Here is the list of vocabulary that found in daily life of the writer.

1. Good luck (basic) = Break a leg (idiom) 

2. I am happy (basic) = I'm over the moon (idiom)

3. I am sad  (basic )= I feel blue (idiom)

4. It is easy  (basic) = It's a piece of cake (idiom)

5. I am sick  (basic) = I'm under the weather (idiom)

6. She is confused (basic) = She's mixed up (idiom)

7. I am not interested in singing (basic) = Singing is not my cup of tea (idiom)

8. I am fit and healthy (basic) = I'm fit as a fiddle (idiom)

9. Text me when you get free (basic) = Hit me up when you get free (idiom)

10. I haven't seen you in ages (normal) = Long time no see (native speaker)

11. I understand you (normal) = I feel you (native speaker)

12. I'll pay the bill (normal) = It's on me (native speaker)

13. I made a big mistake (normal) I screwed up (native speaker)

14. I'm very hungry (normal) = I'm starving (native speaker)

15. Please keep the secret (normal) = Mum's the word! (native speaker)

16. I'm listening to you (normal) = I'm all ears (native speaker)

17. I don't understand it (normal)  = I don't get it

18. Send me a message later (normal) = Hit me up later (native)

19. I don't know (normal) = Beats me (native speaker) 

20. I don't have money (normal) = I'm broke (native speaker)

21. You have to decide (normal) = Make up your mind (native speaker)

22. Let's meet today (normal) = Let's catch up today (native speaker)

23. Don't be stupid (normal) = Don't be jerk (native speaker)

24. Ask (informal) = enquire (formal)

25. Buy (informal) = purchase (formal)

26. climb (informal) = ascend (formal)

27. check (informal) = verify (formal)

28. get (informal) = receive/obtain (formal)

29. go (informal) = leave depart (formal)

30. help (informal) = assist (formal)

31. keep (informal) = retain (formal)

32. live (informal) = reside (formal)

33. see (informal) = observe (formal)

34. show (informal) = demonstrate (formal)

35. stop (informal) = cease (formal)

36. start (informal) = commence (formal)

37. tell (informal) = inform (formal)

38. try (informal) = endeavour (formal)

39. use (informal) = utilise/consume (formal)

40. want (informal) = desire/wish for (formal)

41. maybe (informal) = perhaps (formal)

42. good (informal) = positive (formal)

43. childish (informal) = immature (formal)

44. free (informal) =  release (formal)

45. give(informal)  = provide (formal)

46. so (informal) = therefore (formal)

47. get by (informal) = survive (formal)

48. say (informal) = express (formal)

49. I think (informal) = in my opinion (formal)

50. to sum up (informal) = in conclusion (formal)

51. in the end (informal) = finally (formal)

52. but (informal) = however (formal)

53. point out (informal) = indicate (formal)

54. go up (informal) = increase (formal)

55. stand for (informal) = represent (formal)

56. leave out (informal) = omit (formal)

57. think about (informal) =  consider (formal)

58. seem (informal) = appear (formal)

59. rich (informal) = wealthy (formal)

60. Kodak in a nutshell

61. What's the point = Apa gunanya

62. I'm in a rush = Saya buru-buru

63. So be it! = Biarkan saja

64. Feel free = Jangan sungkan

65. Knock on wood = Amit-amit

66. I'm on my way = Saya lagi dijalan

67. You're making this up = Kamu mengada-ada

68. That's a bummer = Itu mengecewakan

69. Without my knowledge= Tanpa sepengetahuanku

70. I' m out of work = Saya menganggur

71. After you = Kamu dulu

72. Budge up! = Geser dong

73. Insinuate = Menyindir. Are you insinuating?

74. Zip it = Diam

75. I'm in the hospital = You are hospitalized

76. I'm at the hospital = I'm visiting someone hospitalized

77. I'm over the moon = Saya senang sekali

78. Cut to the chase = Langsung ke intinya

79. I'm not feeling well

80. You don't need to take it 

81. Just so you know = Asal kamu tahu

82. Pull yourself together = Kendalikan dirimu

83. I'm not buying thay = I don't believe it

84. Caught red-handed = Tertangkap basah

85. I'm livid = Aku sangat marah

86. I'm stuffed = Aku kekenyangan

87. I'm pooped = Aku kelelahan

88. I'm terrified = Aku sangat ketakutan

89. I'm thrilled = Aku senang sekali

90. I'm loaded = Aku sangat kaya

91. I'm baffled = Aku sangat bingung

92. I'm swamped = Aku sangat sibuk

93. Come on. Fess up = Ngaku saja

94. I'm really in a pickle here = Aku dalam situasi sulit

95. Sitting duck = Sasaran empuk

96. Chop-chop = cepat-cepat

97. I'm spent = Saya capek sekali

98. I'm over the moon = Saya senang banget

99. Cut the crap = Ga usah basa-basi

100. Without my knowledge = Tanpa sepengetahuanku

101. Get over it = Lupakan saja

102. I'm out of work = Saya menganggur

103. That's on you = Itu tanggungjawabmu

104. Speak of the devil = Baru saja diomongin sudah muncul

105. It serves you right = Rasain kamu

106. I mean it = Saya serius loh

107. I can relate = Saya tau gimana rasanya

108. It is what it is = Ya mau gimana lagi

109. Feel free = Jangan sungkan

110. I make the bed = Saya merapikan tempat tidut

111. I'm into you = Saya suka kamu

112. When pigs fly = Tidak mungkin

113. I that so? = Emang iya?

114. So be it! = Biarkan saja

115. What a coincuidence! = Wah kebetulan banget

116. Suit yourself! = Sesuaikan dirimu!

117. Just so you know = Asal kamu tahu

118. You're so mean today = Kamu jahat sekali hari ini

119. Black and blue = memar/lebam

120. What's the rush? Kenapa buru-buru

121. You spoil me = Kamu memanjakanku

122. Call it a day = Akhir sampai disini

123. Burning the midnight oil = Kerja sampai larut malam

124. I'm used to it = Saya sudah terbiasa

125. Make yourself at home = Anggap rumah sendiri

126. Don't freak out = Jangan panik

127. At your service = Siap melayani

128. She's using you = Dia memanfaatkanmu

129. What are you up to? = Lagi sibuk apa?

130. Consider it done = Anggap sudah selesai

131. Wish me luck = doakan saya

132. I told you so = Kan sudah jubilang

133. I feel dizzy = Saya pusing

134. I have a lot of my plate = Banyak yang harus saya kerjakan

135. No offense = Jangan tersinggung

136. Why should I? Kenapa harus saya

137. Don't play dumb = Jangan pura-pura bodoh

138. Don't tempt me = jangan menggodaku

139. Don't piss me off = Jangan membuatku kesal

140. bit by bit = sedikit demi sedikit

141. Call off = membatalkan

142. Watch your mouth = Jaga mulutmu

143. Without further ado = Tanpa basa-basi

144. I'm sorry for your lost = Aku turut berduka cita

145. I pity you = Aku kasihan sama kamu

146. Keep the change = simpan kembaliannya

147. I am skint = Aku gak punya uang

148. You crack me up = kamu membuatku tertawa

149. Who do you think you are = Kamu pikir kamu siapa

150. I feel blue = Aku merasa sedih

151. I feel you = Aku faham perasaanmu

152. I smell a rat = Ada yang ga beres nih

153. Are you nuts? Kamu gila ya

154. I stand corrected = Saya mengaku salah

155. Hold your horses = Tunggu sebentar

156. Kudos = Selamat (tes nilainya tinggi)

157. You shouldn't have = Ngga usah repot repot

158. I' m feeling under the weather = Saya lagi ngga enak badan

159. It's water under the bridge = Yang lalu biarlah berlalu

160. Somebody gets under my skin = Menggangguku membuatku kesal

161. Don' t interfere!, Don' t step in!, don't butt in!, don't get in the way! , don' t get involved!,  don't involve yourself!,  don't stick your nose in! = Jangan ikut campur

162. Call off = cancel

163. Carry on = Continue

164. Drop by = visit

165. find out  = Discover

166. get away = Escape

167. get out = leave

168. get by = Survive

169. get rid of = Eliminate

170. go over = Review

171. Mind your manners! = Jaga sopan santunmu

172. gear up = prepare, be ready

173. strange = peculiar, off the wall, outlandish,  quirky, quaint, queer, bizarre, weird

174. never crossed in my mind = nggak kepikiran

175. Bury the hachet = Stop the argument

176. Take your time = Tidak usah buru-buru

177. Your call = Keputusanmu

178. Window shopping = Cuci mata

179. Sitting duck = Sasaran empuk

180. Chop-chop = Cepat-cepat

181. I'm spent = Aku capek banget

182. None of your business = Bukan urusanmu

183. Not for long = Tak lama lagi

184. Do me a favour = Tolong saya

185. Bring about = Menyebabkan

186. Pull yourself together = Tenangkan dirimu

187. I don't give a damp! = Aku nggak perduli

188. Bring off = Berhasil melakukan pekerjaan yang dianggap sulit

189. Get along = Akur

190. Breadwinner = Tulang punggung

191. I' m pissed off = Aku sangat terganggu

192. I'm snacky = Saya sedikit lapar

193. I' m a little peckish = Saya sedikit lapar ( british)

194. Hooked = Kecanduan

193. heading out = berencana / menuju keluar

194. (idm) like chalk and cheese = entirely different

195. (phr.verb) pick out = to select, to choose

196. (phr.verb) take down = remove structure by separating it into pieces

197. (idm) pass the buck = menyalahkan, mencari kambing hitam

198.  I'm offended =Saya tersinggung

199. work together = Team up

200. to meet = To catch up

201. to get ready = To gear up

202. eavesdropping = listening secretly. menguping

203. sneaking around = menyelinap

204. let's get down to business = mari kita bicara serius

205. knuckle down = work hard and focus

205. scoot over = geser sedikit

206. rolling out = mulai tersedia

207. cozy = comfortable and warm, snug

208. no can do  = saya tidak bisa

209. mocking = mengejek

210. cool as a cucumber = santai

211. like apple and orange = incomparable

212. I don't buy it = aku ngga percaya

213. hit the road = enyahlah

214. If anything comes up = jika terjadi apa apa

215. I'll let you know = Akan saya kabari

216. not too shabby = lumayanlah

217. reprimand = teguran

218. reminisce = mengenang masa lalu

219. to flirt = Tebar pesona

220. Fess up = Ngaku saja lah

221. brown-nosing = cari muka

222. Toss = omong kosong

223. frugal = hemat

224. prodigal = boros

225. affordable = terjangkau

226. fancy = mahal

227. conundrum = difficult or confusing problem or question

228. i'm used to it = aku sudah terbiasa

226. squeeze = memeras baju, buah dll

227. don't get me wrong = jangan salah paham

228. just in case = buat jaga-jaga

229. put yourself in my shoes = coba kamu diposisi saya

230. turn a blind eye = pura pura tidak tahu

231. just in case = buat jaga jaga

232. put a sock in it = diam

233. break even = tidak untung tidak rugi

234. puppy love = cinta monyet

235. pitch in = ikut serta

236. cold shoulder = mengabaikan / cuek

237. the rest is up to you = sisanya terserah kamu

238. not too shabby = lumayan

239. the last straw = pemasalahan/perbuatan/kesalahan terakhir

240. made my day = membuat hariku bahagia

241. drop the ball = gagal

242. bug me = menggangguku

243. bugger = pengacau

244. daft = bodoh

245. we are even = kita impas

246. thord wheel = obat nyamuk

247. shake it off = cuekin saja

248. word of mouth = Dari mulut ke mulut

249. use yo noodle = mikir dong

250. couch potato = pemalas

251. the whole shebang = semuanya

252. jumpy = Gelisah

253. stay up = begadang

254. overslept = bangun kesiangan

255. nod off = ketiduran

256. fall asleep = terlelap

257. is everything ok. can I help you?

258. I just happen to have a room here = kebetulan saya punya kamar disini

259. please allow me to introduce myself

260. snap at me = membentakku

261. I beg to differ = different (polite)

262. no harm no foul = semua baik baik saja

263. all I know = yang saya tahu

264. all in all = secara keseluruhan

265. the situation is precarious = dangerous or unsafe

266. havenots = poor people

267. not biggie = not a problem, not a big deal

268. cool = rad

269. go to bed = hit the hay

270. my love = my boo

271. totally = totes

272. people person = orang yg ramah

273. talk shop = talk about your job when rou're not working

274. don't flatter yourself = jangan kepedean

275. don't gloat = jangan menyombonkan diri

276. come to your sense = sadarlah

277. mind your P's and Q's = jaga sopan santunmu

278. a word to the wise = pepatah bijak

279. sleep on it = pikirkan baik-baik

280. don't get mushy = jangan baperan (sensitif)

281. keep that in mind = ingat itu baik-baik

282. don't fret = jangan khawatir

283. nuts to you = gila kamu

284. are you nuts? = kamu sudah gila ya?

285. pipe down = diam

286. uphill battle = hantaman bertubi-tubi

287. no time to loose= harus segera diselesaikan

288. the sky's limit = tak ada yg mustahil

289. catch me off guard = mengejutkan saya

290. come clean = terus terang = Oke, I'll come clean


1. What are you going to do? = Whacha gonna do?

2. I'm out of energy = I'm outta energy

3. What are you doing? = Whacha doing?

4. I don't know = Arono

5. I've got to go = Agarago

6. Meet you = meecha

7. Should I = Sedai

8. see it = Siit

9. see them = siem

10. want to = wanna

11. going to = gotta

12. I want to = I wanna

13. I don' t want to = I don wanna

14. let me = lemme

15. shout out = shado

16. get it up = gedidup

17. give me = gimme

18. has to = hasta

19. have to = hafta

20. kind of = kinda

21. got to = gotta

22. out of = outta

23. cup of tea = cuppatee

24. You're cool

25. We're out of here

26. I hada = I had a

27. Sbin = It has been
