Learn English Through The invisible woman


Berikut Beberapa Kosa kata dari film "THE INVISIBLE WOMAN"

1. The swoop and call of gulls, skimming the pier, overhead.

  • swoop = sambaran
  • gulls = burung camar
  • pier = dermaga

2. MR GEORGE WHARTON  headmaster, clergyman and husband, just visible escorting a PORTLY PARENT along a distant corridor.

  • clergyman = pendeta
  • escorting = mengawal

3. Theatre is an abiding interest of my wife’s. Which of course I delight in!

  • abiding = kekal

4. He smiles at BENHAM, a shared look of quizzical concern, a clock ticking overhead.

  • shared look = tampilan bersama

5. Mr and Mrs Featherstone, may I introduce Mr Benham. Mr Benham is invaluable to the school. He assists my wife with penny readings  and other charitable events. 

  • invaluable = tak ternilai/berharga

6. You will often find them in corners plotting their next money raising venture.

  • plotting = merencanakan

  • venture = usaha

7. NELLY clambering over sandy dune seeing a small town in the distance. She hurries on.

  • clambering  = memanjat

8. NELLY ascends a small path in the town. She walks briskly towards a schoolhouse and enters.

  • briskly = cepat

9. MARY quietly disgruntled, slides the tray down, turning to head back to the kitchen.

  • disgruntled = tdk puas, yang bersungut-sungut

  • slides  = menggeser

10. A shadowy figure just visible through the glass, NELLY on the approach

  • shadowy = bayangan

11. The SWING OF THE FRONT DOOR open, NELLY hurriedly pulling off hat and scarf, just seeing GEORGE

  • SWING = ayunan

12. NELLY looking to the SCHOOLBOYS with a reassuring smile and a smile of thanks to LAMBOURNE.

  • reassuring = meyakinkan

13. BENHAM clutches a couple of volumes of DICKENS- Great Expectations and David Copperfield.

  • clutches = cengkeraman

14. NELLY wavers, nods, smiles, turning her attention back to the boys.

  • wavers = goyah

15. NELLY smiles at the SCHOOLBOY ACTORS, with encouragement.

  • encouragement = dorongan

16. She nods to MR LAMBOURNE.

  • nods = mengangguk

17. A little dramatic licence. I am confident that Mr Dickens would have let it pass

  • licence = lisensi, izin

18. The SCHOOLBOYS begin a short musical introduction. MR LAMBOURNE indicates the pace with a nod of his head.

  • pace = laju, langkah

19. NELLY consoled, offers a nod and we are away as the SCENE BREAKS into life on the stage, as the SCHOOLBOY WAITER serves coffee to the SCHOOLBOY MOUNTAINEERS, lost in earnest acting

  • consoled = terhibur

20. Then just visible in the glass, NELLY reflection indistinct yet rippling in the glass

  • indistinct = kabur, tidak jelas
  • rippling = beriak, berdesir

21. NELLY, seemingly lost in watching the play, oblivious to BENHAM’s brief gaze, quietly observant, noting little to give away her state of distraction bar the steam of her wet boots and the sense that her mind is always elsewhere

  • distraction = gangguan

22. The impressive Manchester Free Trade hall looming above.

  • looming = menjulang

23. A young NELLY steps down from the carriage to be greeted by CHARLEY, holding up the umbrella, trying to shroud her from the pouring rain.

  • shroud = menyelimuti / kain kafan, penutup

24. NELLY smiles, suddenly a glove clasped in her hand falls to the ground. CHARLEY at once bends down picks it up

  • clasped = tergenggam

25. Behind NELLY, MRS FRANCES TERNAN  NELLY’s mother a bright, lively woman peering out into the grey of Manchester life.

  • peering out = mengintip keluar

26. DICKENS grips CHARLEY’s shoulder in passing, turning to present them to the MEMBERS of the COMPANY

  • grips = genggaman

27. EDWARD ‘PLORN’ DICKENS  nervously peers out from behind DICKENS, DICKENS mock searching behind his coat tails.

28. A weeping MARIA, her face stained with tears, DICKENS in her arms, swathed in rags, beard, grey and powdery, dying in

  • mock = mengejek

29. MARIA’s arms, illuminated on stage by a row of lit gaslights, as the play comes to its end.

  • illuminated = diterangi

30. NELLY looks up, sees CATHERINE, standing on the periphery

  • periphery = keliling

31. MRS TERNAN transfixed, her face etched with shock and terror, the whole room held, watching her. DICKENS smiles, a little uneasy

  • transfixed = terpaku

32. GEORGE tenderly cups the back of her head and neck with the palm of his hand, his lips close to her cheek, the warmth of her breath on his neck, the rhythm sobering. They lie,

  • sobering = serius

33. DICKENS already lost, almost smothered by the assembly of DIGNITARIES and ADMIRERS and JOURNALISTS waiting on his every word.

  • smothered = tertahan

34. COLLINS tears up his betting slip in fury, MARIA and FANNY consoling him, taking his arm, either side.

  • consoling = menghibur

35. Whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do it well. Whatever I have devoted myself to I

  • devoted = setia

36. NELLY flushed and happy, eyes stung with tears of pride, clapping. She looks over to BENHAM, he smiles at her, with shared understanding

  • flushed = memerah
  • stung = tersengat, merasa perih
  • clapping = bertepuk tangan

37. NELLY turns to GEORGE, gripping his hand. GEORGE squeezes it, yet clearly something irrevocably changed. They turn back, smiling at GEOFFREY a mop of golden curls.

  • gripping = mencengkeram
  • squeezes = meremas 
  • irrevocably  = tidak dapat ditarik kembali
  • mop = mengepel, menghapus

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