Learn English Through Script Titanic


Learn English Through Script Titanic

1. Then two faint lights appear, close together... growing brighter. They resolve into two DEEP SUBMERSIBLES, free-falling toward us like express elevators.

  • faint = (n) jatuh pingsan, (adj) lemah, redup, malu
  • resolve = (v) menyelesaikan, memecahkan, berubah, (n) resolusi, ketetapan
  • SUBMERSIBLES = (n) kapal selam

2. One is ahead of the other, and passes close enough to FILL FRAME, looking like a spacecraft blazing with lights, bristling with insectile manipulators.

  • blazing = (adj) terik, berkobar, terbakar
  • bristling = (v) memarahi, siap berperang, berbulu tegak/berdiri
  • insectile = (n) serangga
  • manipulators = (n) dalang, penyeleweng, manipulator

3. PUSHING IN on one of the falling submersibles, called MIR ONE, right up to its circular viewport to see the occupants.

  • occupants = (n) penghuni, penumpang, penduduk, penyewa

4. INSIDE, it is a cramped seven foot sphere, crammed with equipment. ANATOLY MIKAILAVICH, the sub's pilot, sits hunched over his controls... singing softly in Russian.

  • cramped = (adj) sempit
  • hunched over  = membungkuk

5. On the other side, crammed into the remaining space is a bearded wide-body named LEWIS BODINE, who is also asleep. Lewis is an R.O.V. (REMOTELY OPERATED VEHICLE) pilot and is the resident Titanic expert.

  • bearded = bercambang

6. A pale, dead-flat lunar landscape. It gets brighter, lit from above, as MIR ONE enters FRAME and drops to the seafloor in a down blast from its thrusters. It hits bottom after its two hour free-fall with a loud BONK.

  • down blast = ledakan di bawah
  • thrusters = (n) pendorong

7. Skim over the seafloor to the sound of side scan sonar and the THRUM of big thrusters.

  • Skim = meluncur

8. The featureless gray clay of the bottom unrolls in the lights of the subs. Bodine is watching the sidescan sonar display, where the outline of a huge pointed object is visible. Anatoly lies prone, driving the sub, his face pressed to the center port.

  • featureless = tanpa fitur
  • unrolls = membuka gulungan, membeberkan
  • prone = tengkurap

9. Out of the darkness, like a ghostly apparition, the bow of the ship appears. Its knife-edge prow is coming straight at us, seeming to plow the bottom sediment like ocean waves. It towers above the seafloor, standing just as it landed 84 years ago.

  • apparition = penampakan, hantu
  • prow = haluan kapal 
  • plow = bajak

10. Or what is left of her. Mir One goes up and over the bow railing, intact except for an overgrowth of "rusticles" draping it like mutated Spanish moss.

  • rusticles = butir karat
  • draping = menutupi

11. The image pans to the front viewport, looking over Anatoly's shoulder, to the bow railing visible in the lights beyond. Anatoly turns.

  • looking over = melihat ke atas

12. Moving through the cavernous interior. The remains of the ornate handcarved woodwork which gave the ship its elegance move through the floodlights, the lines blurred by slow dissolution and descending rusticle formations. Stalactites of rust hang down so that at times it looks like a natural grotto, then the scene shifts and the lines of a ghostly undersea mansion can be seen again.

  • blurred = menjadi kabur
  • dissolution = pembubaran, peleburan
  • descending = menurun
  • mansion = rumah besar

13. Lovett grins wolfishly in anticipation of his greatest find yet. The door is pried loose. It clangs onto the deck. Lovett moves closer, peering into the safe's wet interior. A long moment then... his face says it all.
  • pried = mencongkel
  • clangs = gemerincing
  • peering = mengintip, mengintai, manatap
14. The old woman's name is ROSE CALVERT. Her face is a wrinkled mass, her body shapeless and shrunken under a one-piece African-print dress.
  • wrinkled = berkerut, kusut

15. Brock glances at Bodine... oh oh. Bodine rolls his eyes. Rose finishes arranging her photographs. We get a general glimpse of them: the usual snapshots... children and grandchildren, her late husband.
  • glimpse = melihat sekilas
  • late husband = almarhum suami
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