Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Surat Kabar: 'UT Builds Character of Self-Reliant Nation’


‘UT Builds Character of Self-Reliant Nation’
Inforial (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta, Indonesia   ●   Fri, September 8, 2017

Universitas Terbuka (UT), which translates into English as “Open University,” celebrated its 33rd anniversary on Sept. 4. For more than three decades, UT has provided quality education services to the public, with a particular focus on open and distance learning. 

 The 33rd Dies Natalis celebration started on May 2 to coincide with the celebration of National Education Day, with the main program on Sept. 4 carrying the theme “UT Builds Character of Self-Reliant Nation”.

The attendees included UT partners, recipients of UT scholarships, former rectors of UT from different periods, UT Dharma Wanita (the organization of the wives of UT employees), and UT employees from UT central office.

The event was also witnessed by heads and staff of the regional offices (UPBJ-UT) across Indonesia through a video conference at the Universitas Terbuka Convention Center (UTCC) building.

A change of leader marked the celebration. Prof. Ojat Darojat has been appointed as the rector of UT, replacing Prof. Tian Belawati who has served as rector for eight years.

Ojat was inducted as the UT rector by Research, Technology and Higher Education Minister M. Nasir on July 26, 2017.

In his address, the rector expressed his hope that UT would strengthen its identity as a servant of people pursuing higher education and continue to struggle vigorously to enhance academic prestige and its role as a leader of open and distance education (PTJJ) in Indonesia, with a particular focus on achieving dignity and self-reliance as a nation. 

The celebration was also marked by the launch of a book titled “UT Builds Character of Self-Reliant People to Conserve the Earth” that documents UT’s care for the environment and its role in conserving Indonesia’s nature. The book is divided into two chapters: UT Towards Green Campus and Greening Environmental Rehabilitation.

UT continues with its Go Green program by building an organic waste treatment plant to increase its compliance with UI GreenMetric, an assessment standard set by the global Green Campus initiative.

UT has launched a new service product, Education Credit, in collaboration with Bank Mandri and Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN). The product provides services for UT students or prospective students eager to pursue higher education and earn an undergraduate degree from UT.

UT is grateful for its progress already achieved and determined to continue moving forward in sharpening minds of the nation by awarding scholarships to students. UT also bestows the UT Award on UT’s best partners for their contributions to the advancement that UT has achieved until today.

Source: The Jakarta Post

‘UT Builds Character of Self-Reliant Nation’
1. Self-Reliant = mandiri

  • yg percaya pd diri sendiri = cocksure, self-sufficing, self-assured, self-reliant, self-possessed, self-confident
2. provide menyediakan; make available for use; supply.

  • menyediakan = provide, supply, prepare, serve, set, furnish
  • memberikan = give, provide, offer, supply, allow, present
  • menyajikan = present, provide, serve, give, dish up, put on
  • menetapkan = set, establish, assign, stipulate, define, provide
  • memelihara = maintain, keep, preserve, nurture, care, provide
  • memperlengkapi = equip, restock, rig, supplement, arm, provide
  • mengurus = care, take care of, manage, look after, arrange, provide
  • mempersiapkan = prepare, ready, set up, organize, lay out, provide
  • mengadakan = hold, conduct, make, organize, establish, provide

3. coincide = bertepatan; occur at or during the same time.

  • bertepatan = coincide, concur, consist
  • bersamaan = coincide, parallel, be in conformity, do simultaneously, be equal to each other
  • berhimpit = coincide, huddle
  • serupa = image, coincide
  • sepakat = agree, coincide
  • terjadi pd waktu yg sama = coincide

4. attendees  = peserta; a person who attends a conference or other gathering.

5. recipient = penerima; (nomina) a person or thing that receives or is awarded something; 

(adjective)  receiving or capable of receiving something.

  • penerima = receiver, recipient, addressee, donee
6. witnessed = disaksikan; 

7. has been appointed = telah ditunjuk

8. inducted = dilantik; admit (someone) formally to a position or organization.

  • melantik = inaugurate, induct, install
  • memasukkan = enter, include, insert, put, incorporate, put in
9. vigorously = dengan penuh semangat; in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy; strenuously.

  • dgn bersemangat = actively, vigorously
  • dgn dahsyat = fiercely, awfully, tremendously, vigorously
10. undergraduate degree = gelar sarjana

Demikian, semoga dapat bermanfaat..

Source: The Jakarta Post

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