Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Surat Kabar: "Ahok threatens to sue 'Koran Tempo'"


Ahok threatens to sue 'Koran Tempo'

Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama has demanded the Corruption Eradication Commission ( KPK ) to investigate leaked information from the interrogation of former PT Agung Podomoro Land ( APL ) CEO Ariesman Widjaja, a reclamation graft suspect.

He also threatens to a file lawsuit against Koran Tempo for a report that claimed Ariesman said APL had dispersed Rp 6 billion ( US$451,808 ) to help the city administration fund the deployment of 5,000 security personnel during the eviction of the Kalijodo red-light district in North Jakarta.

“The source of Tempo’s report is an investigator. I do not know because the investigators did not issue any [official] statement,” Ahok said as reported by  

“Who thought up this slander? Do you know why [former KPK chairman] Abraham Samad was dismissed? It was because of a leaked case dossier. How did Tempo get it?” he added.

According to Koran Tempo, the funds to finance the eviction was disbursed by APL as an exchange allegedly involving the reclamation project.

(Source: The Jakarta


1. Ahok threatens to sue 'Koran Tempo'

Threaten = mengancam

2. Ahok threatens to sue 'Koran Tempo'

  Sue = Menuntut

3. Do you know why [former KPK chairman] Abraham Samad was dismissed?

Dismiss = Berhenti

4. Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama has demanded the Corruption Eradication Commission ( KPK ) to investigate leaked information from the interrogation of former PT Agung Podomoro Land ( APL ) CEO Ariesman Widjaja, a reclamation graft suspect.

Demand = Meminta

5. Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama has demanded the Corruption Eradication Commission ( KPK ) to investigate leaked information from the interrogation of former PT Agung Podomoro Land ( APL ) CEO Ariesman Widjaja, a reclamation graft suspect.

Leaked = bocor

6. According to Koran Tempo, the funds to finance the eviction was disbursed by APL as an exchange allegedly involving the reclamation project.

Eviction = pengusiran

7. “Who thought up this slander?

Slander = fitnah

8. According to Koran Tempo, the funds to finance the eviction was disbursed by APL as an exchange allegedly involving the reclamation project.

Disburse = Mengeluarkan

9. According to Koran Tempo, the funds to finance the eviction was disbursed by APL as an exchange allegedly involving the reclamation project.

Involve = Melibatkan, Menyangkut

10. According to Koran Tempo, the funds to finance the eviction was disbursed by APL as an exchange allegedly involving the reclamation project.

reclamation = Nomina. pembaruan (the process of claiming something back or of reasserting a right.)

pembaruan = renewal, reform, innovation, regeneration, rejuvenation, reclamation

pekerjaan memperoleh tanah = reclamation, reclaim

protes = protest, guff, revolt, exception, representation, reclamation

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