Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Biografi: Ir. Soekarno


The Biographi of Ir. Soekarno


1. statesman = nomina. negarawan

Sukarno, born Koesno Sosrodihardjo, 6 June 1901 – 21 June 1970) was an Indonesian statesman, orator, revolutionary, and nationalist who was the first president of Indonesia, serving from 1945 to 1967.

2. serve, serving =

Sukarno, born Koesno Sosrodihardjo, 6 June 1901 – 21 June 1970) was an Indonesian statesman, orator, revolutionary, and nationalist who was the first president of Indonesia, serving from 1945 to 1967.


  1. melayani = serve, service, cater, minister, attend, oblige
  2. menjadi = be, become, get, make, serve, grow
  3. menyajikan =present, provide, serve, give, dish up, put on
  4. bertindak = act, serve, step in, bestir oneself
  5. mengabdi = serve, dedicate, subserve, consecrate
  6. membantu = help, assist, aid, support, help out, serve
  7. menyediakan = provide, supply, prepare, serve, set, furnish
  8. menjalani =undergo, lead, serve, serve out, walk on, negotiate
  9. menyuguhkan = serve, pass
  10. dipakai = serve, answer
  11. menghidangkan = serve, dish out, present, come out
  12. menjalankan = run, perform, execute, start, carry out, serve
  13. meladeni = serve, wait, minister, pay attention
  14. dipergunakan = serve
  15. berdinas = serve
  16. menyampaikan = convey, deliver, submit, pass, express, serve
  17. menolong = help, assist, rescue, aid, help out, serve
  18. menyerahkan = submit, hand, give, hand over, give up, serve
  19. memperhambakan = enthrall, serve, enslave, thrall, subjugate, wait
  20. ada manfaatnya = serve
  21. memperhamba = enthrall, enslave, thrall, subjugate, serve, wait
  22. mempertuan = serve, mister, be on formal terms with, regard as one's sovereign
  23. mempertuankan = serve, mister, be on formal terms with, regard as one's sovereign
  24. menjamukan = serve
  25. menghidangi = serve
  26. adalah berguna = suit, be good for, do good, serve
  27. mulai memukul = serve
  28. bermanfaat = serve


  1. giliran = turn, shift, innings, rota, move, serve

3. prominent = 

He was a prominent leader of Indonesia's nationalist movement during the colonial period and spent over a decade under Dutch detention until released by the invading Japanese forces in World War II. 


  1. menonjol = prominent, protruding, salient, obtrusive, raised, bulging
  2. terkemuka = leading, prominent, reputable, foremost, notable, distinguished
  3. penting = important, significant, key, necessary, notable, prominent
  4. menyolok = striking, flashy, conspicuous, prominent, blatant, flagrant
  5. ulung = accomplished, excellent, eminent, brilliant, superior, prominent
  6. kebilangan prominent, well-known
  7. mudah kelihatan = glaring, prominent, in evidence, conspicuous
  8. menyolok mata = flagrant, glaring, tawdry, blatant, striking, prominent

4. detention =

He was a prominent leader of Indonesia's nationalist movement during the colonial period and spent over a decade under Dutch detention until released by the invading Japanese forces in World War II. 


  1. penahanan = detention, arrest, containment, incarceration, confinement, captivity
  2. penawanan = detention, internment, capture, taking
  3. hambatan = obstacle, hindrance, detention
  4. cidukan = detention

5. embarked =

He also embarked on a series of aggressive foreign policies under the rubric of anti-imperialism, with aid from the Soviet Union and China.


  • memulai = start, begin, initiate, embark, start up, commence
  • mulai = start, begin, start out, start off, commence, set to
  • mengambil bagian = take part, partake, participate, embark, enter
  • naik kapal = ship, embark
  • memulakan =start, begin, initiate, commence, embark, lead off
  • menaikkan ke kapal = embark

Demikian, semoga bermanfaat..

(Source: Wikipedia)

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