Learn English Through Script The Conjuring

Learn English Through Script The Conjuring 

by Hayes Brothers

1. As he puts his watch away, he hears something. Cocks his head -- there it is again -- A BABY WAILING -- but this isn’t a “I’m hungry or tired cry”, this is swelling eruptions of excruciating pain.

  • swelling = (n) pembengkakan, menonjol
  • excruciating = (adj) mengerikan, yang menyiksa

2. Judson cracks the reins hard -- the horses rear, then bolt like they’re shot out of a cannon, kicking up mud as they thunder faster to the house.

  • cracks = (n) retak
  • rear = (adj) belakang, pantat. (v) membesarkan, memelihara
  • bolt = (n) baut, palang, (v) melarikan diri, melepaskan diri

3. Roger stands in the foyer, which opens up to a hallway that runs through the middle of the house. A staircase rises up one side. There’s a kitchen to his left and the living room to his right. Boxes are everywhere. It’s a bee hive of activity. Two burly MOVERS carefully maneuver a wooden gun case in through the front door.

  • foyer = lobi, tempat menunggu
  • hallway = lorong, ruang masuk
  • bee hive = sarang lebah
  • burly = kekar, gagah perkasa

4. Andrea comes out of the front door. She sees an iron post pounded into the ground with a chain snaking off it. Sadie’s tail is visible, but a full view of her is hidden by a bush at the bottom of the stairs.

  • snaking off = menjalar, berbelok-belok, mengular

5. Andrea comes down off the last step -- she blanches. Her little lips start to tremble at what she sees –

  • blanch = pucat

6. A full moon spotlights THE SCARECROW like it’s standing center stage. It’s now surrounded by a FULLY FLOURISHING GARDEN; tall rows of corn stalks, bright yellow squash, red tomatoes and beans.

  • stalks = tangkai, batang
  • squash = labu

7. Paper butterflies adorn her walls. Stuffed animals line a small shelf above a vanity mirror and dresser. An Easy Bake oven and Barbie play-set are lined up neatly against a wall.

  • Stuffed = diisi
  • vanity = kesombongan

8. Andrea is under her covers in a frilly four posted bed, head propped slightly by a pillow as she reads a book. A lamp on a nightstand next to her cascades a four foot radius of light.

  • frilly = berenda, menjumbai
  • propped = disangga, bertiang
  • cascades = mengalirkan

9. The cat suddenly bolts right past her -- the movement startling Andrea, who instinctively recoils. She watches the cat slip through a partially opened closet door into the darkness beyond.

  • startling = menakjubkan
  • recoils = mundur, takut, melompat, meloncat

10. This house gives me the creeps, we never should’ve moved here. I want to go back to New Jersey.

  • creeps = perasaan seram

11. Ed looks up to see AN ATTIC DOOR DIRECTLY ABOVE THEM. He pulls on a rope, opening it up -- unfurling a set of attic steps.

  • unfurling = membentangkan

12. The place is full of old furniture, wooden trunks, boxes, clothing racks. He continues up the creaky steps into the attic. Lorraine follows him up.

  • creaky = berderit

13. I know a lot of people would be creeped out living by a cemetery and -- throw a very old home into the equation, and you’re going to get the creaking, moaning sounds -- especially at night when temperature and humidity changes are the greatest and can cause some shifting in the structure.

  • cemetery = kuburan
  • shifting = bergeser

14. Walking into an opulent office full of antique furniture and religious icons, is FATHER JORDON (late thirties). He takes a seat in a chair, then picks up a phone on his desk.

  • opulent = mewah

15. Carolyn joins him. Roger hits the switch on the wall, shedding light on Andrea, who’s curled up in a corner, hyperventilating with fear. The tears are flowing as she stares at her bed.

  •  curled = meringkuk

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