshold = ambang
4. He wants our budget for his unmanned program.
- unmanned = tak berawak
5. Maverick imitates audio distortion
- distortion = distorsi, penyimpangan
6. It’s the earth’s curvature. It’s called “earth bulge.”
- curvature = lengkungan
7. Yet you can’t get a promotion, you won’t retire, and despite your best efforts, you refuse to die.
- despite = meskipun
8. Your reputation precedes you.
- precedes = mendahului
9. Just want to manage expectations.
- manage = mengelola
10. Is an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant built in violation of a multilateral NATO treaty.
- unsanctioned = tanpa izin
11. Captain Mitchell was cleared of any wrongdoing.
- wrongdoing = pelanggaran
12. Then let me be perfectly blunt.
- blunt = bodoh
13. I can never stay mad at you. That’s the problem.
- mad = marah
14. Not long after you got shipped off to the desert for pissing off that other admiral.
- shipped off = dikirim
- pissing off = kesal
15. You said it after they busted you for taking me on a joyride in that f-18.
- busted tangkap basah
16. You’re looking at the only naval aviator on active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill.
- confirmed = dikonfirmasi
17. This is how I find out you’re stateside?
- stateside = di Amerika Serikat
18. So, anybody know what this special detachment is all about?
- detachment = detasemen
19. You’re snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment…
- snug = nyaman
synonym: cozy, pleasant, snug, pleasurable, cushioned, mild
- perch = tenggeran, tempat agak tinggi
20. you shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
- rattle = membuat bingung
21. too much love drives a man insane
- insane = gila, edan
22. you broke my will but what a thrill
- thrill = sensasi
23. You gonna wash me out?
- wash out = kegagalan
24. It seems like he’s got you rattled. That’s none of your business.
- seems = tampaknya
25. It is a law, as immutable as gravity.
- immutable = kekal
26. The parameters of this mission call for something they have never encountered.
- encountered = ditemui
27. No, I just came by to pay off a debt.
- pay off = melunasi
28. It’s sort of like raising the flaps on an airplane.
- flaps = sirip sayap pesawat
29. Yep. Crank that winch right there, tighten the jib.
- crank = putar
- winch = kerekan
- jib = layar topang
30. Bull’s-eye 090, 50, tacked southwest.
- tacked = arah jalannya kapal