Learn English Through Batman Vs Superman


Learn English Through Batman Vs Superman

1. Their faces are CONCEALED behind MASKS. Their HANDS and FEET are BARE. They wield STRANGE WEAPONRY which HUM with ENERGY.

  • CONCEALED = (adj) tersembunyi
  • HUM = (verb) bersenandung, deruman

2. OKSANA, 40's, A HARDENED FEMALE OIL RIG WORKER cradles a frightened YOUNGER FEMALE OIL RIG WORKER, LUCYA, early 20's, who SOBS in her arms.

  • cradles = buaian, ayunan, tempat lahir
  • SOBS = isak tangis

3. TWO RUSSIAN HELICOPTERS hover above the MAIN PLATFORM. A SQUAD of TWELVE RUSSIAN COMMANDOES rappel down onto the Platform their MACHINE GUNS raised and ready.

  • hover = (verb) melayang, mengambang diudara, menunggu dekat
  • rap = (verb) mengetuk, mengecam, memukul, (nomina) dampratan, hukuman


  • DISPATCHES = pengiriman, kiriman kilat, kabar, mengirimkan, mengutus, menyuruh

5. The Energy IMPACTS the HULLS of the Ship sending WAVES of ENERGY through the vessel which INCAPACITATES the CREW who CRUMBLE to the floor, UNCONSCIOUS.

  • CRUMBLE = hancur, ambruk, remuk

6. He DEFLECTS their ENERGY BOLTS and DISARMS them DESTROYING their Weapons and SCATTERING their parts across the Cargo Hold.

  • DEFLECTS = membelokan, membiaskan, melenturkan
  • SCATTERING = penyebaran, penghamburan 

7. He CRISS-CROSSES the interior of the complex SUBDUING the Warriors before coming to a HALT in front of the Hostages. They RECOIL from him and COWER

  • SUBDUING = menundukan, menaklukan, mengatasi
  • RECOIL = mundur, takut, melompat, kemunduran
  • COWER = gemetar ketakutan, membungkuk

8. Their machines poison my oceans. Ruin the Earth. There is nothing of this world but rot, decay and death.

  • Ruin = merusak, menghancurkan
  • decay = membusuk

9. Before they can fire Superman uses his HEAT VISION to DESTROY the Cannons. The Warriors are sent HURTLING backwards from the BLAST.

  • HURTLING  = membanting
  • BLAST = ledakan, hembusan, tiupan

10. Superman GRIPS the Trident and SWING Orin over his head and SMASHES him down INTO the Platform floor.

  • GRIPS  = genggaman, menggenggam

11. A SHELLS impact the Installation. The EXPLOSIONS SHAKE the Oil Rig.

  • SHELLS = kulit, tempurung, kerang, peluru, menembak dengan meriam, menggranat

12. He HEARS someone STRUGGLING. He SWIFTLY follows the sound

  • SWIFTLY = dengan cepat

13. Suddenly the Oil Rig is ROCKED by a huge EXPLOSION at it's BASE and begins to TILT and SINK into the Ocean.

  • TILT = memiringkan, miring

14. Water RUSHES into the Cargo Hold and ENGULFS the Workers.

  • ENGULF = menelan, melanda, meliputi

15. The Workers are totally SUBMERGED and and SECONDS away from DEATH.

  • SUBMERGED = terendam, tenggelam

16. So Lois I'll start with you. It's been almost a year since the attack on Metropolis and in that time you have been a very vocal proponent in the media for the being known as Kal El as an ally to Earth.

  • proponent = pendukung, penyokong

17. You say he's here to help but what has he done? Lex Luthor has poured over 5 billion dollars into the city's infrastructure. Giving many impoverished areas a new lease on life including rebuilding notorious slums like Hob's bay.

  • impoverished = miskin, melarat, yang dihilangkan mutu

18. There is no evidence of that and you shouldn't concern yourself with slanderous rumors.

  • slanderous = memfitnah

19. Zsasz smiles. SALIVA drips down his chin as he kneels down and leans in close. Close enough for her to RECOIL from his FOUL breath.

  • drips down = menetes ke bawah
  • RECOIL = mundur, takut, melompat, kemunduran

20. Carrie SCURRIES backward against the wall and sees the SYMBOL. BLACK against GREY... A BAT.

  • SCURRIES = bergegas, jalan cepat, jalan terburu-buru

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