Learn English Through Godzilla Vs Kong


Learn English Through Godzilla Vs Kong

1. I've years after the death of King Ghidorah, Godzilla and Kong are the last known active Titans on Earth’s surface. Skull Island’s climate has been destabilized, and Monarch now houses Kong inside a gigantic dome.

  • destabilized = tidak stabil, merusuhi
  • dome = kubah

2. Kong is constantly visited by Jia, the last Iwi native who is deaf and can communicate with him via sign language.

  • constantly = selalu, tetap

3. Bernie Hayes, a Titan conspiracy theorist and former employee of Apex Cybernetics, leaks information about suspicious activities at an Apex facility in Pensacola, Florida.

  • leaks = kebocoran
  • suspicious = mencurigakan, prasangka

4. Along with Bernie, they sneak into the wrecked Apex facility and discover a secret underground laboratory where they are inadvertently locked and transported in a container carrying Skullcrawler eggs to Hong Kong.

  • sneak = menyelinap
  • inadvertently = secara tidak sengaja, kurang hati-hati

5. Eventually, they discover an ancestral throne room depicting an ancient war between Godzilla’s and Kong’s species; they also find a glowing axe made of the dorsal spine of another Godzilla. 

  • ancestral = leluhur
  • dorsal = punggung, sirip be;akang, yang berhubungan dengan punggung

6. Kong fends off Godzilla and the subsequent invasion of Hollow Earth creatures, but Maya and the Apex team are killed. Kong and the survivors escape back to the surface, where Godzilla and Kong fight again; despite the fact that Kong’s axe is immune to the atomic breath, Godzilla wins again and incapacitates Kong.

  • fends off = menangkis
  • incapacitates = melumpuhkan, menjadikan tidak sanggup

7. When we started Apex Cybernetics, we dreamt of new ways to push past the limits of human potential.

  • Cybernetics = Cybernetics
  • limits = batas

8. Because, you know, I had to wait because they’re rendering these new specs, which is gonna take over, uh…

render = menyebabkan, menjadikan, pembayaran

9. The fact that you’re talking about clearance tags right now in a time of crisis is incredibly unprofessional.

  • tags = menandai, membuntuti
  • incredibly = luarbiasa

10. It’s a theory that all Titans share a common impulse to return to their evolutionary source.

  • impulse = dorongan, gerak hati

11. So if this is the Titans’ home and this life force sustains them…

  • sustains = menopang, menahan

12. We can’t have him comatose when we reach Hollow Earth.

  • comatose = pingsan, enggak sadar

13. This could be the thread that finally unravels the Apex sweater of conspiracy.

  • thread = benang, urutan, ulir, menyusup
  • unravels = terurai, menyelesaikan kekusutan

14. You better believe I’m gonna keep tugging.

  • tugging = menarik-narik, menyentakan, menyeret

15. You know, has a lot of crumbs in his beard, if he has a beard.

crumbs = remah-remah, potongan, serpihan

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