Learn English Through Script Spiderman No Way To Home


Learn English Through Script Spiderman No Way To Home

1. We come to you now with revelations about last week’s attack in London.
  • revelations = pemberitahuan, 
2. I managed to send the Elemental back through the dimensional rift, but I don't think I'm gonna make it off this bridge alive.
  • rift = keretakan, celah, renggang
3. Are you sure you want to commence the drone attack? There will be significant casualties.
  • commence = memulai
  • casualties = korban, jumlah orang yang luka dan tewas
4. conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio! An interdimensional warrior who gave his life to protect our planet, and who will no doubt go down in history as the greatest superhero of all time.
  • conclusive = pasti, yang meyakinkan
  •  go down = tercatat
5. A 17-year-old high school delinquent harboring a homicidal hunger is in fact the vile vigilante villain Spider-Man.
  • delinquent = nakal, yang lalai membayar
  • homicidal = pembunuhan
  • vile vigilante villain = penjahat main hakim sendiri yang keji
  • PRECARIOUSLY = henti
7. Flash gawks at it in disbelief, totally oblivious as Spider-Man and MJ PLUMMET into view behind him
  • gawks = melongo, menganga
  • oblivious = lupa, tidak menyadari 
  • PLUMMET = jatuh terjerembab
8. Spider-Man WEBBING a grate in the sidewalk... YANKING it up... DROPPING them through the hole and... SLAMMING it closed behind them!
  • WEBBING = anyaman, pita tenunan 
  • grate = menjengkelkan, mengukur, membuat ngilu, memarut
  • YANKING = merenggut, menangkap
  •  SLAMMING  = membanting
9. Clutching MJ, Spider-Man SWINGS through the tunnels
  • Clutching = mencengkeram
10. HAPPY stands just outside the door to the apartment. His eyes are red and puffy.
  • puffy = bengkak, gembung, sesak nafas
11. I just feel so dumb. I didn’t realize you were... miserable.
  • miserable = menderita, miskin, menyedihkan, tak senang, tak bermutu
12. Peter stands in front of MJ, in the act of taking off his suit. Both are startled and look guilty. All signs point to an interrupted romantic moment.
  • startled = terkejut
13. I mean, I’m happy to rehash it if you want to.
  • rehash = pengulangan, pengolahan dalam bentuk baru
14. Why would you risk it all by getting involved with a vigilante like Peter Parker?
  • vigilante = main hakim sendiri
15. Well, exactly! You would know. I literally helped him find the Vulture.
  • literally = secara harfiah, sungguh-sungguh, benar-benar (actually)
  • Vulture = burung  rangkai
16. I would like to have my words stricken from the record.
  • stricken = terkena, luka, yang dilanda, yang ditimpa
17. With all due respect -- and I mean that very insincerely -- unless you have some real specific charges to throw at us, legally you can’t hold us here.
  • insincerely = tidak tulus
  • throw = melemparkan, menjatuhkan 
18. Child endangerment’s a nasty rap. A boy was entrusted to you, and as his legal guardian -- essentially his mother -- you not only allowed him to endanger himself, but you actually encouraged it. Who does that?
  • endangerment’s = bahaya
  • rap = ketukan, hukuman, dampratan, kesalahan
  • entrusted = dipercayakan
19. Peter leans over the sink trying to scrub the green paint off his red and black suit. A radio broadcast plays in BG.
  • leans = bersandar
20. A low, persistent NOISE in the background.
  • persistent = gigih, keras hati
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