Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Surat Kabar: "After a Disappointing Debate"


After a Disappointing Debate, Trump Goes on the Attack

Donald J. Trump lashed out on Tuesday in the aftermath of a disappointing first debate with Hillary Clinton, scolding the moderator, criticizing a beauty pageant winner for her physique and raising the prospect of an all-out attack on Bill Clinton’s marital infidelities in the final stretch of the campaign.

Having worked assiduously in recent weeks to cultivate a more disciplined demeanor on the campaign trail, Mr. Trump cast aside that approach on Tuesday morning. As Mrs. Clinton embarked on an ebullient campaign swing through North Carolina, aiming to press her newfound advantage, Mr. Trump vented his grievances in full public view.

Sounding weary and impatient as he called into a Fox News program, Mr. Trump criticized Lester Holt, the NBC News anchor, for asking “unfair questions” during the debate Monday evening, and speculated that someone might have tampered with his microphone. Mr. Trump repeated his charge that Mrs. Clinton lacked the “stamina” to be president, a claim critics have described as sexist, and suggested that in the future he might raise Mr. Clinton’s past indiscretions.

(Source: The New York Times)


Donald J. Trump lashed out on Tuesday in the aftermath of a disappointing first debate with Hillary Clinton, scolding the moderator, criticizing a beauty pageant winner for her physique and raising the prospect of an all-out attack on Bill Clinton’s marital infidelities in the final stretch of the campaign.

1. lashed out = mengamuk

2. the aftermath = akibat

3. dissapointing = mengecewakan

4. scolding = memarahi

5. a beauty pageant winner = pemenang kontes kecantikan

6. infidelities = perseligkuhan

Having worked assiduously in recent weeks to cultivate a more disciplined demeanor on the campaign trail, Mr. Trump cast aside that approach on Tuesday morning. As Mrs. Clinton embarked on an ebullient campaign swing through North Carolina, aiming to press her newfound advantage, Mr. Trump vented his grievances in full public view.

7. Having worked assiduously in recent weeks

worked assiduously = bekerja tekun

8. more disciplined demeanor = sikap lebih disiplin

9. cast aside = membuang

10. embarked on= memulai

11.  an ebullient = semangat meluap-luap

12. grievances = keluhan

13. vented his grievances  = melampiaskan keluhannya

Mr. Trump repeated his charge that Mrs. Clinton lacked the “stamina” to be president, a claim critics have described as sexist, and suggested that in the future he might raise Mr. Clinton’s past indiscretions.

13. indiscretions = kecerobohan

14. might = mungkin, boleh

14. past indiscretions = kecerobohan dimasa lalu

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