Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Script Black Widow

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Script Black Widow

Following the events of Captain America: Civil War (2016), Natasha Romanoff finds herself on the run and forced to confront a dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past. Pursued by a force that will stop at nothing to bring her down, Romanoff must deal with her history as a spy and the broken relationships left in her wake long before she became an Avenger. 

(Menyusul peristiwa Captain America: Civil War (2016), Natasha Romanoff menemukan dirinya dalam pelarian dan dipaksa untuk menghadapi konspirasi berbahaya yang terkait dengan masa lalunya. Dikejar oleh kekuatan yang tidak akan berhenti untuk menjatuhkannya, Romanoff harus berurusan dengan sejarahnya sebagai mata-mata dan hubungan rusak yang ditinggalkannya jauh sebelum dia menjadi Avenger.)

1. Kids whooping and laughing faintly.

  • whooping  = berteriak

Synonyms: shout, scream, yell, cry, cry out, call

  • faintly = sedikit, hampir tdk

little, a little, slightly, some, somewhat, faintly

hampir tdk
hardly, faintly, scant, scantily, scarce, scarcely

2. Hold it steady, hold it steady. You’re gonna pull back at 55 knots. Let’s count together.

  • pull back = menarik kembali, mundur
retreat, back down, step back, recoil, backtrack, pull back

reveal, disclose, betray, pull back

3. The Red Guardian returns triumphant. Please, please, I beg you. No more undercover work. I wanna get back in the action. I want my suit back. I wanna get back in it. General Dreykov, it’s been over three years.

  • triumphant = berjaya


victorious, successful, winning, prize-winning, conquering, undefeated, unbeaten, unvanquished

  • undercover rahasia


covert, secret, clandestine, private, confidential, conspiratorial, underground, surreptitious, furtive, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, hugger-mugger, back-alley, backstair, stealthy, closet, intelligence, hidden, concealed, masked, veiled, shrouded. black,


4. Remove all the defects. That one and her.

  • defects = cacat
defect, disability, flaw, blemish, fault, malformation

5. Cause from my vantage point, it’s the federal fugitive who’s desperate.
fugitive = buronan

escape, runaway, fugitive, escapement, running, lam

6. From my vantage point, you look like you could use some bed rest. What is this, your second triple bypass?

  • vantage = keuntungan
advantage, profit, benefit, gain, return, vantage

7. I wouldn’t worry about me. We got Barton, we got Wilson and that other guy, the incredible shrinking convict. Rogers is on the run. You got no friends. Where you gonna go?

  • convict = verb. menghukum; noun. hukuman

punish, penalize, condemn, convict, sentence, chastise

8. She made us. Target deployed smoke. She’s on foot with the package. Stay high. I’m going to ground.

  • deployed = dikerahkan

9. General Dreykov, we have a deserter. Permission to activate Taskmaster Protocol?

  • deserter = pembelot

10. You have to haul your rubbish into town. It’s just a 20-minute drive. I’ve got your basic hardware kit stashed under the stairs.

  • haul = mengangkut
transport, haul, carry away, contain, take away, tote

11. Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python? Because I discovered he had a crush on me.

  • encounter = bertemt, pertemuan
meeting, gathering, encounter, conference, assembly, confluence

12. I’m pretty sure Ross has no jurisdiction here. And you should know I’m a better shot when I’m pissed off.

  • pissed off = kesal

13. Then why are you skulking about like it’s a minefield?

  • skulking = sembunyi-sembunyi

14. It’s a synthetic gas. The counteragent to chemical subjugation. The gas immunizes the brain’s neuropathways from external manipulation.

  • counteragent = tandingan

15. Yeah, sure, “simple.” That’s what I’d call imploding a five-story building and then shooting it out with the Hungarian Special Forces. Took 10 days in hiding before we could even get out of Budapest.

  • exploding = meledak


explode, blow up, burst out, erupt, detonate, go off

16. Yeah. Great plan. I love the part where I almost bled to death. This is cozy.

  • cozy = nyaman
cozy, pleasant, snug, pleasurable, cushioned, mild

17. Well, it’s not smart to attack an Avenger if you want to stay hidden. I mean, the clue is in the name. Dreykov kills you, one of the big ones comes to avenge you.

  • avenge = membalas


reply, return, avenge, respond, retaliate, reward

Demikian beberapa kosa kata yang diambil dari film Black Widow. Semoga dapat menambah perbndaharaan kosa kata dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris.

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