Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Surat Kabar: : "Irma Heads Toward Florida"


Caribbean Devastated as Irma Heads Toward Florida


Below are sentences and vocabularies from the article:

1. Caribbean Devastated as Irma Heads Toward Florida

Devastated = hancur


  • menghancurkan = destroy, crush, smash, ruin, demolish, shatter
  • merusak = ruin, spoil, undermine, harm, impair, corrupt
  • merusakkan = damage, destroy, tamper, boggle, break, devastate
  • membinasakan = destroy, annihilate, kill, ravage, havoc, exterminate

2. One of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes ever recorded crescendoed over the Caribbean on Thursday, crumpling islands better known as beach paradises into half-habitable emergency zones and sideswiping Puerto Rico before churning north.

crumpling = remah


  • roboh = collapse, crumple, crash, cave in, tumble down, founder
  • dimenangic = crumple
  • menggumalkan = crumple, crush, wrinkle
  • mengumalkan = raffle, rumple, crinkle, crumple, crush, scrunch
  • mengisuntukan = crease, crumple, wrinkle, shrivel
  • menjadi kumal = crease, crinkle, crumple
  • menjadi gumal = crumple
  • jatuh = fall, fall down, fall off, tumble, crash, fall over



  • mengocok = whisk, shake, churn, beat, whip, shake up
  • bergolak = churn, boil, seethe
  • mengaduk = stir, mix, churn, confuse, beat, scramble
  • bergelora = churn, glow

3. Watching Hurricane Irma maraud across Barbuda and Anguilla, residents of Florida and others who found themselves on the wrong side of the forecast were hastening to get out of the way.

hastening = cepat


  • mempercepat = accelerate, speed, speed up, expedite, hasten, quicken
  • bersegera = hasten, hurry, haste
  • bergegas = hurry up, scurry, haste, hasten, race, beetle
  • menyegerakan = hasten, hurry, speed, haste, urge to work fast
  • mempersegerakan = hasten, quicken, haste
  • mempersegera = quicken, hasten, haste
  • mencepatkan =speed, hasten, haste, quicken, speed up, hurry
  • mempercepatkan = speed, speed up, accelerate, quicken, hustle, hup
  • memperlekas = quicken, speed, hurry, hasten, haste, hup
  • memperkencangkan = quicken, speed, accelerate, hasten, haste, expedite
  • pergi tergesa-gesa = hasten, haste, dash off, scamper, career about, career along
  • pergi terburu-buru = hasten, haste, dash off, scamper, career about, career along
  • bergegas-gegas = hurry up, hasten, haste, race, scurry, beetle
  • tergopoh-gopoh = haste, hasten, hie
  • tergesa-gesa = haste, hasten, rush, speed, busk, bustle

4. Government officials in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina pleaded for people to evacuate vulnerable areas, triggering a scramble for the essentials — gasoline, water, sandbags — that, even for hurricane-hardened Floridians, was laced with dread and punctuated with dire warnings from every direction.

vulnerable = rentan


  • mempan = effective, susceptible, vulnerable, sensitive, inflammable
  • yg mudah diserang = vulnerable
  • yg mudah kena serang = vulnerable
  • telap = permeable, vulnerable
  • yg mudah mendapat kritikan = vulnerable
  • yg mudah kena kecaman = vulnerable
  • yg dpt kalah lipat = vulnerable

Demikian, Semoga dapat bermanfaat....

Source: The New York Times

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