Learn English Through Script The Call Of The Wild


Learn English Through Script The Call Of The Wild

1. Your dog is menace, oh he's just spoiled, buck means well

  • menace = ancaman, bahaya

2. Now what's you going be, dummy?

  • dummy = contoh, palsu, tiruan

3. t's time to stake our claim

  • stake = mempertaruhkan, taruhan, tiang

4. Didn't buy that map in skagway, did you?

  • skagway = skagway

5. They'll pull your sled till they die

  • sled = kereta luncur, eretan

6. Your ancestors used to roam here

  • roam = berkeliaran, menjelajah, berkelana

7. Raise their young and flourish

  • flourish = berkembang

8. His name was Blake. Martin Blake. He had red whiskers and well, he was a little blind.

  • whiskers = cambang, janggut, brewok

9. As Im coming to the backstretch with a pencil, I feel the long arm of John Law on my shoulder.

  • backstretch = peregangan punggung

10. When that map started to digest though, see, it sort of went to my head.

  • digest = intisari, mencernakan, mengunyah

11. I get excited, see, I run into the hotel and take a look at the ledger.

  • ledger = buku induk, buku besar

12. Look, if I get the money for an outfit, how do we split?

  • outfit = memperlengkapi, pakaian 

13. I havent made up my mind yet.

  • made up my mind = mengambil keputusan

14. I always admired loyalty, Im so sentimental.

  • sentimental = berperasaan halus

15. I hate you, you beast! let me out of here!

  • beast = binatang buas, jahanam

16. Its customary up here, Mrs. Blake, for everybody to pitch in and do their share Youve been with us two days, and you havent done anything but sit around and look nasty.

  • customary up = adat

17. if I aint too inquisitive what was you and your old man going to do up here?

  • inquisitive = ingin tahu

18. Buck has whipped the lead dog and he now naturally believes that position belongs to him.

  • whipped = mencambuk, menyabet

19. Shes more apt to obey Than when shes commanded.

  • apt = tepat, cenderung, cocok, mudah

20. If I overheard correctly, The argument is whether or not this dog can pull a thousand pounds.

  • overheard = mndengar

21. That couldnt pull a measly Thousand pounds.

  • measly  = sangat sedikit, kecil sekali, bermutu rendah

22. Is ten times as tough and rugged

  • rugged = kasar, berat, sukar

23. Slow us down to a walk and make us carry double provisions. Besides, its more of a risk than I want to see you take.

  • provisions = ketentuan

24. Then all we have to do is find the knoll Upon which stands a tree half shattered by lightning.

  • knoll = butir kecil
  • shattered = hancur

25. That one gets splintered Well, Noah, that boat manipulatings a little too tough for my delicate constitution, so if you dont mind, sir, I shall go below.

  • splintered = terpecah
  • delicate = halus, lembut, peka
  • constitution = susunan, tubuh, bentuk

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