Learn English Through Thor: ragnarok (2017)

Learn English Through Thor: ragnarok (2017)

1. Dark and cramped. The soft red light of fire seeps through iron slats. Inside this cage is a man, bound by chains.

  • cramped = sempit, kiat, kejang, picik, sukar bicara
  • seeps = merembes, bocor, tiris 
  • slats = bilah

2. It’s THOR. His beard is long and his clothes are worn. That rough, grizzled look of a man who’s spent years on the road. He awakens with a JOLT. Looks around.

  • rough = buruk, sukar, berat, kasar
  • grizzled = beruban
  • JOLT = sentakan, pukulan, goncangan

3. Suddenly the bottom DROPS OUT! Thor PLUMMETS until - SHLINK! Chains CINCH and abruptly halt his descent.

  • PLUMMETS = jatuh terjerembab
  • CINCH = menang
  •  abruptly = tiba-tiba
  • halt = berhenti, terdiam

4. A cavernous space. The walls, floors, and ceilings are molten rock, which has creepy glimmers of fire within it. Stationed in the center is a volcanic rock throne, and sitting in that throne is a charred demonic skeleton.

  • cavernous = goa, cekung
  • molten = cair, mencair
  • creepy = yang menyeramkan, menakutkan, jijik, merangkak, merayap
  • glimmers  = cahaya redup, api
  • throne = tahta, singgasana
  • charred = terbakar hangus
  •  demonic = jahat, kejam

5. Eighteen-feet-tall, flesh made of fire, and demonic spiked horns on his skull.

  • spiked = berduri, runcing, bergigi

6. Odin is not on Asgard. And your absence has left the throne defenseless.

  • defenseless = tak berdaya

7. Anyway, it sounds like all I have to do to stop Ragnarok is rip that thing off your head.

  • rip = merobek, mencabik, mengoyak, meninggal dunia

8. But Ragnarok has already begun. You cannot stop it. I am Asgard’s doom, and so are you. All will suffer, all will burn.

  • doom = malapetaka, kiamat, ajal, kebinasaan, kemalangan

9. I make grave mistakes all the time. Everything seems to work out.

  • grave mistakes = kesalahan besar
  • work out = olahraga, berhasil, keluar, berlatih, menyusun

10. Angle on Heimdall’s sword, which has been sloppily cast aside in another pile of “stuff.” Skurge hastily runs and grabs it.

  • sloppily = sembarangan
  • cast aside = membuang, menolak
  • hastily = tergesa-gesa, terburu buru, dengan cepat

11. He fought back those disgusting dark elves. He brought peace to the realm.

  • elves = peri
  • realm = alam, dunia, bidang, kerajaan, kalangan

12. On that day, I did not yet see in you Asgard’s savior.

  • savior = penyelamat, penebus

13. Odin goes through a weird internal transformation. His fluidity is replaced by a rigid and regal posture. He bats away his maiden and turns to Thor, who stands up

  • rigid = kaku, keras
  • regal = megah, raja
  •  bats = memukul
  • maiden = gadis, perawan

14. Do me a favor. Lock this in a vault so it doesn’t turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet.

  • vault = kubah, lompat, kolong

15. Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise, all while you, Odin, the protector of those Nine Realms, are sitting here in your bathrobe, eating grapes.

  • assembling = berkumpul, memasang, menghimpun, mengerahkan
  • plotting = merencanakan, bersekonggol
  • demise = kematian, pemberian warisan
  • bathrobe = mantel mandi

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